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5 good habits for photographer

In the last subjects, we have discussed about 5 bad habit for photographer and share experiences to reader to improve these issues. Next to the vote of readers, we will show new subject with 5 good habits for photographer. Hope that readers will find it interesting.

Shooting everyday

If you are member of flickr or friendly users of flickr to opt images, you will family with 365 projects. This 365 project is one of amazing image projects that many users are interested in. It not only provide the large number of images but also enable joiner to take ay least one shot every single day. Shooting everyday is really a great habit for all photographers. So, what are the benefit of shooting everyday?.


  •    Enhance your skill and your capabilities
  •    Create a good habit: see the world photographically and frame scene your mind’s eyes.
  •    Record the moment in your life. This doesn’t always seem important at the time, you’ll look at those shots.

Leave your camera at home

It seems kind of contradictory to the first habit, but leaving your camera at home can be a great habit to get into.

I learned to harness the power of my phone’s camera to record memories without intruding on those moments with my massive SLR. Additionally, SLRs can be really impractical, and dangerous. I’m surprised my kids haven’t had concussions from some of the times I’ve bent over and hit them in the head with my camera!.

Keep notes

Let’s start keep notes with your ideas, your inspiration and color schemes. This will help you capture your best moments to have creativity. You can make a physical notebookwith written notes and images.

For example, Pinterest will a great choice for you if owing and collecting interesting image resources with different subjects. And Evernote is useful app that allow you to keep notes across all my computers and devices.


Keep notes is good habit to arouse inspiration and build your creativity as you have difficult in creating shooting ideas.

In addition to keeping notes for inspiration, keeping records from shoots is a great habit that will really pay off.

Back up

One of the best habit you should start now is that back up datas. Let’s make sure that you have noted and saved data in your computer or devices because many photographer have had their history lost. This is simply reason that they didn’t back up their hard devices.

First, back up to physical hard drives using a disk cloning program or an automated system you don’t need to think about. Seconds,  you can backup by using online cloud storage. Thirds, you can backup to disks.

In short, whatever ways you can keep your files completely saves. You will be thankful you did if something happens.

Look at photography and refer

You need to create the “see”’s habit and evalue images to build images resource. Let’s become a fan of photography, not just making it but enjoy it. You should choose an author, a painter or a photographer …who you have best love or who have inspired their artwork.


Don’t be afraid to copy. Photography stand alone in so many ways. One way is that we’re afraid to admit what photographer inspire our work. As you copy their images, this is considered as useful lesson to support your creativy for your images. And you can apply them for your images project in future.

Don’t only view genre of images you would like.  Let’s expand your passion with different subjects and you can store up valuable experiences. Learn to read images. When you view pieces, stop for a moment and really soak it in. This can be hard these days when we’re chasing content faster than ever before.

These have only been five habits and we are sure there are many more. What amazing habit do you have?. Let’s share your experiences and your thought in the comment below.

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