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3 Main Reasons To Use Natural Lighting For Headshot Photography

Natural lighting is one of useful and important tool that support for photographer’s project. In addition, this source of light is completely free and natural. Understanding the feaures and the advantages of natural lighting allow photographers to improve the quality of images and save time as well as save their budget. Today, we will show take advantages of natural lighting in shooting headshot photography.

Headshot photography is a photographic technique where the focus of photograph is a person’s face. Do you owner best headshot photography?. If you are professional photographer, you should know how to get someone relax in the front of camera, evoke the best poses to capture amazing photography with the aim of natural lighting.

Below are 3 main reasons to use natural lighting for headshot photography. Hopefully, you will find it interesting.

Natural Lighting is cheap

If you are beginner, you can’t affort to hire modern equipement for shooting project. In other words, you can creat a beautiful headshot photography without fancy studio equipement.

Think ing about your own product and how being a natural light photographer may be a way to capture attention from potential clients. In addition, you should understand and take advantage of natural lighting. The time of the day is also known as golden hours because of the tone of the lighting. For example, morning light is softer light, mid-day light is harsh and night-day is the weakest lighting. Knowing the natural of light will allow you to plan the timing of the shoot.


Natural lighting highlights every skin tone

Natural lighting is one of perfect choices that help you highlights every skin tone. From pale or white skin to dark chocolate brown, natural light makes everyone look beautiful. Natural light will make skin tone or facial features brighter. If you shoot headshot photos at midday – the harshest time of day, you should set up objects to limite the harsh lighting. For example, you can use the side of a building or under a tree.


Simply, you just know and understant the time of natural lighting, just be creative in how you use it, you will capture best headshot photography.

Shooting outdoors is more effective

Every location has its own particular feature that can give an image something unique. The location doesn’t have to dictate the type of shot you take but certain places will enhance your vision. Getting your subjects to interact with the surroundings not only makes for a more interesting shot, but adds a bit of fun for everyone involved. Also, shooting outdoors will best way that allow your clients to access to environment and to feel relax as well as more comfortable.


Now, the mission of photographer are that help clients know how to get relax in the front of camera. It gives you a chance to take some of pressure off them. This is best opportunity that help you capture best moment of clients as well as have better look of the headshot.

Here are 3 main reasons to do headshot with natural lighting we wanna share with readers. What other reasons do you know? Share your questions and experiences with us below.

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