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Mistakes Photographer Make That They Should Avoid

Photoshop is one of an essential tool that photographer use to highlight and turn into perfect artwork. We have all been there. We have discovered some new tool and technique. Using Photoshop can help your image become amazing image, we are doing it to everyone, but we’re really doing ourselves more harm than good. Also, we need to use Photoshop in the most effective way and avoid the mistakes especially photographers.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn common mistakes photographer make and why you should avoid it.

Creating to Many Layers

Creating to many layers will one of reasons that obstructed the success of your artwork. Too layers make you no focus on main layer, this will create big limitation for your plan. In some cases, getting more granular about your editing can be useful, but more often than not the sign of an amateur who doesn’t know how to properly use adjustment layers and Smart Objects. Approving the first mistake, you should learn to group them or how to use Smart Object organise.


Not Using Smart Object

Smart Object is a perfect tool that support your image to become more stunning. For example, with Smart Object, you can perform nondestructive transforms. You can scan, rotate, skew, distort,….or warp layer without losing original image data. Or when you covert a new layer to Smart Object, you can easily replace it content. Also, if you don’t know the benefit of Smart Object and take advantage of them, it is big mistakes for you. You need to understand that Smart Object is one of Photoshop’s most powerful and valuables features.


Using the Wrong Document Setting

When it comes to resolution, pixel dimensions matter… DPI does not. DPI will only affect your printed image. Also, if you are planning to print, stop converting your image to CMYK before printing. Your printer probably has it’s own custom color profile that will produce more accurate results than Photoshop conversion. In other words, DPI doesn’t make a difference if you don’t print it, don’t convert CMYK. Let’s your printer it.

Unnecessary Luminosity Masking

Light is an important element to highlight your image. Light helps to create a particular mood within the photograph and can bring emphasis to key elements within a frame. In addition, light can help create depth and textures in an image by creating a mix of highlights and shadows.


If the ability to affect Shadows, Highlights, and Midtones individually is built into a tool, use luminosity masking is great choice. Many of Photoshop’s filters and effects will let you specifically target highlights, shadows or midtones anyway.If you forget to use luminosity masking for your project, let’s stop wasting time and use the build-in masks.


The need of HDR is in the growing use of panoramic images. An HDR panorama will provide more immersive detail, providing detail observable to the human eye in the real-life scene that would otherwise be lost by traditional photography.

So, let’s stop with the plastic frequency separation, overcooked HDR and ridiculous vibrance levels. No matter how advanced a Photoshop user, are immune to making post-processing mistakes.

Here are some sharing information about mistakes Photographer make that they should avoid. What mistakes have you made with Photoshop that you’ve ended up regretting?. Let’s us know and show show off some of your own failures in the comment.

If you have any opinions as well as any questions concerned about this subject, let me know your though in the comment below.

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