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How to improve real estate website lead

Real estate website is considered as a representative face to describe and provide best real estate photos and services.  It is also the powerful left arm for real estate agents. Therefore, what do you need to do to make your real estate website generate even more leads and climb to the top of the search engines?.

In other words, which is a great first step into branding yourself and your business and generating more leads?. Below are some useful tips that help your business improve real estate website lead.

Determinate main customers who are interested in the service of your business

It’ll be rather unfavorable to generate high-quality real estate leads from your website if you don’t know who will buy and be interested in your products. So, what should you do to address this issue?. First, let’ determinate main customers who use surely your services. Then, develop buyer personas for each type of home buyer or seller. Next, you should research many elements around your customers including: their demographics, their interests,..  So you can create content that strikes a chord with them.

Calls to Action

Let’s give your visitors plenty of chances to supply you with their contact details so they can become official leads. Nowadays, there are many amazing tools as well as actions to support your business. In fact, whether customers come upon your website, they can’t read your mind. You need to come out and tell them what to do.

Don’t hesitate, a call to action to provide contact information of your business. Provide them with buying and selling guides including: testimonial, contest, survey email,… This will encourage them who provide the contact information in exchange for these free resources.

Page Titles

It’s important to have effective page titles. Page titles can improve your search engine results. Page titles should be unique for each page on your real estate website and should reflect the overall content for that page.


Building Link

The more websites that link to your real estate website, the higher your search engine rank will be. Reach out to businesses with websites that are related to real estate or your community and simply ask them for a link to your website. Make sure that this is not your competitors. Remember that the more quality content you have on your real estate website, the more willing others will be to link to it.


Building new lead for your website

An old website with simply and vintage layer will become disadvantage things for your website. These will make the volume of customer decrease and limited. The best way is that generate new lead. Hences, let’s change the theme or navigation, updating your lead capture forms, or creating more targeted content for your audience. This will an interesting methods to enhance your site visitors stick around and keep comming back.


Finally, please make the most out of the real estate website. Do you know what others methods do your business improve real estate website lead?. Let’s share your experiences in the comment below. It’s pround that if we have received very positive feedback from readers as well as customers.


These Photos Prove Exactly How Much Are Real Estate Photos Worth

If you are looking for a house or an apartment online, what per cent of your decision after observing these real estate photos?.

It’s difficult to make sure that you wil certainly pay huge amount of money after meeting real estate photography but this is no doubt that beautiful photos will make you curious and crave for finding them. As far as we know, no one is going to pay more $3000 a month to live in your overexposed and out of focus apartment. And vice versa, they are not hesitant to waste mega – money to be lived in wonderful place where you’d like to wake up.

Many real estate photos are really awful and terrible. You feel very disappointed.


For real estate agency, beautiful and eye-catching house photos will have a major effect to the choise of their customers as well as their sales.

Lim Harry, real estate photographer share his experiences that: “It’s not so much the camera but knowing how to use it”. His shared experiences will help photographer find the best angles and lighting for your real estate photography.


For example, all photographer should understand what setting to use, how light works and balance ambient light with supplemental flash to get a good expose. Let’s try to create your real estate photography have a special feature as well as capture the strong points of composition for interior. These will make your photos unique.

Enjoy and check out some example below to affirm these photos prove exactly how much are real estate photos worth.

#1: This house have large space but …


But who wouldn’t prefer a house that looks like something out of a movie?


#2: A living-room have comfortable design but ….


Adding more lighting for this sample space, more attractive, warmer


#3 You wouldn’t like this classic kitchen if


However, you love this with wonderful layout


#4 This is a respectable dining-room


But this version will persude more


#5 A lay-out is perfect but if changing some furniture….


This result will make you more comfortable and convenient


#6 You might look at this bathroom and think, Yeah, I could totally take a pee in there.


But this photo leaves you thinking, I’d LOVE to take a pee in there!


However, just having small change, this room have large space and more perfect


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Real Estate Photography Tips: How to use the camera to get the best photos

“How to set up the cameras to get the best real estate photography?” are necessary question that real estate photographer interest in. You are building real estate photos plan, wanna own best property photos to grab the attention of customers. This article today will transmit the useful message to support your plan.

Now it’s time to get the real estate photography with camera.

Here we will mention how to use two most popular camera types agents like: smarphone, digital DSLR.


Smartphone technology has kept up with the development of eras. Smartphone becomes unnecessary and popular tool for people. It meets all features to help photographer own best real estate photos. It is easy to understand why some photographers choice smartphone tool to get the best photos.


Some of the most popular features of your smartphone including:

The ability to zoom in and out: With the ability to zoom in and out, take a photos by smartphone will allow you capture strong and weak points of pictures. Furthermore, it will help you get the right composition for your photos. Make sure to hold your finger on your phones for a new seconds where you want the focus on to be. This takes some playing around with to get the right lighting.

Great editing tool: Your smartphones have modern features that support you edit photos.  You can easily adjust various aspects of photos to make them look better and more stunning. This smarphone includes features such as: exposure, color, brightness, contrast, shadow, retouch,…allow you edit your photos as you want.

High dynamic range (HDR): Your phones automatically captures a better balanced exposure across your entire image with HDR. Of course, you still edit the shots and don’t spent too much time to adjust.

Flash: Your camera’s flash setting can be set to Auto, On, Off. If you own a modern Iphone, you can change it by touching the lightning bolt at the top of the screen. You will generally want flash to be off for the majority of exterior and interior photos.

Besides, most smartphone cameras have a build –in grid feature that you can use to make sure everything lines up perfectly.

Digital DSLR

Using digital DSLR cameras is great choice that photographer believe as shooting real estate photos. Also, compared with the ability of smartphone, what are features of digital DSLR for real estate photographer?.


The array of manual control: For the array of manual control, you can alter your photos. Using DSLR will allow you to change everything from shutter speed and lighting softness to flash strength and filters. Keep in mind that once you master DSLR, you can capture your best photos.

Image quality: Compared with the ability of smartphone, almost your phones may have sharp or blur image quality, but using DSLR will help you adress this issue. Thanks to the significant image sensor size in most DSLRs, they can take shots at a lower ISO which leads to far clearer images than even the latest smartphone.

Low light: Lighting is an important elements as shooting real estate photos. Also, setting light for your photos is necessary thing for shots. But when shooting with DSLR cameras, additional lighting will be unnecessary and you can save your time. This is due to the ISO, which mean the digital capture of the camera can more capably capture light.

Using smartphone or DSLR cameras have different advantages that allow you to make best photos. However, DSLR cameras tend to be much higher-prices than smartphone cameras. Here are our shared experiences related to how to choice the camera to get the best photos. Do you have other cameras to own great real estate photography?. Let’s us know your thought and share your experience in the comment below.

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5 good habits for photographer

In the last subjects, we have discussed about 5 bad habit for photographer and share experiences to reader to improve these issues. Next to the vote of readers, we will show new subject with 5 good habits for photographer. Hope that readers will find it interesting.

Shooting everyday

If you are member of flickr or friendly users of flickr to opt images, you will family with 365 projects. This 365 project is one of amazing image projects that many users are interested in. It not only provide the large number of images but also enable joiner to take ay least one shot every single day. Shooting everyday is really a great habit for all photographers. So, what are the benefit of shooting everyday?.


  •    Enhance your skill and your capabilities
  •    Create a good habit: see the world photographically and frame scene your mind’s eyes.
  •    Record the moment in your life. This doesn’t always seem important at the time, you’ll look at those shots.

Leave your camera at home

It seems kind of contradictory to the first habit, but leaving your camera at home can be a great habit to get into.

I learned to harness the power of my phone’s camera to record memories without intruding on those moments with my massive SLR. Additionally, SLRs can be really impractical, and dangerous. I’m surprised my kids haven’t had concussions from some of the times I’ve bent over and hit them in the head with my camera!.

Keep notes

Let’s start keep notes with your ideas, your inspiration and color schemes. This will help you capture your best moments to have creativity. You can make a physical notebookwith written notes and images.

For example, Pinterest will a great choice for you if owing and collecting interesting image resources with different subjects. And Evernote is useful app that allow you to keep notes across all my computers and devices.


Keep notes is good habit to arouse inspiration and build your creativity as you have difficult in creating shooting ideas.

In addition to keeping notes for inspiration, keeping records from shoots is a great habit that will really pay off.

Back up

One of the best habit you should start now is that back up datas. Let’s make sure that you have noted and saved data in your computer or devices because many photographer have had their history lost. This is simply reason that they didn’t back up their hard devices.

First, back up to physical hard drives using a disk cloning program or an automated system you don’t need to think about. Seconds,  you can backup by using online cloud storage. Thirds, you can backup to disks.

In short, whatever ways you can keep your files completely saves. You will be thankful you did if something happens.

Look at photography and refer

You need to create the “see”’s habit and evalue images to build images resource. Let’s become a fan of photography, not just making it but enjoy it. You should choose an author, a painter or a photographer …who you have best love or who have inspired their artwork.


Don’t be afraid to copy. Photography stand alone in so many ways. One way is that we’re afraid to admit what photographer inspire our work. As you copy their images, this is considered as useful lesson to support your creativy for your images. And you can apply them for your images project in future.

Don’t only view genre of images you would like.  Let’s expand your passion with different subjects and you can store up valuable experiences. Learn to read images. When you view pieces, stop for a moment and really soak it in. This can be hard these days when we’re chasing content faster than ever before.

These have only been five habits and we are sure there are many more. What amazing habit do you have?. Let’s share your experiences and your thought in the comment below.

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3 Important Things You Should Know as Started Photography

There are some useful lesson we all know and learn the hard way. Shooting best photos is an example, you should know and learn to own wonderful photos. Trial and error, even arduous, we will learn from failures than successes.

More than anything, you wish you would have learned a few things sooner. There are so many lessons that would have benefitted you if you had only understood them on the front end of your trip into the photographic unknown.

Below are 3 important things we wanna share with photographer as started photography. Hopefully these hard fought teachings will help you move forward and give you the mentality you need to start creating better images. Here they are in no particular order.

Choosing approriate Cameras

Camera is one of neccessary tool for all photographer. If you think that just having beautiful cameras, owing best photos are sure things, you make big mistakes. Choosing approriate cameras is important things and is one of first things to decide the success of your galery.

DSLR and Mirroless are two famous camera lines that are interested in and popular for photographer or person who love photography. DSLR is a digital camera that uses mirrors to direct light from the lens to the viewfinder. When you press the shutter button, the mirror flips up, a shutter opens and the light falls onto the image sensor.

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A mirrorless camera is a digital cameras without using mirrorless, light passes through the lens and right onto the image sensor, which captures the final images.  When you take the photos,  you need to focus on LSC screen or put your eyes in the electronic viewfinder (EVF).

Or sometimes, some people now earn a living with only the cameras in their smartphones.

The thing to remember is that most cameras are capable of  producing images of astonishing quality when couples with a proficient users. Whatever cameras you might have is likely more than enough. Especiallys, allow your skills to mature and uou will know it’s time to upgrade.

Perfect your post – processing

Post – processing is a neccessary skill for a digital photographer. It’s a simple facts that straight out of the digital camera, your image don’t look anything like the original scene they captured. Post – processing help you bring back that beauty by adjusting thing like contrast, brightness, sharpness and saturation.

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Post-processing is not something to be avoided but rather embraced as a logical second step towards achieving your visualization regardless of what that visualization may be.

Perfection is unattainable

That’s right. No photograph is perfect and very few photographs are ever elevated to the level of fine art, whatever that means. This was an illusion that burdened novice during the early days while learning to create photographs. Best photos depends on private emotion and each person’s perception. Also, don’t put pressure on yourself.

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Your photographs will certainly become stronger as you hone your technique and acquire more capable. The craft of photography is a practice in personal evolution. It is a journey of constant learning. So take a breath, relax, and enjoy the process for wonderful artworks.

These are just a few of things that I wish someone had told me when I first began making photographs. There’s no end to what you can learn as a photographer. So what are you waiting for?. Let’s share and list them in the comments below!.


20 Best House Decorating Ideas For Your Inspiration

Enjoy 20 best house decorating ideas for your inspiration to own amazing moment with your house. “House – where to come back”. If being owned a house, how to decorate your house such as: modern or classic design?. Today, House with a rustic design looks super cozy and stylish that will bring to surprise things for you as your home ideas. The furnishings and modern interiors makes anyone who visits wants to have it. A simple house maybe become very attractive depend on your amazing designe and brilliant ideas. Helped by your creation or an architect, was renovating the entire normal house into their dream house. Below are some useful suggestion for your design. Look what they did to turn this former your house into a super cozy house, get inspired!.

Best House Decorating Ideas

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5 Tips to Own Great Real Estate Interior with Bright Windows

One of the most frequently asked question we receive is from photographers facing to over-exposed window with regards to interior photography. It’s considered as tricky skill or big challenge for photographer as mastering the large lighting differences between the darkest parts of the room and the view on the outside.

The most convenient solution to tack this issue without using expensive lighting equipment is to take multiple exposures. You can use the Automatic Exposure Bracketing function that is available on most DSLR cameras to capture the room interior with bright window.

Here are 5 tips to own great real estate interior with bright window we wanna share. Now, let’s start by identifying this problem and find the best results.

Turning on all lights on the room


As far as we know, the light level in outside and the room are very differents. This spread of brightest exposure are on the outside. During a sunny day, the light level outside can be over 30 times brighter, almost 5 stops than the room you’re in, the researchers results claims. So we need to increase the light within the room by turning on all lights on the room. This will make the room brighter and help it limit to the lighting differences in the scene.

Set the ISO to 400


Next, we need to establish a “base shot” with setting up approriate ISO. Our goal is to be able to see the view through the windows. One useful advices for photographer is that use ISO not higher than 400. This level will help you achieve the best result even when using the tripod to shoot.

Putting up the interior to set up the shutter speed

We need to have many light in the room including using the lamps and natural lighting. For the natural lighting, the bright sunlight coming through the window will skew your camera’s auto exposure towards underexposure and the bright of lighting results so too.

To get the best lighting result, let’s point your camera at some position in the interior that is far away from the windows and any other source of lighting. Then, we will use and set up the shutter speed. Shutter speed only affect the ambient light in the scene. It cannot change the effect of your flash has on illuminating the room or any objects in that room. However, slowing down your shutter speed can help you raise the ambient light level of the room.

Keep in mind that you need to set your camera to Aperture priority before doing this.

Set the camera to manual mode


Manual mode is great choice in this circumstance, it will help you master the camera’s setting. Using manual mode allows you to choose the shutter speed for the normal exposure of your bracketed sequence and gurantee that the aperture and the ISO are kept the same in all bracketed shots.

Using the camera for bracket 5 frames at 2EV

Your bracketed exposures cover both the bright window views and the darkest parts of the interior are idea solution that help you achieve the good result. So, let’s use the camera that can auto bracket 5 frames at 2 EV.

If you’d prefer add this article to your favorite document sources sharing site and leave the link to them. Or let’s us know your thought in the comment below. We greatly appreciate your hearfelt opinion.

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What is “post-processing” photography?

Post- processing photography is basic and popular term for the work of photographer, designer,.. And the question mentions that what is “post- processing” photography?. Normally, we shortly understand that post – processing is basic and necessary process before uploading images on the website online or publishing. This process will make your images more beautiful. Additional, it helps your image product avoid errors in the implementation process.

Besides, post-processing is a skill that requires both technical knowledge and artistic judgment. Today, we will show some tips related to post-processing article.

First, we will mention some shooting techniques that rely on post-processing is the best way to help you understand what it is. There are techniques photographers use knowing they will be post-processing the shots.

Raw shooting

Even as you are very beginner or professional photographer, Raw shooting is an importand and useful action as shooting. When a photographer shoots Raw they do so knowing that they will be doing post processing on the images taken.

Beyonds, you should know “what is Raw”. Raw is a file format that captures all images data recorded by the sensor when you take a photos. Nowadays, many cameras these days shoots Raw, including shoots and points. Also, you might still be able to take advantage of Raw file format.

When you shoot in Raw you record all image data from the sensor. This gives highest quality file. In addition, when you take a Raw shoot, you’re able to do that post-processing yourself. You can make the decision on how the image should look, and produce way better results.

As you shoot in Raw, it’s  also easier to avoid or correct posterization in your images. Furthermore, it will help record greater level of brightness. Additional brightness let you make more adjustment including exposure, brightness, contrast, fill light, recovery,…to your image without the significant reduction of quality.

Shooting Raw will help you easily adjust while balance. Moreover, by shooting Raw you take control, and are able to manage these problems to create the best results.

When shooting Raw a photographer has to do this on the computer. This cooking of Raw image using software on a computer is one form of post-processing.

High Dynamic Range (HDR)

Another type of photography that is done, knowing use that the image will be post-processed, is something called high dynamic range (HDR). HDR is designed to help your image look better. Dynamic range is basically just the different between the lightest light and darkess light you can capture in the photo.


Besides, depend on how photographers are processed, HDR photos can be anything from stunningly accurate reproduction of what your eyes see to mind blowingly surreal works of art.

The photographer takes a range of bracketed photos, photos of the same subject taken with varying shutter speed andaperture combinations. This will help produce a set of images with varying luminosity and depth of field.



Exposure is one of the crucial elements for post-processing. This adjusts the brightness. If the image is too dark, add light in and if the image is too bright, reduce light. Note that often times adjusting brightness will affect the contrast of the image as well. This can be fixed by adjusting the Contrast Slider in Lightroom. It makes the brightest parts of the image brighter and the darkest parts darker and improves the overall look of the adjusted image.

Clean out the dust spots

This is something that is prominent if you are photographing against a light background, or when converting to black and white. If your sensor is dirty or has minute dust specks, they appear in your photographs. You can use the clone tool or even the patch tool in Photoshop and clean out these dust spots in the image.

Here are some useful share we will show. Hopefully you have a better idea now what post-processing is for photography to make your photos better. Hopefully you also realize that post-processing is a very important part of modern photography. Do you have other techniques for post-processing photography?. Let’s share your experiences in the comment below. We feel very happy and glorious as receive positive feedback.

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Real Estate Photography Tips: Best Elements Before shooting real estate photos

Like the previous period, we show readers how to hire best real estate photographers for the effect of your project. Thus, without the aim of professional photographers, how should we shoot to attract your clients?. Many agents would like interest in this issue.

Today, we share experience some elements before shooting real estate photos. Hopefully that you will find it interesting.

First, research factors that you should consider before shooting real estate photography.


A sunny day is the best canvas for your exterior shots. As you know, the light changes from hour to hour and day to day. To create natural lighting for your own photos, you should shoot your photos at the brightest time of day. You can work in late morning and early afternoon. The times of beautiful sunlight and these gives sufficient lighting near windows or in the shade.


As far as we know, daytime is an optimal period to secure the best real estate photos. However, can’t make sure that the climate is beautiful enough to take best photos. Especially, when shooting in the bad day or at night, it’s difficult to own best real estate photos. Also, use artifical lighting is the second choice to take advantage of lighting. Let’s open many lamps in room to create light for home’s interior.

Hence, let’s make sure there is plenty of natural light flowing through a home or that there are enough lights on to highlight every corner of a listing.


Composition is one of important elements that should attend before shooting real estate photos. Simply, it refers how element of photos are organized. Successful real estate listing photos not only capture one or more distinct property features, but focus on the right aspects of the features. For example, if you took a photo of living-room,you would not focus on the title floor. Rather, you would focus on getting the sofa, table or tivi in a single shot.


Also, you should determine what kinds of angle you want. In other words, think special elements to get prospective buyers to inside home.

Interior decoration

Great real estate photos are strong points to attract customers’ attention. Also, you need to have a little creativity to make a home look appealing. When it comes to furniture, you should highlight the most attractive pieces in your client’s home. Similarly, organize the couches and chairs in the living room to make the space warm and inviting. Keep in mind that make them imagine their own belongings throughout the home. This will create good opportunity to get the agreement of customers.



Let’s spend plenty of time during your shoots to ensure you end up with several usable, attractive images for your real estate website and other marketing materials. This will allow you choose beautiful and appropriate photos you want. Moreover, it’s best to take photos of every facet of your listings with different lighting and composition to get variety with your shots. Each real estate photo you take should have its own unique feel to it.

Here are some useful factor before shooting property photography we wanna share with readers. What other real estate photo tips and tricks do you want to learn? Share your questions and comments with us below.

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5 Marketing Mistakes That Damage Your Business

Marketing mistakes is main subject that we want to mention to send message for your business today. Marketing strategy are effective supplier to improve investment for your business. In other words, businesses live or die by their marketing strategies. Besides, if you are putting the money toward lead generation and marketing services, you need your effort to show a return on investment.

Creating effective marketing plan and implementing the plan consistently can increase your visible and can stimulate your expect reputation. However, You also need to know basic errors that can be affected directly your business. Here are 5 core marketing mistakes that damage your business.

No Website

Website is one of reliable addresses or useful information resource that help your customers know who are you and your activities business. If you own small corporate with limited capital. Maybe you can’t affort to design and build perfect your own website as large corporate.

Online searching is quickly becoming the main way consumer to find businesses to call upon, both online and in the real world. If you don’t have at least a tool of an online presence via your business website, it will a big difficulty for your corporate. This will make customer’s interest to your product be limited.

Not understanding or no meeting your customers need

The marketing competition between business are more and more difficult and complex.These challenges require that businesses need to have clear and strong strategies to confront and attract customer’s attention. The first thing all businesses should attend that meet your customers need. So, do you really know what your potential customers need and want?. Do you truly understand the need of customers?. Before you create your marketing plan, you can define the characteristic of your ideal client. Rearch the shared interest of best customers and why they choose your business. Get to know your ideal client so you can produce the better result they are looking for.

Email Marketing Mistakes


Building and connecting to your contact list with email are considered as useful way to present product, services as to capture their need. However, this plan are too popular and maybe lead to unbenefit issue for your business. Simply, their customers can misunderstand spam messages and deny you. So, you should creat perfect email marketing to attract the customer’s interest and avoid critical mistakes that can get small business blacklist.

Let’s use reputable email service provider to build your list. Take advantage of strong point of email marketing to keep you in touch with your prospect and customers.

Ignoring Branding

Every marketing effort should relate back to your brand strategy in order to create a clear image of your brand and convey your ideals. Let’s think about creating your own branding, this is the best way to advertise your business. Moreover, it help your business affirm the belief for your customers. Also, if you want to sway public opinion and control the message consumers receivers, let’s create your own branding to run your project now.

Using your business name or don’t have picture of you in your social media personal profiles


People want to know who are you, understand what we may have in common, connect with you, not your business. Also, it’s easy to connect with everyone, you should create your own profile and upload your image. In additional to being trustrasting, creating personal profiles with your business name and logo. Because some social media channel require true information as: “use your real name on your profile” in Linklin. Take advantage of famous and popular pages such as: Facebook Business Page+, Google+ Business pages,…. They are designed to promote your products and services and allow those interested in your business.

Here are some marketing mistakes that can hurt your business you can interest in. Do you have other marketing mistakes?. Or What marketing mistakes have you seen frequently that should be addressed?. Let’s us know your thought and share your experience in the comment below.