Tips & Tricks

How to whiten teeth in Photoshop CS5

Whiten teeth is one of factor part that make every people more perfect and more confident. But not all people own whiten teech and nice smile. So, how to improve and surmount weak point ?.

Photoshop is a dream machine that support photos to enhance and have best quality. Not only can you make any portrait look perfect, you can do it easily and make your photo collection good.

This article today we will show you how to whiten teeth in Photoshop CS5. Some of the more complicated techniques will be over the head for the novice, but you’ll be able to follow most of it. So drag a portrait into whatever Photoshop program you have.

  • Open your photo in Adobe Photoshop CS5. This article we will use CS5 to support.
  • Duplicate your layer by right clicking on the layer, choosing” duplicate layer” and name your new layer “ Whiten teech”
  • Choosing Zoom in -> “teeth” part to start.


  • Click on Magic Wand Tool and move around teeth that you should whiten.


  • Choosing “ Select -> Modify-> Feather ( press 5 pixel) -> Ok



  • Click Image-> Adjustment-> Hue/Saturation. Change the Edit option from Master to Yellows. The controls and options for the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer appear in Photoshop’s Properties panel. By default, Hue/Saturation will affect all colors in the image equally.

fotosolution-How-to-whiten-teech-in-Photoshop-CS5-07Click on the box where it currently says “Master”, then choose Yellows from the list.



  • Adjust The Saturation, Lighting and Level. We’re affecting only the yellows, we can reduce the amount of yellow in the teeth by lowering the saturation. To do that, click on the Saturation slider and begin dragging it to the left. The further you drag to the left, the more you’ll desaturate the yellow and the whiter the teeth will appear.

P/s: The setting you choose will depend on how yellow the teeth were to begin with. For my image, a Saturation value of around -90 works well. And a Lighting value of around.

  • Similar to Hue/Saturation, let’s click Image-> Adjustmen-> Level and adjust Level value. Below are level value we are setting up:



  • Finally, you ‘ll zoom out a little bit so we can see the final result. So far, so good. Let’s save your final result.


Here are Photoshop tutorial to whiten teeth you can refer. Do you have other Photoshop that could you improve and whiten teeth?. If you have questions or know other best Photoshop, let’s share your experiences in the comment below. Thank in advance.

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How to make best selections tool in Photoshop

Let’s express your ability – simple cut-outs and masking task in Photoshop through three basic techniques below. As far as we know, basic cut-outs and masking task are your essential ability for designers. And you can everything more esier with three techniques what we share. In this post, I’ll run through three basic techniques for creating simple selections. Next to, you cover the layer mask options and how they work a little more in depth.

Here are: magic wand, pen tool and path selections, colour range tool and layer masks for creating simple selections tool in Photoshop.

Magic Wand

The Magic Wand is considered as key golden and the simplest way to make simple selections tool in Photoshop.  Using the Magic Wand Tool allows you choose areas of similar color. The region to be selected may be a single continuous shape or multiple separate areas.


You can adjust to the Wand tool and then up the tolerance to 30 and click on the white area to make your selection. Now choose “ Shift+cmd+I” to invert the selection and click the ‘Add layer mask‘ button at the bottom of the Layers panel to mask off the product from the background.

P/s: Magic Wand choose pixel through colour and rhythm.

Pen tool and path selections

When you zoom into the bottom of your selected image, you can see the shadows have not been masked off from the background. Talking about more precise selections, Pen tool is surely a great choice for your project.


First, let’s open by selecting the Pen tool and begin clicking it, holding and dragging to create paths and curves until you feel pleasure. Then, you click on the original point to close the path. And then, you can navigate to the Paths panel, “cmd+click” the path you’ve just created and a selection will be made.

Colour range tool and layer masks

The Colour Range tool is particularly best for selecting large areas that containing a similar tonal range. It’s is simple to navigate to the select menu and click to launch the Colour Range panel. Now grips  your image and you’ll notice an eyedropper appears. Choosing on the area you want to make a selection of the image within the panel will change.

Using the Colour Range tool allows you choose how you want to sample the colour on your subject. Then let’s click on the “Select list” and try one of the colour options.

There’s the option to increase the intensity of the selection using the ‘fuzziness’ slider. You can set range to 20% and Fuzziness to 100 to begin. There are also a number of standard options to choose from the drop-down menu, such as mid-tones, highlights, shadows and skin tones.

With a selection of just the colour, adjustment layers such as Hue and Saturation can be added via the Layers palette. Notice how the adjustment layer uses the selection for its mask, meaning that you can change hue of this colour only for a creative effect.

Here are three techniques that help you create and make simple selections tool in Photoshop. Do you have other techniques to make quick selections?. If you have other questions or know other tips, let’s share your experiences in the comment below.

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Tips to Improve Portrait Photography

Portrait photography is one of the most amazing topic that many readers are interested in. If you are new photographer, learning how to professionally capture portrait photography is one of the most important skills you can develop.

Do you know how to improve portrait photography?. Here are a few of Tips to capture best portrait photography.

Lighting is golden key

Lighting is one of best factors to describe and embellish faultless portrait photos. And the best light to shoot portrait is Rembrandt lighting. Rembrandt lighting use to capture photos in studio to increase the brightness of subject, especially it help you create holograms.This technique will create clear triangles on subject’s cheek. Keep in mind that let’s buid a 45-degree angle to straight line that link between cameras and subject.


It’s that shoot portrait photography in studio, so if you take the portrait in natural light, how about that?. Shooting outdoor portrait photography, you have the best chance of getting a great look with the natural colors and skin tones. However, shooting outdoors may be tricky, because it’s difficult to control the light in most situations. Make sure that you don’t pose the subject right in front of the sun. This may cause unwanted brightness or deep shadow. Shooting in mid-day also should be avoided as much as possible. For best results, position the subject in such a way that sunlight falls on the face from the side. You may also use reflectors or an external flash to light up some parts of the face.

Building comfortable space

Background plays a vital role to a portrait. As you know, portrait is all about someone’s face. So it is important to have a background which is not interfering with the subject.


Let’s build a comfortable space for taking portrait photography. You can use a long lens with long focal distance ( about 75mm) to create comfortable feeling for subject.

Focus aperture

A wide open aperture with a lower number will blur the background and make the subject stand out. A smaller aperture with a higher number will make the whole scene come into better focus. Typically f/2.0 to f/5.0 is good for portraits.

Get high or get low

Taking a portrait is not always shooting at the eye level. Positioning the camera high or low while keeping the focus on the eyes brings out interesting features and adds different flavors to the portraits. So make the model sit, stand up, climb up to the stool or ladder or stairs and shoot.


Adjust Head and shoulder

As shooting subject, you need to attend head and shoulder of subject. Let’s tilt your head from time to time to limite to just our of chin and forehead.

Angle and Pose

Pose and the angle of the body and face play a key role. Looking straight at the camera with motionless expression can be boring. Try to flare up your portraits with some twist. Maybe it is an inviting smile, a sexy expression, a flamboyant look, tilting the chin down or up, turning the head back while walking forward, or sitting and looking up.


Editing photos before posting

Let’s check out and remove unwanted detail after shooting portrait photography. Therefore, you should take time to edit photos through some digital software such as:  Photoshop and Lightroom to have best portrait photography.

Do you have other tips to improve portrait photography?. If you have other questions or know other tips, let’s share your experiences in the comment below or contact us: to get more information.

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10 Best Photoshop Resouces

Are you interested in Photoshop resources?. Do you want to improve Photoshop as well as your image editing skill?.

As far as we know, Photo editing software Photoshop is great part of choice for many designer and artists. Photoshop can be used for almost every little task that involves graphic design and your web design company, regardless of who it is, uses it for at least some of their processes. There are many Photoshop resources that help you refer and grips with the image editing software.


Adobe is a great tool of choice for many designer especially for beginner. It provide many tutorials and excellent videos for beginner. It will help you learn basic lesson related to image editing software.



Pixel2Liffe is a giant tutorial search engine on the internet, which is intended for graphic designers and programmers. It has an immense choice on Photoshop training with literally hundred of tutorials to choose from. The site also features a really useful sidebar of sub-categories. It will support you to look for lessons in the effects you want to wind up.



PhLearn is an amazing and free online Photoshop resource. It provides various high quality photography and Photoshop instruction. One of impressive thing as use PhLearn is some image and joke that come on the screen. The special thing will help keep the viewer’s attention. Do great informative and flexible entertaining attract you?.



Envatotuts+is a useful blog that offers some of the best Photoshop tutorials. The site has a large collection of tutorials covering many different areas, including 3D, illustration and text effects to name but a few.


Photoshop tutorials on DeviantArt

There’s a excellent range of Photoshop tutorials on online art community DeviantArt. They are seven different categories, including a beginner and web design company. It’s considered as special thing that help you find the specific tutorials you’re interested in. This Photoshop resource provide not only useful and interesting lessons for beginner but also tutorial system that you can submit. Let’s check the site for terms and conditions.


Photoshop Roadmap

Photoshop Roadmap is also flexible site what shares tutorials on Photoshop, as well as Photoshop brushes and plugins. These Photoshop tutorials are attached to categories like Animation and Interactivity and Photo retouching.


PSD Vault

PSD Vault is a greate Photoshop tutorial site – best suggestion for designer and web design company. It focus on writing about things such as designing a floating Eiffel Tower in Photoshop and creating a vintage car poster. They also regularly give away design-related freebies.


Photoshop Essentials

If you’re a newbie who familiar with Photoshop lessons especially Photoshop Essentials, which has easy to follow, step-by-step style training. It offers lessons on everything related to Photoshop from basics to intermediate including photo editing and retouching, text effects and more. The site is clean, innovative and easy to use. It also has helpful sidebars highlighting the latest and most popular tutorials.



Pluralsight has an immense range of tutorials that help you learn, master and discover the creative lessons of Photoshop. To register Pluralsight site that you need to access the majority of the training. However you can also sign up for a free demo account, where you’ll find a list of free Photoshop tutorials at your choice.



Tutorial9 is an amazing resource for Photoshop tutorials, all of which are entirely free. It contains 30 pages of training available so you are easy to look for something of interest. There is also a search option. You can filter your options to find the newest tutorials submitted by either Tutorial9 itself or submitted by other users.

Do you have other Photoshop resource that could improve and enhance your image editing skill?. If you have questions or know other best Photoshop resource, let’s share your experiences in the comment below.

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How to use Patch Tool in Photoshop

If you are photographer, designer who always use Photoshop technique to create best photos, certainly, you don’t feel of unfamiliarity with Patch tool. Patch tool is one of the best tools Photoshop has to offer. It is popular and nice tool, so, why should you use and choose Patch tool in Photoshop.

This tool is easy to use and with each version of Photoshop, it has gotten ever better. As far as we know, Patch tool is part of the headling brush set of tools. The Patch tool is used to repair larger area of an image or get rid of any distractions and blemishes. In addition, you can also use it to duplicate parts of your photos. Using the Patch tool, you can save your time when trying to make some adjustment to your image.

The Patch Tool was introduced into Photoshop at the same time as the Healing Brush. Like that Healing Brush, it matches the texture, lighting and shading of the sampled pixel to the source area. But instead of brushing like Healing Brush, it is used to choose defined areas. Therefore, the Path Tool will help you create a photos more natural than the other tools.

In today’s subject, we will show you:

How to use an amazing Patch Tool in Photoshop.

  • Step 1: Choose your image what you need to the aim of Patch Tool: Open-> Image File.
  • Step 2: Select The Patch Tool and draw an area around your selection. After dragging mouse over to better skin and let’s go.
  • Step 3: Move the cursor over the selected area and drag it to the left, right or in any direction. If you don’t feel happy with your previous done step, you can use Ctrl+Z or use Layer Mask to hidden them.
  • Step 4: Reduce circles under eyes

Having shadows round one’s eyes is one of basic disadvantages that have directly affected to the result of images.  To fix this issue, you can choose area – the circles under eyes and replace it with beautiful skin area.

However, you should use Fade patch tool to increase the effect of image, this will make your photos more natural and more truly.

Click Edit-> Fade patch selection. This window will pop up and move the slider to fade the patch selection. Let’s press Ok when you research your desired result.

  • Step 5: Keep your eyes bright

After removing the circles under eyes, you can keep your eyes bright to make your photos more stunning. First, let’s create a new layer and add Layer Mask. Then, choosing Dodge tool and make sure your exposure that is set between 30-35%. Then, take a large brush and sweep over the eyes just, including the brow area. In other words, if you want to duplicate your layer, it’s simply that add a layer mask in case you want to tweak your dodging.

In the case, the part of eyes or eyebrow are too bright, you can adjust them by using Layer opacity or Layer mask to balance.

  • Step 6: Check out and layer transplant

You should check out your images after finishing. If you want to add the other details for image, you can create back-up layer by click History->Layer Palette and create a new snapshot for your images. After, you can join layer in the effective way.

You are interested in: to use the Patch Tool in Photoshop

How to Use the Patch Tool in Photoshop – Video Tutorial from Yanik Chauvin on Vimeo.

Finally, The Patch tool is one of the perfect tool in Photoshop. It support your digital image in the most amazing way.  We hope you found this article useful. Do you use the Patch Tool in Photoshop?. Please let me know in the comments below.

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How to remove background with Adobe Photoshop Tools and Techniques

Remove the background from an image can be a really complex task but it is effective way to boots your sales. Did you know that a photography or a picture would be so much more attractive, look sharper on your website if one could simply remove the unwanted  background from the image. Using background removal not only brings the focus on the subjects but also follows you to easily post the image anywhere on your page.

Here, high-end photo editing tools and techniques has a number of useful tips to remove background from an image. One of the most popular photo editing tool are Adobe Photoshop. It is easy to use and understand. Today, we take you through the process of removing the background from an image using Photoshop to help you overcome the challege as well as own high- quality image product.


Magic Wand Tool

The Magic Wand Tool is considered as best tool as you want to cut out the background and leave the image. So, how to use magic wand tool for background removal?. It’s simply that all you need to do is click on the Magic Wand Tool and based on the differences between the subjects and the background, this tool will automatically select areas for removing background. Especially, after cutting out the background, you can add any background color you like behind a picture. This will help you enhance the images and look flawless.


Eraser Tool

Background Eraser Tool will one of great choices if you have tricky task for your images with complex background. This tool samples the color at the center of the brush and then deletes pixels of a similar color as you paint. This tool allows you to remove the original background from a photo and turn it transparent so you can place your photo on a new background, or place it into an altogether new photo. Besides, it help you change the color you like. Below are some illustrations to support you on removing background.


Magic Lasso Tool

Magnetic Lasso tool is a very simple and easy-to-use tool available in the Lasso category. This tool will help you manually select certain parts of the image by drawing a rough outline around it. Besides, you can create a selection around the subject and complete it by clicking the starting point of the selection.


Pen Tool

One of the most commonly used methods to remove background is with the Pen tool.


This one of the easiest and simplest way to generate a high quality finished edge of a product. You will be surprised how easy it is to remove the background from image by using this technique. This tool not only help you remove background from the image, but also support you to add any background you wish.

Removing backgrounds in Photoshop can be quite difficult, and it completely depends on the image. However, with the aim of Photoshop tool, these will help you edit photographs and easily remove the background. If you don’t have the time or inclination to manually edit photographs, you can always make use of online background removal service providers.

Let’s share your experiences and your thought in the comment below.

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How to Color Correction Product Photography in Adobe Lightroom

As far as we know, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is a gold key for your product photography. It has some quick and powerful tools for color correcting your images. Have you ever used Adobe Lightroom tool for color correction product photography?. Below are some tips to help you change colore correction product image in Adobe Lightroom.

There are five steps to color correction including: organize image, import, adjust, sync adjustment to image and export.


Organize Image

The first thing to note before anything else is that you should be shooting in raw. One of the most fundamental benefits of raw is the ability to adjust white balance after capture with no penalty on image quality.

Import Image

Next, you should import image in a folder. Below are some basic steps to help you import image.

  • Choose “File” > “Import Photos And Video”
  • Use the “Source” panel to find the image folder
  • Make sure the “Add” button is selected
  • Choose the “Select All” button
  • Click “Import” and “Adjust”

Adjust Image

After importing image into a folder, you should choose an image from the folder. Because we’ll use this single image to perform adjustments. Then we’ll apply those adjustments to all other images.

Adjusting image you should carry out 3 steps including: White balance, Exposure and Contract tools.


White Balance

Click the dropper tool up in the top left of the “Basics” tab, and drag it over the image to a spot that should be grey. Click that spot and Lightroom will automatically white balance your image.


You can use this tool to brighten or darken your image. Don’t feel obligated to use it just because it’s there. If the quality of your image is very well, you should not waste time to adjust.


Contrast is the go-to tool for making details stand out. Adjust it to help you accentuate light and dark.

Sync Adjustment to all image

It’s time to apply those adjustments to all of your other images from the shoot:

  1. Select the rest of your images.
  2. Click the “sync” button at the bottom right of the “tools” panel.
  3. From the popup window, choose the adjustments you want to apply to the rest of your images.
  4. Click “synchronize”

Export Image

Finally, you should only export image and save file. You should create a new folder within the same folder that contains your RAW images and name it something descriptive, like “Color Corrected” or “Final.” Then, you carry out file naming and save. Your images have been color corrected.


Here are tips to color correction product photography in Adobe Lightroom. Do you have any color correction tips or challenges? Do you use different software to perform batch processing and color grading?. If you have not known about Adobe Lightroom for color correction, let’s refer this article here.

If you have any opinions as well as any questions concerned about this subject, let me know your though in the comment below.

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Product Photography Tips: Jewelry photography tips

When it comes to jewelry photos, details are main key that you are interested in. Beautiful, high quality photos to showcase these details are essential for a professional, consistent and reputable site. Accurate information of your product is key, because customers need to be able to understand as much about your product as they possibly can before they can make a decision about should or should not purchase it.

Jewelry photography tips is not necessarily an easier task if we have digital cameras. In addition, I think that all the tiny scratches, dust and grain are main factors you should control. Therefore, my task is that you have to know how you can make it work with you to get the best images possible.

In fact, photograph jewelry you do not need use a lot of equipment. Morever, a sheet of white paper and some window light and reflectors will do at a basic level. Even a compact camera with a macro or close up function will do the job, as long as it also lets you control the exposure.

Choosing a best location

There are many locations and scenes that help you take best jewelry photography. For example, you can use a tabletop studio with different colored backgrounds. However, if you want to save your budget, you can use simple location such as: a bed sheet or some butcher paper.

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A good suggestion for your plan is that let’s create a story about jewelry by making it a habit to collect materials you can use as props and or background.

For example, let’s find a window at home that offers good light you can control, set a table there and your studio is almost in working order. A white foam board can be your working base, then add a few homemade reflectors, maybe some small mirrors. Just remember that light has color, and that light changes. Especially, as you’re using window light, turn off all the other lights in the room. You can use flash, tungsten lights, fluorescent, but do not use them together.

You are interested in: 3 Basic Steps To Have Beautiful Jewelry Images

Choosing a camera

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Camera is one of important elements to build the quality of jewelry photography. Modern compact cameras will a great choice for your plan if you can manually adjust your exposure settings. This task is easier on a DSLR, but most for most jewelry, you’ll need a macro lens. A macro lens is a great investment, but they don’t come cheap.

Choosing a Macro Lens

You can use two macro lenses, 60mm and 100mm, with an APS-C body. There are two lenses lets you choose to work closer or further away from the subject. What is the different between 60mm and 100mm?. The 60mm can be problematic for some of the sets with very small object. The 100mm is more versatile in that sense. When choosing a macro lens, you should understand what you’re going to use it for and how close you actually want to be to your subject.

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Use a tripod

A tripod is nice to have for this work. You can work with the camera in your hand, especially if you are using flash. Still, a tripod will help you to keep a subject framed the same way, which will allow you to precisely adjust your focus.

Flashes, Diffusers and Reflectors

A flash and a single reflector from commercial brands to a white piece of paper, foam, or cardboard will offer you multiple options. Keep in mind that your flash must “off camera” for professional results. You can use cables or radio triggers to place you flash off to the side of the scene.

Flashes offer consistent light that can be positioned exactly. By using manual mode, you can control the exact output, even if you change backgrounds or colors in your setup.

With some basic step, you can make beautiful jewelry images. Are you ready?. Do you believe that little things like these are very important and will bring a lot more visitor to your site or store?.

If you have any opinions as well as any questions concerned about this subject, let me know your though in the comment below.

You are interested in: 3 Basic Steps To Have Beautiful Jewelry Images

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Top 5 Best Free Apps For Product Photography

Product photography is very important to convince customer’s choice before buying your product. There are many product photography tips to increase the effect of your services as well as your product. Keep in mind that you use not only digital cameras but also smartphones especially in advanced technology era. Today, with the help of growing technology, you can find several smartphones which have better lenses then many semi-professional cameras. In addition, using modern smartphones will help you save your budget in stead of buying expensive professional cameras. Capturing the demande of customer, today there are a lot of best free apps that can help you take photos, edit them via your phone. Below are top 5 best free apps for product photography.

Photoshop Express

  • Available platforms: iOS, Android and Windows devices
  • Cost: Free

If you are interested in photography, most probably you are familiar with Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop Express will a great choice for your plan. This free app gives you robust photo editing tools right in the palm of your hand. You can import images from your phone or take photos right in the app. Especially, the interface of the app lets you to change the hue, brightness, exposure and contrast values.


Although the app is free to use, if you want use additional specific features, you can purchase more to use free. However, if you have an Adobe account, you can use all features without any additional cost by logging account. Photoshop Express have 20 “looks” which is same with filters. You can apply those filters to get better results

Aviary Photo Editor


  • Available platforms: iOS and Android devices
  • Cost: Free

Aviary is a good post-production photo editor. Aviary Photo Editor does not provide professional features as exposure and ISO adjustment tools like the other apps. However, the suite of filters is very nice and perfect. Aviary has various editing and image adjustment tools. The easy to use interface lets you to make adjustments on the images very quickly.

The filters of Aviary is totally free to use, however to use all nice filters you can invest your budget to have fully experiences.


  • fotosolution-Top-5-Best-Free-App-For-Product-Photography-03Available platforms: iOS and Android devices
  • Cost: Free

VSCO Cam is another free to use tool for iOS and Android devices. It has the usual editing tools like exposure, contrast, and color balance. Taking about VSCO Cam apps, we need to know take advantage of VSCO’s filters. With simple clicks you are able to enhance your photos. By that way, you will have product images with artistic look.

In addition, VSCO Grid is a publishing and curation platform that lets users share their images, is integrated into the app. You can also send your product images via email and share them on social networks.



  • Available platforms: iOS and Android devices
  • Cost: Free

PicMonkey is another great online photo editor. One of the best features of PicMonkey is Collage. You can take various photos and arrange them together. Especially, if you have a lot of photos, you can collage them together as perhaps a banner image for your store or your email.



  • Available platforms: iOS and Android devices
  • Cost: Free

Fotor is other professional free apps are mostly not user friendly. It offers editing and beauty retouching. It also has HDR image support so you can turn your product images into HDR ones. You can make photo cards within the app. Moreover, it owner special feature: High Dynamic Range feature. You can take three photos with different exposures to combine them into a single image, with the best light and tone from each of the separate photos.

Smartphone cameras are becoming an increasingly good choice for creating high-quality product photography. Also there are some brands providing you built-in photo editing software, there are better ones in the market. In this article, we provide 5 best free apps for product photography that help you improve the quality of image, Besides, you don’t need to pay anything for good looking product images.

Do you have a favorite tool for editing your photos? Share it as well as your thought below.

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What is Adobe Photoshop Lightroom?

Have you ever heard about Adobe Photoshop Lightroom?. As far as we know, product photography begins under the cameras but it only finished after post – processing step. And Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is a gold key for your product photography.


Adobe Lightroom is the DIY or budget-conscious product photographer’s best friend. It can be used to both streamline your workflow during the shoot, and to quickly edit images in bulk afterwards. In addition, Photoshop Lightroom helps you import, organize, management and find your images. Especially, it is photo management and photo editing, combined into a single tool.

In fact, Adobe Lightroom retains your original images and keeps a record of your edits, then applies them when you export your images. You can come back minutes, hours, days, months, or years later and reverse the edits.

When should you use lightroom?

First, you take photo a raw photos and import your photo in Adobe Lightroom. Keep in mind that adobe lightroom is a raw file editor so you don’t need Adobe Camera Raw.

Using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom will a perfect choice that help you carry out basic photo editing. Lightroom’s task is that cropping, white balance, exposure, histogram adjustments, tonal curves, black and white conversion, spot removal, red eye corrections, gradients, local adjustments, sharpening, noise reduction, lens profile corrections, vibrance, and saturation.


If you’re a beginning photographer, you’ll most likely be satisfied with these features. Because it is also much easier to use than Photoshop.

In fact, Photoshop and Lightroom are great software packages that have the ability to bring out your post processing creativity. Especially, as you are getting started with photography, Lightroom is the best way to begin.

Do you prefer using Photoshop or Adobe Lightroom?. Here are some interesting sharing about Lightroom that help reader have best look. Finally, just choose the right tool for your photographic needs on a project.

If you have any opinions as well as any questions concerned about this subject, let me know your though in the comment below.