Support Using Guide

Review & Payment Methods

Review your order

After completing above step, our system will calculate total cost and expected delivery time for your order. Then you can review your order on summarized screen.

You can review: How to create a Order


  • In this step, you can add comments for your order, we will pay our attention on that while processing your orders.
  • In addition, you can add more images for order by clicking on “Add images”, after images are added, your order total will be re-calculated.


Payment methods

fotosolution_pay now

After reviewing, you can make payment to complete your order. At this time, we accept PayPal as default payment method. You can use credit card ( Visa, Master, Amex ) via PayPal or pay with your PayPal account.

Note: New FTPReady FTPZip FTP: These items contain image link in FTP server. Let’s copy this link in FilleZella to download.

When we received your payment, our system will send an email to your registered email address and your order on our system will be marked as “New”. Our staff will start your order shortly.

Next, you may be interested in: How to get completed files

Support Using Guide

How to get completed files

You will get notice for completed order by an email from our system when files are delivered. By logging in our Order Management System (OMS) you can view completed package, download or ask for revisions.

You can review: Review & Payment Methods

Download files

To get download files, please browse “Order menu”, you can see your order marked “ready for download” and “Download Now” button appear on order detail. Please click on it to see download instructions.


We offer two methods to get your files :

  • Download via browser ( recommended for small amount of files ), you files are compressed in a zip package, and please click on “OR DOWNLOAD ZIP FILE HERE” button at the bottom of instruction popup to download.


  • Download file using FTP (better use for large number of files), please use FTP client like Transmit, Filezilla or Fetch … use URL as your host and use your username and password ( credential you used for our Order Management System)

Ask for revision

If you are not satisfy with any of completed files, please ask for modification. On order details screen (only completed order or ready for download ), you could see “Before/After” button, you can see your completed pictures with before and after box, you could check every completed photo by download each to your computer to review.

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”]

To ask for modification for the photos just click on “Reject image”, on new screen, please use our maker tool to draw or mark area which should adjust. Also please add your comment which let our staff known how to handle with error. If everything is done, just click on “Reject Image” to return your photo to our production department.

After we complete modification job, we will return adjusted files and you can get your photos by browse “Reject Images” menu.

You may be interested: How to change your setting[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

Support Using Guide

How to change your setting

You can change or custom your personal details by logging in our system, then browse menu setting. At this time, we only allow to change the password, please make sure that you remember your old password before making change.

You can review: How to get completed files



You may be interested: How to create a support ticket

Support Using Guide

How to create a support ticket

The feel free to contact us if there are any questions or comments. Our staffs are online 24/7 to support to you.

On the way to create a support ticket, please take a quick look on our support zone ( to make sure that there is no answer for your question. If you could not find your answer with our knowledge base, you could choose one of Skype or email to send your question. Just click on one of two icon at the footer ( bottom ) of Order Management System’s screen.

You can review: How to change your setting


Next, you may be interested: How to ask refund for reject photos

Support Using Guide

How to ask for refund?

We try to provide best service, then of course you could ask for refund if :

  • If you believe your order made with some mistakes, you can ask for refund any time. We will send all of paid amount to your Paypal account.
  • We offer 3 revisions for each completed photos, that mean you can reject 3 times. If the result still does not meet the expectations, please ask for partial refund.

Please send us a support ticket for refund if having question ( after checking carefully your problems with confirmation, we will refund for rejected photos within 3 working days.)

Find out: How to create a support ticket 

Support Using Guide

How to create a Order

It is required to have an account to create new order on our system. You can create more order for each type of service or each specification.

(see more : How to create a Order Account)


Upload your images

orders ( file -orrder-review)


fotosolution_upload images



Let’s drag and drop file here or browse photo files on your computer. Please select photos with same requirement for each order. After choosing images, click “Continue” to fill in requirement (specification) for your order.

  • If you are new customer or have not created any specification yet . Our system will ask to create “New Specification” for your order, you can use created one for others order.

fotosolution_create a order


  • If you already create an order specification, you can select a suitable one for your new order.


Create new order specification

Order specifications are requirements which you need to apply for your images, base on each specification, order quote will be calculated and applied for your order. To create new specification, please follow these step :

Step 1 : Select service types

We offer 3 types of services : Image Editing, Real Estate Photo Retouching, Edit images for BnB Host. Each service includes difference built-in specification ( add-on )


Step 2 : Enter specification details

Every specification requires “Specification Name”, without Specification Name you could not create or save your specification details.

  • Image Editing : please select correct requirements for your specification

fotosolution_specification image editing


Basic specification including:

  • Background : you can select white, transparent or custom background color. Please enter color hex value if you use custom background. As you click each section appeared illustration. This illustration help you see the demo of production after finishing.

fotosolution_background specification


  • File format : we support 3 file format types on delivery, all of these type included clipping marks.

fotosolution_file format specification


  • Margin : you can keep original margin (we do not add margin) or adding margin value in pixel (px) or percent. As you click each section appeared illustration. This illustration help you see the demo of production after finishing.

fotosolution_margin specification


  • Resize : Please ask resize if you want to receive completed file in difference size rather than original. Add resize parameters in pixels, inches, millimeters. As you click each section appeared illustration. This illustration help you see the demo of production after finishing.

fotosolution_resize specification


  • Other Instruction : Add your comment if there is any others requirements or notes.

fotosolution_other instruction


Add-on : we offer addition services for image editing, please turn switch on and add more add-on for your order. Depend on add-on, addition cost could be applied.

Retouching : normally, retouching is NOT included on each order, but adding retouching could help to improve your image quality. As you click each section appeared illustration. This illustration help you see the demo of production after finishing.

+ Basic retouching : adjust brightness and contrast (lighter or darker depend on your photos) plus basic color correction

+ Premium retouching : advanced brightness and contrast adjustment, advanced color correction, cleaning (remove lint, stains, threads, pins, scratches, creases, folds, dust, frayed edges), creases removing, reshaping.

fotosolution_retouching-add on


Shadow&reflection : select shadow types if you need. As you click each section appeared illustration. This illustration help you see the demo of production after finishing.


+ Natural shadow : adding shadow for object and make it realistic

+ Cast shadow : create shadow depend on light source (lamp, candle..) on the photo

+ Drop : use Photoshop drop shadow with one direction

+ Reflexion : reflexion shaImage Editing : please select correct requirements for your specification

Invisible Mannequin : basically mannequin will be removed when you use this add-on. But please make sure that you uploaded 2 images for each returning photos

+ No-3D : delivery your photo with mannequin removal in flat.

+ 3D : create 3d effect for completed photo.

fotosolution_invisible mannequin add on

Color Adjustment: You can adjust color you want with two option: No or Yes. As choosing Yes, let’s describle how you want us to adjust your image by writing the information box.

fotosolution_color adjustment-addon


Clipping Path : We create a vector shape using paths, tracing around object on the photo. Delivery files contains these paths. This add-on offer two options :

+ Clipping path for text wrap + Mask : paths are automatically created with Photoshop Magic Wand tool. Recommended for simple object or hi-contrast photos

+ Hand drawing : paths are created by hand with pen tools. Please select this if your photo contains complex object or you need exactly path.

fotosolution_clipping path addon

Specification Summarize: Sum up your customer’s request or in other words, this helps customer check their request before saving file.

fotosolution_specification summarize

  • Real Estate Photo Retouching : normally this specification is applied for HDR image editing from 1 to 3 exposure. Add-on is just optional and there is NOT additional cost.




  • Fire in the fireplace : we add light, lighting effects on lighting equipment : lamp, candles….. ( better use for room’s photos )
  • Picture on screen : there could be some computer monitor or tv and adding attractive picture could help photo look better.
  • High contrast : increase contrast to make objects easier to see
  • High saturation : return your photo with eye catching theme and more colorful
  • Sky on the windows : replace gray or dirty windows with blue sky for better view
  • Change blue sky : cloudy or gray sky make your photo bored, adding blue sky is always the best choice.
  • Images Enhanced for BnB Host : same specification with Real Estate Photo Retouching

create a new specification for BNB host


Note: Step 3 : Save specification: saved specification could be used for future orders, you can reuse this “specification” with the same requirement instead of wasting lots of times to fill in information again. After reviewing or specification details and total cost, please click” Create Specification” to save your specification complete this step.

(Next : )

Support Using Guide

How to create a Order Account

There are 4 ways to log in to our OMS, you can sign up by using social account to save time or sign up with your email and your own password. Signing up with social account, our system will send new password to email which you registered with social account.

You can review: Introduction – Order Fotosolution


Pay Attention:

  • If your Facebook account are a phone number, when you create a new specification, box information will appear in order to require you provide your email account. This email address help us send the finished product for you.
  • Twitter account does not allow you to use as opened account, so when you log in Order Fotosolution account, box information will appear in order to require you provide your individual email instead of Twitter email account.


  • When you need an email address, to fill out an online form or registration with, you are the only person who can see that address. So, you don’t have to worry about SPAM or anything like that.

Next, you may be interested: How to create a Order

Support Tips & Tricks

DIY Guide to Beautiful Product Photography

Do you know how to shoot a beautiful product photography?. how do you feel about perfect product photography?. If you want to refer to reach to product photography, let’s discover this article: DIY guide to beautiful product photography.
A beautiful product photography may be worth a thousand words. It is sure to improve your customers’s shopping experience and increase your eCommerce sales. In fact, Showcasing your products with high-quality images will help you gain the best result for your business project. And a big part of having an attractive website these days also means having high-quality, beautiful product photography.
Before you give up on your product images, refer some guides to awesome product photography for your eCommerce store.

White Background


Background is one of important factors in an image and choosing suitable background is a deciding element to make beautiful photos. Moreover, the background is of fundamental importance in the composition of the image emphasizing the subject, improving the photography. If not adequate, it may cause irreparable damage to the image, making it chaotic.

For great photos, you need to create what’s known as beautiful and clear background. Simply, this is a white backdrop that sweeps from the vertical to the horizontal surface. Using white background, you don’t need to make any brightness and contrast adjustments. Because the sweep will reflect white light onto your product. Dark colors absorb light, so shooting against a dark backdrop will not give you a well-lit product image.

Or if you choose to remove the background, it’ll be a lot easier to do if the product is on a plain, white background. Let’s choose white background to make your product become more striking in photography.

Using Photography Equipment

Photography equipment is one of important and necessary parts to make beautiful product photography. The first equipment you are interested in that is camera. There are many kinds of cameras that help you shoot great photography, and DSLR camera is one of great choice for photographer.

With DSLR camera, you can use the right aperture for the right shot. A wide aperture like F2.8 or F4.5 will narrow your depth of field, leaving parts of your product out of focus. A small aperture like F8 or F11 will give you a wider depth of field, keeping your entire product crisp and in focus.

In addition, keep in mind that don’t use a wide angle lens. You will distort your product. Besides, you can use other equipment such as: smartphone – is one of useful devices for your project.
You are interested in: “How To Take Camera Setting for Brilliant Product Images“.



The quality of image can be affected by your tripod. Why are tripod?. When a camera has a slow shutter, you can’t hand hold it or the subject will be blurry. Tripod is mainly answer for you. When you take a photos, you’re going to set your camera to a very small aperture so that you can have the most depth of field your camera is capable of.

Thus,you’ll need to use a tripod to stabilize your camera and easily duplicate the same shot for each of your products.


The key to amazing product images is your lighting. If you don’t have great lighting, you won’t have great photos. There are two kind of lighting that photographers use to capture beautiful photos: natural light and artificial light. When you use an artificial light source, these can affect directly your product’s color, while using natural lighting for product photos preserves the natural color of the product.

An useful advice for you: Say to turn of your camera’s in-built flash because if you are not a person who have the photography skills to manipulate the flash. You’re not going to get great results using it. So, what are the advantages of natural light and artificial light?.

As far as we know, artificial light is constantly available throughout the day and night. This allows  you to skip planning your shoot around factors like the time of day and the weather has no effect on you. Based on the specific type of artificial light you select, you can even mimic sunlight or moonlight in your shots.

Natural lighting is easy and cheap. A set-up near a window is your best option, because you need to use the sun as an indirect light source. In general, morning light is bright and has less color, while afternoon and evening light often has a warm undertone. In addtion, it brings out greater contrast in your images. You can always neutralize the image and make it cooler in post-production if want a cool, dark image.

You are interested in: ” What do you choice: Natural Light v.s Artificial Light?
Below are video that guide specific how to create a beautiful product photography.

Great Product Photos from Etsy on Vimeo.

Closely, it is easy to take your own products with 4 guides how to create a beautiful product photography. Let’s post an image of your setup and a final image so everyone can see what you did. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us today for a free consultation.

Support Tips & Tricks

Product photography: In – house or Outsource? Which one would you choose?

When you want to build a web page to sell online, one of the key considerations to make relates to the product photography and whether you should undertake the project in-house or outsource.
Here we will discuss and examine some elements related to using in – house or outsource in product photography. We hope that this topic will help you find the best choice for your business.


The Cost

Image you choose the project in – house, the first thing to remember is that you will need the space to set up a studio for the product photography. You should prepare many instruments such as: a good quality digital camera, light diffuses, lenses and tripod,…. Especially you will need a staff member who is skilled and experienced in such programmer. You need to have many times as well as the cost to finish everything. In addition, if your product requires the large number of assistant instruments, shipping a bulk quantity of products to a studio can be costly, time-consuming and risky. These are added burdens affecting your bottom line. When you outsource, you don’t have to worry about these expenses at all.

If you use outsourcing services, this service will help you save the cost. We will prove that outsourcing owner low cost and completely satisfied with your needs. For example, say you outsource 4 hours-worth of editing, and it costs you $150. You spent $150 on the outsourcing, but gained $500 on the sale, giving you a net of $350. So, you use that 4 hours you would have spent editing or blogging or whatever doing in-person sales instead, and you make a $500 sale.

Times and Experiences

If your company needs large volume photography, then outsourcing is the way to go. Because outsourcing will help you finish the large number of your photos and save times for your project. As far as we know, outsourcing is perceived as a team of experts that specialize in shooting products. In addition, they will have many experiences of knowing what works across a multitude of markets and catch up the newest trend in markets. These are crucial things to allow you to owner best pictures quality.

Moreover, the photography project will take many times, while your staff need to have many time to complete their main work or are regularly distracted by other priorities. If the employees that you redistribute to the project are not skilled or experienced in the area in which you have placed them. This will also slow down productivity and may cause errors which are time-consuming to fix. Time is very important for business. If you’re not using it to make money, you have to start re-thinking what you’re doing.
In most cases, an outsourced, professional product photographer is always the best choice. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us today for a free consultation.

Support Tips & Tricks

7 Best Free eCommerce Themes Furniture Store

If you are going to start your Magento eCommerce business online, this article below will one of useful lesson for your business ideas. Today, we will show you 7 best free eCommerce themes furniture store. We hope that these ideas below will useful and available for your project.
In facts that trends keep changing and these days modern sites should have a striking look. However a lot of current online stores all look the same. What you can do to highlight your website?. These clean Magento themes with a neat clean on part of background is perfectly tailored for promoting products of interior furniture companies.
Starting for your business ideas, let’s get your furniture business online with customization best Magento Themes for Furniture Store.

Furniture – Responsive Magento Theme

Furniture House is one of amazing and premium Magento themes or eCommerce Themes Furniture Store, available for all product selling websites. Using Furniture house allow you choose unlimited color and different homepage layouts. This will boost your business with unique style. This theme is very great for for business owners, webmaster or customer who are interested in furniture topic.

Kitchen Tools Magento Theme

Kitchen Tools Magento Theme belongs to eCommerce Themes Furniture Store, is great choice for business owners or customer especially housewives who are interested in kitchen furniture.
It is made in soft pastel colors, and its minimalist vintage looking logo and menu are stripe-shaped to add a hue of festivity and luxury. This theme is designed on modern and familiar space and it creates a feel of coziness to your potential customers. This theme allows you to focus the attention of your visitors on your products completely.

TV Surgo – Multipurpose Responsive Magento Theme

TV Surgo – Multipurpose Responsive Magento Theme is a the best design magento 2015 with perfect layout including: 3 store homepage, HTML5, CSS3, a Bootstrap framework, a popup newsletter subscription form, and more.
The Responsive Magento theme crafted for selling digital, technology, computer, technology, accessories, hi-tech products or any other products. If you want to have a very unique and attractive design and trying to make your way among numerous store owners, TV Surgo is a great starting point for you.

Supershop Magento Theme

SuperShop is the newest design from 7Up, has been created as a Mega store Magento e-commerce solution for furniture online shopping. SuperShop is very easy to customize, it has many page templates with many different layouts for home page. It is designed on all types of devices including smartphone, Ipad and these will help your customer can visit site whenever and wherever they want.

SNS Simen – Responsive Magento Theme

If you want to have a very perfect and attractive design, SNS Simen – responsive Magento Theme is crucial key for your starting point. With powerful features, easy to customize, power admin, cool effect, this theme is perfectly attractive for your customers.

Arise – Magento Responsive Theme

Arise Magento Responsive Theme one of interesting eCommerce Themes Furniture Store, is designed for business owners, webmaster or customer who are interested in fashion, furniture, wine, food, jeweler, beauty store, watches and cosmetic stores. This theme is available in six different layout and colors combination. Everything is customized easily especially modern designs will give you more choice for your store.

Cendo – Responsive Magento Furniture Theme

The beautiful and user friendly Home page with logical structure, clean and clear arrangement, Cendo – responsive magento furniture theme is great starting point for you. You can change the photos and customize the wordings, which is great for promotional purposes.
This theme have clear and modern design with many features that easy to use. Especially, with the search box interface allows searching products in entire the site. In the blog page, you can see many posts, comments, feedback related to your store. It is designed on all types of devices including smartphone, Ipad and these will help your customer can visit site whenever and wherever they want.
