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The differences between Basic, Pro and High End Level as editing photography

Photography used to be an expensive hobby, tallying camera, film and developing costs. Besides, it is considered as the second face that represents the business as well as their product. Also, great photography will best great condition to send message. In addition, it also attracts the customer’s attention. To business or online shop, they have been been frequently required to show a review of retouching levels, namely, basic, professional, high end of the same image. Therefore, they have a chance to compare them.

The level of editing photography include basic, professional and high end. They are 3 main factors to decide the perfection of image. Normally, photographers can select from 5 retouching packages, which differ by editing level, the retouching price, the turnaround time and by the editor’s skills. So, do you want to know more the level of editing?. Below we will show you the differences between basic, pro and high level of editing in order to be knowledgeable in this matter.

Now Here are examples of illusion to help you determine the differences between basic, pro and high end level of editing in one shot.

Basic level of post-production

First, basic level of editing in photography is the post-production process which make a photos look better retouches. The level of editing consists of skin smoothening, blemishes removal(scars, zits, acnes, pimples), teeth whitening, removing stray hair on a face, shoulder, back, color correction.


Pro level of post-production

Seconds, different to basic level of post-production, pro level will enhance the quality of image. The pro level of post-production contains: professional skin editing ( blemishes removal, smoothening), color correction, background enhancement ( solid color replacement, extending), stray hair removing, weight reduction, small objects removing.


High level of post – production

Thirds, high end level of post-production is one of best choice that all photographers always believe and use. You can see that the image takes more expensive and expressive form as if from the cover of popular magazine. The high end level includes the pro correction, working on the detail ( remove from the clothes), the liquify effect, stylization.


Finally, all photographers look for their style and turn them into amazing artwork before the eye’s viewers. These 3 types of editing photography are great choices to aim to build their images. If you are interesting in this subjects, let’s share this articles to your friends. Or, if you have any opinions concerned about this subject, let me know your though in the comment below.

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Mistakes Photographer Make That They Should Avoid

Photoshop is one of an essential tool that photographer use to highlight and turn into perfect artwork. We have all been there. We have discovered some new tool and technique. Using Photoshop can help your image become amazing image, we are doing it to everyone, but we’re really doing ourselves more harm than good. Also, we need to use Photoshop in the most effective way and avoid the mistakes especially photographers.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn common mistakes photographer make and why you should avoid it.

Creating to Many Layers

Creating to many layers will one of reasons that obstructed the success of your artwork. Too layers make you no focus on main layer, this will create big limitation for your plan. In some cases, getting more granular about your editing can be useful, but more often than not the sign of an amateur who doesn’t know how to properly use adjustment layers and Smart Objects. Approving the first mistake, you should learn to group them or how to use Smart Object organise.


Not Using Smart Object

Smart Object is a perfect tool that support your image to become more stunning. For example, with Smart Object, you can perform nondestructive transforms. You can scan, rotate, skew, distort,….or warp layer without losing original image data. Or when you covert a new layer to Smart Object, you can easily replace it content. Also, if you don’t know the benefit of Smart Object and take advantage of them, it is big mistakes for you. You need to understand that Smart Object is one of Photoshop’s most powerful and valuables features.


Using the Wrong Document Setting

When it comes to resolution, pixel dimensions matter… DPI does not. DPI will only affect your printed image. Also, if you are planning to print, stop converting your image to CMYK before printing. Your printer probably has it’s own custom color profile that will produce more accurate results than Photoshop conversion. In other words, DPI doesn’t make a difference if you don’t print it, don’t convert CMYK. Let’s your printer it.

Unnecessary Luminosity Masking

Light is an important element to highlight your image. Light helps to create a particular mood within the photograph and can bring emphasis to key elements within a frame. In addition, light can help create depth and textures in an image by creating a mix of highlights and shadows.


If the ability to affect Shadows, Highlights, and Midtones individually is built into a tool, use luminosity masking is great choice. Many of Photoshop’s filters and effects will let you specifically target highlights, shadows or midtones anyway.If you forget to use luminosity masking for your project, let’s stop wasting time and use the build-in masks.


The need of HDR is in the growing use of panoramic images. An HDR panorama will provide more immersive detail, providing detail observable to the human eye in the real-life scene that would otherwise be lost by traditional photography.

So, let’s stop with the plastic frequency separation, overcooked HDR and ridiculous vibrance levels. No matter how advanced a Photoshop user, are immune to making post-processing mistakes.

Here are some sharing information about mistakes Photographer make that they should avoid. What mistakes have you made with Photoshop that you’ve ended up regretting?. Let’s us know and show show off some of your own failures in the comment.

If you have any opinions as well as any questions concerned about this subject, let me know your though in the comment below.

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4 Key Elements To Make A Great Photos

Owing a great photos is key success and invaluable gift for photographers, designer, online store. So, how to make a great photos?. As far as we know, photograph is different depending on your niche. A great photos relies on a combination of factors coming together to produce the final result. There are many factors that great images typically have: good use of lighting, correct composition, color and emotion,… Today, we will show 4 basic elements of a great photos that should lead you in the right direction.

Good use of lighting

Light is an important elements all photographers should because it illuminates the scene and subject. Whatever you are photographing, whatever shooting indoor and outdoor, lighting is a key to capturing a great photo. Having good use of lighting, you need to take advantage of natural light and artificial light.

That said, “The first thing to look for before you start shooting is what kind of lighting you’re working with”, therefore, the best way to do this is by adding natural light or artificial light to the room or building.



Light helps to create a particular mood within the photograph and can bring emphasis to key elements within a frame. In addition, light can help create depth and textures in an image by creating a mix of highlights and shadows.

For example, if you’re using natural light, at different times of the day the light will look completely different and give your photos a different look and feel. Using natural light will help you save your budget and support your photos truthful and delightful. Furthmore, shining too much light on an object will wash it out, cast weird shadows, remove necessary shadows, etc. You need to choose approriate time to capture the best lighting and to avoid the harst light.



If shooting in indoor or in studio, you need to use take advantage of artificial light. This may require that you set up lighting, or manipulate the available light using things like reflectors or a flash. Certainly, use the artificial light will have cost more than natural light.

Correct composition

A great subject only works as a great photo, if it is composed in order to make the most of what you are seeing. Also, we can confirm that composition plays an important role to emphasize the parts you want to and to make your details of photos  stand out in a particular way.

Composition can often be very subjective, but good composition can turn an ordinary scene into an image that grabs the viewers attention. Therefore, don’t forget to choose correct composition to highlight the details and items for your photos.


Like light or composition, color is an essential element to turn into your images more stunning. Especially, it is one of the main factors responsible for making a photo feel mysterious, exciting, sad, or gloomy. It helps to set the mood of an image and can play a significant role in touching the viewer on an emotional level. Evoking emotions is important in creating strong images and color is one of our primary tools to attract your customer’s attention. So, you need to understand the value of color in the different context to arouse the different emotion and make a strong impact on the viewer.


However, editing a photo for color balance backfires if you have to edit it too much. Instead of abusing the benefit of color, you need to use and highlight for pictures that can be applied most effectively. Also, you should know how to change the color balance for your photos.


This element is repeated over and over again, but it cannot be overstated. A great photograph makes the viewer feel something. When you’re dealing with a human subject, that feeling might be joy, sadness, or amusement. Therefore, in the different context, you need to create and build appropriate emotions to make your heart’s viewers touching.

There are a lot of things that make for a great photos and much of it is going to depend on the type of photograph you do. Here are 4 basic elements that we want to share information to readers. Hopefully that these are pretty basic and should lead you in the right direction. How did the photographer use these five elements to make that image so powerful. Or What do you think makes an impressive photos and what are you doing to improve your beautiful photos?.

If you have any opinions as well as any questions concerned about this subject, let me know in the comment below.

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The Benefit of HDR Photography For Real Estate

Real estate is one of new and attractive area in online marketing strategy. Also, using best high – quality real estate photography is the number one issue as it directly affects the efficiency of your agency’s operations. That ‘s reason why we should use HDR photography for real estate.


Therefore, what and why use HDR photography for real estate?

HDR is a range of methods to provide higher dynamic range from the imaging process. Non – HDR cameras take pictures at one exposure level with a limited contrast range. Depending on the camera had a low and high exposure setting, you will get the result in the loss of detail including bright and dark areas of pictures.


In addition, a software process combines all these photos to bring detailsto the shadows and highlights both. This will allow you to achieve the same task in the final photograph that the human eye can accomplish on the scene.

Why use HDR photography for real estate? Or what are the benefits of HDR photography for real estate?. It’s simply because real estate photography and shooting interior house has been one of the most difficult exposure challenges to solve in the term of real estate photography.

The need of HDR is in the growing use of panoramic images. An HDR panorama will provide more immersive detail, providing detail observable to the human eye in the real-life scene that would otherwise be lost by traditional photography. At the most basic level, an HDR photo is really just two (or three, or nine) photos taken at different exposure levels and then mashed together with software to create a better picture. Many photographers however have used HDRs abilties to create images with very noticeable contrast differences. This has created special things for your photography especially real estate photography. For real estate photography, the customers can review and enjoy the details of photography. This will increase and improve your sales.

Finally, got any pro tips for taking great HDR photos? Share them with us in the comments below!. If you looking for useful real estate photography, make sure to follow our blog:

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Real Estate Marketing Tools in 2017

Real estate marketing tools have changed drastically in recent years, due to the increase in the use of technology. Or since the introduction of the internet, online marketing has been one of the fastest moving and quickest changing industries around. Fortunately, this has been a good thing as it actually forces real estate professionals and companies alike to continuously innovate. This will help find the most cost-effective ways to market real estate. However, this also requires real estate company or real estate photographer to have to great tools as well as better campain to create impression to their customers.

Here are we will show some real estate marketing tools in 2017 to help you have good direction for your business.


It’s no secret these days that you MUST have a website for real estate marketing.  Great real estate website will a neccessary things to help your customer access to your product in the quickly way. Especially, with real estate agency, realtor websites help leverage local searches which allow home buyers to easily seek out agents.


Your website will help establish your personal brand and is a great way to differentiate yourself from competing real estate professionals. This will allow you to connect on a deeper level. Also, let’s create and design your owner website. Because it will an important condition to increase the effect of your plan. Besides, your website will attract quality digital leads and ensure you are communicating with the right leads at the right time and with the right message.


When viewing an online home listing, the photography can capture a person’s attention and make them want to learn more about the property. Also, you can use the best real estate photography.

The first step to effectively market your home is to be sure that you are utilizing professional real estate photography on your real estate listing.

There is a big difference between amateur photos and professional real estate photography,. Many people will skim by your listing if there aren’t high quality photos to capture their attention. Keep in mind that shooting better real estate photography. You can edit them and upload them in the amazing way.

Email Marketing Services

One of the best things you can do to market your real estate business in the most-targeted and cost- effective way is to utilize a well-planned email marketing platform. Email marketing is a form of direct marketing which uses electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial. This email marketing services include free newsletter templates, email list management, automation, real-time reporting, social integration.


For the best real estate marketing tool, contact an effective and well-known email marketing service with extremely affordable pricing and simple interfaces that also has high deliverability rates.

Social Media

Utilizing social media can be a great way to spread the word about your home listing and many agents neglect the use of social medial in real estate online marketing. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest are effective avenues. They can used to share information about local real estate listings. They help you to connect with buyers who are potentially interested in your property.


In summary, the main goal is to drive everyone back to your website. Your website, photography, email marketing, and social media marketing will some of great tools. They help you build amazing impression to your customers. Let’s start your plan now.

If you have any opinions as well as any questions concerned about this subject, let me know your though in the comment below.

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How Photo Editing Can Improve Your Bussiness Online

Editing photos and sending them out on social media is not the main importance of photo editing. In fact, photo editing service is now one of the best ways  for the businesses and especially business online.  The support of photo editing services will help change old photos to more flawless new ones. It involves filling in missing holes, adding color, remove unexpected things and fixing faded photos. The editing photos is an effective method of restoring photos, which can be used in different sectors such as online real estate businesses among others, portrait photos, wedding photos, food photos,… Photographs are quite important because they can be used as vital tools to assist your business in developing the marketing and advertising plan.

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How Photo Editing Can Improve Your Bussiness Online

Business leaders and experts have come to realize that customers pay more attention to captivating photos. Therefore, online business owners have engaged alluring photos in their adverts to arouse customers’ attention. Nowadays, most of customers don’t like reading plain texts, they like enjoy beautiful photos and especially customers who are interesting in fashion. Photos seem to communicate more loudly than plain texts. It’s simly that plain texts have too much words, they feel blue to read them. For that reason, photo editing makes your photos appear neat and presentable to clients. For instance, editing a photo of a house makes it more attractive. Therefore, a home buyer can be easily convinced to buy a particular house by seeing the edited photo.

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Photo editing service is also quite useful in web creation, photo studios, magazine, fashion company, … In order to attend customers’ attention, digital enterprises require high quality photos. This can be achieved appropriately through photo editing. A company with high quality photos will increase traffic to its website, hence increasing its sales especially help them save valuable times. Interestingly, photo editing is done on the bases of your advertising and marketing campaigns. You don’t need another photo shooting, and this saves you both time and budget.

Photo editing service actually enhances ease of reaching a wider market, with improved customer service. It is the best way to help your business online own perfect photos that will attract more traffic to your website. More traffic implies more customers, which is a clear indicator of improved sales.

If you are owner of business online, let’s allow photo editing services to help your plan save times and money. If you have any opinions as well as any questions concerned about this subject, let me know your though in the comment below.

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Do Unprofessional Real Estate Photos May Harm Your Business

Professional real estate photography is not just a necessary element of real estate marketing. It is a useful tool to improve and increase your sales. If you are real estate agency or person who trying to shoot best real estate photos, having a real estate photos can make big difference. You are able to professional real estate photographers with high – quality photos. The photos you use can make a big difference in the impression that people have of the property. They can have a strong impression in the brand that you are creating for yourself.

Also, if having unprofessional real estate photos, how unprofessional real estate photos may harm your business?.

Why Real Estate Agents Should Work With a Professional Real Estate Photographer

As a real estate agent, it may be tempting to save a little bit of money by snapping a few photos with your camera phone. But those unprofessional photos can have a negative impact on the brand that you are creating for yourself. Especially, in a technology advanced, an awful or interesting real estate photos will crucial factors to create good impression and keep the customers. In the other words, their first impression will be decided based on the real estate listing of each property that they view.


Furthermore, professional photos will leave your clients feeling as though they didn’t get the best service possible. The unprofessional real estate photos will likely slow down the process of selling the home.

These professional real estate photos can make a difference in the impression that your clients have regarding the service that you offered, which can in turn lead to referrals to help grow your business even more. First, showcasing their home with professional real estate photos can help you to stand out from the other real estate agents. Seconds, it will help your clients to be more satisfied with the service that you provided to them.

Why Real Estate Agency and real estate photographers Need Professional Real Estate Photos

Owning and posting unprofessional pictures of your property can have a negative impact on the way potential buyers view your home. When a potential buyer sees the unprofessional photos, then they are less likely to be interested in touring the property. It will decrease the number of people who are actually interested in your home.

Working with a professional real estate photographer can help you to convey the beauty and benefits of your property through the photos. It can help to catch the eye of potential buyers. Your professional real estate photos will literally set the brand that you want to convey. They can impact the type of buyer who makes an offer on the property.


Also, what should real estate agency and real estate photographer do?. You can choose real estate editing services. This is one a great choice to save your time and low cost. There are many real estate editing services company that help you all things what you need.

Below are some sharing related to the value of real estate photos to professional photographer and  agency . If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us today for a free consultation. Or, even you need product images cleaning up, an update of the company logo, or any of the other examples given above contact with our team can ensure you get the perfect results at great cost.

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5 Creative Ways to Help Make You A Better Photographer

Let’s create new ideas for your subject as shooting. It’s not difficult if you practise very hard. Here we’re gathered a few tricks that seem to consistently help you refine your skills. Let’s talk about exercises you can do every day to make you a better photographer.

Find a new Subject

Subject is one of the most important and indispensable things for photographers. Every photographer has a favorite subject. However, they always want to find a new subject for their artwork. This will help them keep the viewer enjoy their artwork.

Also, the first challenge is to find a new subject. It should be something that you haven’t photographed before. Even better if it helps you learn new photography techniques.

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It’s a new things and have small difficult for photographer because the new subject is not main subject what they always shoot.

For example, are you a landscape photographer who has never taken photos at night? Then set yourself the challenge of taking some great photos of the night sky. This challenge will allow photographer know and learn new photography techniques as well as new performance.

Shoot Daily

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Practice every day are the best way to help you become a better photographer. Photography requires regular practice to keep both your creative and technical sides in top order. Don’t hesitant!. Let’s put a camera on your neck for at least a half-hour a day and shoot amazing images what you like. You’ll find this keeps your mind viewing the world from a photographic perspective and will expand your horizons as unforeseen opportunities pop up throughout the day.

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Restrict yourself

If you want to become a good photographer, not only need to try but also restrict yourself. Sometimes, having a lot of options is a bad thing. It can be overwhelming and leave you unsure of where to start. Imposing restrictions on yourself is a great way to overcome this, as well as an excellent method to hone in on and develop specific skill sets. In addition, restrict yourself  will force you to think in new ways creatively, which you can then draw upon in future endeavors.

Use A Wrong Lens

The earlier exercise of picking your images from the previous 12 months should highlight the lens you prefer to use for your favourite subject.

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The idea here is to use the wrong lens for the job. For landscape photography, most people say that you use a wide lens, while the 50mm is considered by some to be the portrait lens.

So when you’re out making photographs, make a practice of choosing the “wrong” focal length. For example, use a telephoto lens for landscapes, a wide lens for wildlife, or a fisheye for portraits. Using a non-conventional lens helps you see your subject from a different perspective, which pushes your visual imagination and creativity.

Look at your previous work

Time give you perspective. Also, you should look at your previous work. This will allow you get best result. You’ll notice habits, ideas and technical facet that you tended toward that may well inform your work in the present.

Finally, we hope that these lessons will help you become a better photographer. Feel free to adapt and combine them. Try these exercises and let us know how they’ve helped you. Also, if you have any exercises of your own, leave a comment detailing how you develop your skills. Moreover, if you have any opinions as well as any questions concerned about this subject, let me know in the comment below.

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DIY Product Photography Tips: How to set ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed

As far as we know, ISO, aperture and shutter speed are important three factors to set up cameras for product photography. Shooting in manual mode is a crucial step for DIY product photography. Let your camera automatically handle important setting such as: ISO, aperture and shutter speed. However, make sure to take control, this will help you get best product photography.

If you want to shoot high-quality images, you need to set up ISO, aperture and shutter speed for DIY product photos. ISO sets sensitivity to light, aperture controls how much light gets through, and shutter speed is how long your sensor is exposed to light.

Also, we need to focus on question: “ How to set ISO, aperture and shutter speed” to own beautiful images.


ISO is the level of sensitivity of your camera to available light. It is typically measured in number, the lower the number, the less sensitive and higher numbers mean more sensitivity. You can increase ISO to capture images in lower light. You should use the lower ISO to keep noise to a minimum. If you choose higher ISO, this maybe lead to grainy or noisy images.

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ISO measurements generally range from 100-3200. Normally, a high ISO such as ISO 1,600 will produce a brighter picture than a lower ISO such as ISO 100. The drawback to increasing the ISO is that it makes the picture noisier.

Let’s shoot your camera on a tripod and take a look at your product after your lighting is set. Choosing the lowest possible ISO and gradually increase it until best appropriate images for your product.


Aperture is a hole within a lens, through which light travels into the camera body. Aperture also controls the depth of field, which is the portion of a scene that appears to be sharp. If the aperture is very small, the depth of field is large, while if the aperture is large, the depth of field is small.

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Aperture generally ranges from F1 to F22 and captured by F-stops system. You should use lower F-stops because this allows you to focus on specific details while focus falls off and blurs around your focal point.

Shutter Speed

Shutter speed is the length of time that a camera shutter is open to expose light into the camera sensor. It is typically measured in fractions of a second.

As setting up shutter speed for DIY product photography, you should use slow shutter speed. This will allow more light into the camera sensor and are used for low-light and night photography. And if you choose fast shutter speed, this will support you to freeze motion.

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Shutter speed is extremely important as shooting landscape, nature or sport photography. One of big reason of these types of photography are that contain moving subjects. This requires correct shutter speed setting.

However, if you set up shutter speed for DIY product photography, it’s easier because you don’t need to move. So it’s possible to use a low shutter speed to create extremely sharp images.

Especially, if you’re taking a picture an it is too dark, a slower shutter speed will allow the camera to gather more light. The shutter speed is also principally responsible for controlling the amount of blur in a picture.

So, let’s choose best suitable shutter speed setting to help your product photography more attractive.

Here are some basic shared experiences about how to set up ISO, aperture and shutter speed for DIY product photography. Do you have questions about ISO, aperture and shutter speeds?. Let’s us know your thought as well as your experiences in the comment below!.

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Small Business Marketing Tools Boots Your Sales

For small or big businesses, creating brand, designing your store and building your community of customers are neccessary challenges that improve and boots your sales. These challenges to make your first eCommerce doesn’t help and become crucial pressure for your business.

Let’s push these issues out of your mind because small business marketing tools out there – optimize solution for all challenges as well as the trick is knowing which ones to start with.

Here we would like to share a list of favourite  small business marketing tools help you improve your eCommerce sale including: social media marketing, email marketing, content writing with Google Keyword Planner.

Social media marketing

Social media marketing is best optimized tool that allows you to create customer accquisition and to build community of customer around your brand. In order to do this, you need to be writing and sharing your useful subjects that help your customers know about you across a number of platforms.


Buffer will one of great tools to support your issue. It makes creating social media images convenient – fast and easy to use. Also, don’t hesitant!. Let’s connect all your social media account to your Buffer account and post within one platform. One of the best special point of using Buffer are that you can automatically connect with different social media channel and choose appropriate time by schedule post.

With access to over 600000 free images, basic photo effects and the ability to add text and tools to easily size for a variety social networks, this will support your product as well as the content subject of you. This will help you promote and create your attention to customers.

Email marketing

Using email marketing is one of popular activity that many business trust and choose as the first choice. Here, we will com up with one of email marketing tool list: MailChimp.  Main missions of MailChimp are that design and send emails, auto-messages and targeted campains to subcribers or imported list and check the result.


With more 10 million customers access and send more than 600 million email a day, Mailchimp will completly great compagnion for all businesses. Especially, using Mailchimp, you can schedule emails ahead of time so you can plan and create your content in advance. Then, you can take some time to check the analytics. The analytic will help you graps the data as well as show the best time to reach your customers.

Content writing with Google Keyword Planner

Seo isn’t an easy task. To pass perfect Seo content, it requires many factors and Google Keyword Planner is supported tools for your content. As far as we know, writing a blog is great way to optimize your eCommerce store for search engines. You can use it to get keyword ideas and traffic forecast by looking at the search volume of different term, as well as the better ranking alternatives for those terms.


Especially, you can filter keywords based on many ways such as: Average CPC, Estimated Search Volume, Keyword Competition, Filter by Keywords,…

The Keyword Planner tool supports various workflows for building ad groups and campaigns either starting from scratch, or based on your existing lists. It provides more cohesive user experience by integrating the keyword selection, grouping, analysis and filtering aspects of the keyword selection workflow.

There are 3 small business marketing tools to increase your sales. Do you have other business marketing tools?. Let’share your though and experiences in the comment below.