
Fotosolution – Virtual Dusk Photos Services

As far as we know, in the modern age, real estate photos become golden key – right arm to promote real estate listing. And virtual dusk photos is one of favourite subjects that customer are interested in. Also, what do you know about virtual dusk?. What’s virtual dusk photos?. Here are the article below – we will discuss clearly about Fotosolution – Virtual Dusk photos services.

What’s Virtual Dusk?

Virtual Dusk service is a process that changes a daylight photographs into dusk ones by using Photoshop techniques. Twilight or Dusk is the most attractive moment of the day and that professional real estate photographers can capture. However, taking sharp shots during twilight or dusk hours is an challenging task, especially for a new photographer. If ambient lighting are too weak that makes the images look dim and grainy. And the reason why we need to have professional photos editors.


What’s the benefit of using virtual dusk?

A virtual dusk photo is captured in HDR during normal daylight conditions. Also photographers can take these shots during normal business hours. It will help us save much budget especially more affordable compared to real twilight photos.

In additional, unlike real twilight, external factors like weather are never a problem. Because the issue of weather and light always big task for all photographer when they take a twilight shoots.  With virtual dusk, a perfect sky is guaranteed every time no matter what the weather conditions are.  The original photo can be taken on either a sunny or cloudy day.

A virtual dusk photos should be used as the detailed image so that online users see it in the first time. This will make the property stand out compared to other listings.The extra attention will result in more clicks which means more leads, more offers.



Fotosolution – Virtual Dusk photos services

Fotosolution have successfully provided real estate image editing and image post processing services to numerous real estate agencies, advertisers, and real estate photographers. Having amazing virtual dusk photos services of Fotosolution, you can receive the following benefits:

  • You can save your time with the short turnaround time thank to the benefit of time zone ( from 12-24 hours).
  • We are available 24/7 to find a solution for your photos as quickly as possible.
  • Your photos will not be published to any third party without your permission.
  • We offer 3 photos edited for trial without any fee
  • We use the latest image editing software such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop CS6, CoreIDraw to give you the most attractive photos

We would love to work with you together and hope to bring more value to you production. Shoud you need  any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Address: 39, 322/22 alley, Nhan My street, Tu Liem district


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