Support Using Guide

How to get completed files

You will get notice for completed order by an email from our system when files are delivered. By logging in our Order Management System (OMS) you can view completed package, download or ask for revisions.

You can review: Review & Payment Methods

Download files

To get download files, please browse “Order menu”, you can see your order marked “ready for download” and “Download Now” button appear on order detail. Please click on it to see download instructions.


We offer two methods to get your files :

  • Download via browser ( recommended for small amount of files ), you files are compressed in a zip package, and please click on “OR DOWNLOAD ZIP FILE HERE” button at the bottom of instruction popup to download.


  • Download file using FTP (better use for large number of files), please use FTP client like Transmit, Filezilla or Fetch … use URL as your host and use your username and password ( credential you used for our Order Management System)

Ask for revision

If you are not satisfy with any of completed files, please ask for modification. On order details screen (only completed order or ready for download ), you could see “Before/After” button, you can see your completed pictures with before and after box, you could check every completed photo by download each to your computer to review.

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To ask for modification for the photos just click on “Reject image”, on new screen, please use our maker tool to draw or mark area which should adjust. Also please add your comment which let our staff known how to handle with error. If everything is done, just click on “Reject Image” to return your photo to our production department.

After we complete modification job, we will return adjusted files and you can get your photos by browse “Reject Images” menu.

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