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Learn How To Remove Background From Images

You know what one of the most important photo design is?. When you shot product photos, you want to upload it on your online shopping or your personality pages, you need to ensure that the quality of images is completely good especially background removal. As we know when you are trying to shot something , some unwanted elements may be present in the background you’re using . Sometimes, the images may have reflections or shadows that you don’t want. That’s  reason why you should remove the background to enhance its quality. Also a clear background will highlight the details of your image. So, wondering how to remove background from images? Looking to cut out the background from an image, but aren’t quite sure how to do it? Well, no matter if you have Photoshop or not, you’ve come to the right place. Below is some guide what help you learn about background removal.

How To Remove Background From Images

Using Photoshop Elements 12

Some of the tools using photoshop element 12 are background eraser tool, magnetic lasso, selection brush, and magnetic eraser tool.  You can use one of them to remove background from images. Firstly,  you will open the image in Photoshop, create a duplicate layer of the background to be on the safe side. After, you use the “Layers” panel to select the layer within which you wish to erase the background. Then select the Background Eraser Tool from the Toolbox and Tool Options Bar. You can use “Brush Settings” button in the Tool Options Bar to set your brush tip options as needed. In the Tool Options Bar, you can set the “Limits:” option to the preferred setting: “Discontiguous,” which erases the sampled color anywhere it appears within the brush, or “Contiguous,” which erases areas that contain the sampled color and are connected.

For the “Tolerance” setting in the Tool Options Bar, set a lower number to limit the erased color to only pixels similar to the selected ones, or a higher number to erase a broader range of similar colors. Once you have the settings on this tool set as needed, just click and drag in the image or layer to remove the background pixels.

Remove Background from Pictures using Corel Photo-Paint

Another photo editing software you can use to remove background from your product images is Corel Photo-Paint 9. You can use one of four tools of Corel Photo – Paint 9 for background removal, including: transparent color selection tool, path tool, channel mask,  scissors tool.

Transparent Color Selection Tool

It is similar to the background eraser tool found on Photoshop. This tool is very easy to use. The transparent color selection tool samples a color and replaces it with transparency anywhere it appears in your image. It differs from Photoshop’s background eraser in that you need only click once and the color is removed everywhere in the image. You do not need to click and drag with the tool, but you can click multiple times to remove several colors. When the transparent color selection tool is active, you can adjust the tool options from the property bar. In addition, you can use the transparent background image when you’re uploading product photos on to your online store. On the other hand, you can also replace the transparent background with another custom background of your choice.

Path Tool

Path Tool is Corel’s response to Photoshop’s pen tool. You can use this tool to manually trace the product’s outline to clip it out of the background.

Channel Mask

This background removal technique can be used with other methods for refined results. Before you use this technique to remove backgrounds from the picture, you should breakup the image into different color channels. You can easily do it using the split channels to RGB option available on the menu. The image is split into 3 color channels – red, blue and green. Use the channel that contains the highest details as the image mask to remove the background.

Scissors Tool

Like as the magnetic lasso tool on Photoshop, the scissors tool help you cut out the product image from the background. This technique will prove to be more effective, if the product photo has a regular outline. If you’re not very experienced in using either of the photo editing software, then you can rely on online background removal tools.

Combinations of these tools and techniques already offer users a wide range of easy, precise, and serviceable ways to remove backgrounds and isolate objects. You can use all upper tools to create perfect product photography. Now, let’s get started.

Check the tutorial video to have amazing experiences!

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