
How to Choose The Home Design Style Based on Your Horoscope?

Your home is the best wonderful place where you can come back anytime – when you feel happy, feel worry or so sad. Also, the important thing you need to do in your life is that choose the best design style for your home. There are many factors that help you make a decision for your style home and today, we would like to show you how to choose the home design style based on your horoscope. As far as we know, your horoscope can say a lot about your personality and preferences. Depending on where the stars were in the sky at the time of your birth, your design style may be bold and messy, neat and organized or somewhere in between. If you don’t know what is your style home according to your zodiac sign, let’s find out the zodiac sign below to check out the sign’s favorite design style.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) – Futuristic and Eco-eclectic

If you’re born under the sign of Aquarius, you’re an rebel and free soul person that likes to break the rules and needs the freedom to express your unique self. You’re very dynamic and you love all things modern and futuristic, so your home may not be the rustic home, but it’s always flawlessly decorated with extravagant painting, graphic pieces, metal sculptures, and modern materials like steel and glass. You are funny person and have many social relationship also you would like to create a spacious and minimalistic living space where easily organize the party with your friend and cleans up easily after the end.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20) – Chic and Beachy

You’re imaginative, sensitive, and abstracted person that loves to daydream. Therefore, suggestion for your ideal interior design style is both ethereal and beachy. The ideal colors for your home include cream, soft white, and slate blue that connect you with nature where have yellow sunsight and blue sea. You love to be around water, so when it comes to home decor, also a crisp white bedroom with a beachy-zen vibe and a small fish bowl will the best choice for your home dreams.

Aries (March 21 – April 19) – Contemporary and Bright

It is considered as the most optimistic sign of the zodiac, the perfect colors for your interior are bright shades like red, orange any bold, fiery colors. These vibrant tones are best choice for your home because they express your personality especially can help lift your mood. As an Aries, you’re very bold, full of energy, a pioneer, and you love simple things. This means that a minimalistic and clutter-free interior is suggestion for you because it can help you focus on your mind. Also, a minimalistic interior design also one bad idea for you. Your home needs to have an extra room you can turn into a painting studio, freedom room where you can relax, do anything you adore.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) – Traditional and Luxury

Taurus is belong to an “Earth” group, also they are mostly drawn to natural materials such as stone and wood. Taurus is ruled by Venus – the beauty planet. Also, your sign is best suited to classic interior design rather than modern. You’re a bit materialistic and you seek comfort, pleasure, and security in life, so you want to live in a comfortable and stylish home that has the best of everything: paintings, antiques, luxurious leather sofas, soft throw pillows, oriental rugs, home theater… You also would like build a private space where you spend your time for family and friend. You have a natural talent for decorating, so your home has to reflect your good taste. Comfort, security and a warm, peaceful environment are important to you. Various plants, fresh flowers, as well as brown, pastel green, and neutral tones can help to accentuate your earthy nature and make your home warmer.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) – Modern eclectic

Being reflected by the Twins, your sign wants variety and can’t settle on one particular interior design style. Your ideal interior is a mix of classic and modern, light and airy. You’re very creative and you love colors, accents, fun objects, and eclectic prints that allow you to express your freedom, easy-going nature. You can choose some hot colors for your home such as pink and yellow-green, or orange and purple. However, since Gemini is an ever-changing sign, it’s too hard for you to close with one look or style for long. You will choose many different styles including old-fashioned or luxury, but one thing is for sure – communication is one of the most important factors that you take care, so you’ll have to design in a large dining table to meet your entire family and friends.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) – Simple and Nostalgic

Cancer is a sensitive person that deeply emotional. You are interested in your family as your relation of family. You’re very traditional, friendly who wants to live in a simple, harmonious, and nostalgic environment. Since you’re very sensitive, family-friendly and memories are extremely important to you, your home needs to have a lot of space for framed photographs and other keepsakes. A comfortable sofa and a big, rustic dining table are a must for your home because they will allow you to hold family gatherings that satisfy your need for domestic bliss. Neutral colors like white, soft gray, cream, or pastel blue, are ideal for your sign so try to include those. Lots of natural light, bookshelves, plush rugs, bold artworks, and antiques will add a cozy accent to your home.

Leo (July 23 – August 22) – Lavish and Personalized

You were born to shine and be the star of the zodiac also you are very warmhearted, friendly and cheerful person who loves to be the center of attention, so your home should express all your personality. You love the finest, expensive things in life and your interior is lavish and regal, filled with bright colors and eye-catching. You would like turn your home into like a palace. You want to show all high-quality furniture, grand dining table, beautiful pieces of contemporary fine art with your all family and friend. Besides, you is ruled by the Sun, also natural light will salient point for your home. Choose warm colors like reds, oranges, golds, and yellows, or purple to match your style.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22) – Earthy and Organized

Virgo is famous person who love the perfectionist, so your home is always clean and orderly and perfect. You also belong to Earth element as Taurus, you’ll feel truly at home if you’re surrounded by earth tones like brown, green, mocha and beige. These are the perfect colors to decorate your home. Since you’re very practical and pricipal and you like to have everything in its belonging place. As the earth element, you prefer natural materials. People appreciate your helpful, practical personality and your need for harmony at home. As a Virgo, you hate clutter and tend to gravitate towards minimalist and comfortable furniture in neutral colors. You love everything Zen, so you should stay away from heavy antiques, plush carpets, or anything too decorative. Instead, plants, fresh flowers, wood sculptures, or flat woven rugs will the best choice for your home design style.

Libra (September 23 – October 22) – Elegant and Fashionable

Libra is ruled by Venus – the planet of beauty and love. Your sign reflected that you have refined aesthetic taste and you love an elegant and fashionable home filled with lots of pretty things and high – quality materials. You’re naturally stylish and can be quite artistic. People are drawn to you because of your talent for being diplomatic and fair. Pick a bold piece of art to use it as the main center of your room. You love balance and harmony, so your ideal home will have perfect symmetry. You love and would like to close with nature also you will choose natural color such as green, purple, and blue. These colors can help create the serene, harmonious atmosphere you crave. Good organization and minimalist decor are essential in keeping you balanced and focused at home.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)- Dark and Mysterious

Scorpio are the most mysterious and private sign of the zodiac. You’re fascinated by all things deep and below the surface, like how or why things work. Your interior design style is dark, refined, sensuous, with classic, stylish furniture pieces and minimalist decorations that have depth and meaning. The ideal colors for your home would be strong shades like black, orange, and crimson. You adore private space, so you can create little nooks and hidden spots around your home where you can spend your private time. Your bedroom should be a gorgeous haven for rest. Also, a luxurious bed and silk comforter will an good idea for your home. Keep furnishing minimal to calm your mind and decorate with candles, plants, silk throw pillows, or velvet curtains that will add a mysterious accent to your living space.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) – Bohemian and Outdoorsy

Sagittarius are a free-spirited and optimistic person who loves to travel a lot, so your home is probably filled with books and referention related to travel. You can’t live without the outdoors or far-off cultures, making you the ultimate free spirit. Your interior design style is spacious, boho-chic, bright, outdoorsy and you tend to gravitate more towards natural materials and bright colors like purple, orange, red, and hot pink. You love the outdoors, so why not bring the spirit of outdoors in with some bright flowers, aromatic plants, or an indoor fountain. Since you don’t take too money to invest expensive furnishings, because simply, a comfy couch, wooden furniture, and a big dining table is your style.

Capricorn( December 22 – January 19) – Practical and Antique

Capricorn is known as the traditionalist of the zodiac, meaning that your interior design style is mainly traditional and antique, durable. Friends love you for your reliable nature and the wise advice you offer. Practicality comes before comfort or style. However, when it comes to home decor, many Capricorns tend to sacrifice comfort for practicality. Don’t forget that your home should be a place to relax and take a rest, so try to make the space around you as peaceful and comfortable as possible.

Do you agree with your zodiac sign personality and design style? Or what’s your horoscope?. Let’s find out the best design style for your home. If you are interested in your home style or need any help related to real estate photo services, please let me know, Fotosolution will help you create best idea for your house based on your zodic sign.

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Experience Foto’s real estate editing services with Us-Uk Summit 2019

Let’s have an amazing experience with Foto’s real estate editing services especially on occasion : Trump – Kim Summit 2019 in Ha Noi.  As we know, Viet Nam – Fotosolution team’s country is proud of host country where take place in the second Summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. In facr, it is organised on 27-28/2/2019. We are not only proud to introduce our nice country but also show our professional service with international partner.

Fotosolution – Oursourced Real Estate Photo Editing Company

Fotosolution is an outsourcing company located in Ha Noi – nice city that organize the 2nd Us – Uk Summit. Also, our team are proud of best services with experienced real estate editing experts. In addition, we greatly appreciate our partners and ready to serve and satisfy all client’s taste.

Specifically, We are focusing on HDR image editing, Retouching, Virtual Stagging, Floor Plan, Virtual Dusk. From simple to complex requirements, we can delivery in faster turnaround time, lower cost with automation delivery and transparency workflows. Therefore, we understand the difficulty of customers such as: busy shooting schedules, deadlines, the problem of weather,..  After that, we appear here to help you address to all problems as well as meet your all requests.

What’s Real Estate Editing Services Can We Do?

Fotosolution are focusing on HDR image editing, Retouching, Virtual Stagging, Floor Plan, Virtual Dusk … As a result, here are these what we can do for you:

+ HDR editing:

It is high dynamic range image that is great tool to create and improve the quality of photos. Let’s come into our HDR service delivers high quality images that look beautiful and natural. As a result, using HDR editing, you will have a chance to experience many small services including:

  • Sky replacement: Would you like to change the background of sky to make your photos more attractive?. Because a photo with dull sky will make it lifeless. Let’s create brighter and clearer looking skies in a natural blue color with our sky replacement services.
  • Adding fire: Your picture will become more lively and authentic by adding fire to photos. Let’s us help you process it best.
  • Background removal: Too excessive details happens in your photos, it directly affects to the quality of image. We will help you remove them and make your photos more flawless.
  • Green grass: We add and do green greass for your photos and it look more natural and attractive
  • White balancing: Removing yellowed, black or off-white discolouration will turn into the quality of image. Also, using white balacing allows you to create a bright, crisp image.
  • Brightness&contrast adjustment: A bright photo with the correct contrast is nice to look at and an advantage to hold customer’s attention. Let’s focus on adjusting these elements will make the photo have depth and more engaging with viewer.
  • Flash reflection removal: Sometimes the use of a flash is an advantage to light up a dark room, but the flash is also a disadvantage to create reflection in your photos and make photos worse. Let’s remove flash reflection to create a more professional looking photo.

+ Virtual Stagging:

Would you like to change your furniture in your family?. You have a great ideas for them and what should you do for next steps?. Now, let’s us process this by our virtual stagging services. Our team can add furniture to real estate photography to show potential buyers.

+ Floor Plan:

It a scaled diagram of a room that allow viewers have a true look for a property or home design as how they suit to their dream home.

+ Virtual Dusk:

It is a process that changes a daylight photographs into dusk ones by using Photoshop techniques. And what do you get result? – Belive us! As a result, houses presented at dusk are nice, romantic and eye-catching more than ever.

Why Choose Us?

First, we have successfully provided real estate image editing services to numerous agencies and real estate photographers. By becoming a member of Fotosolution’s big family, you can receive the following benefits:

  • Quality: We always cater our photo retouching service to each client’s taste
  • Economy: Competitive price and discount for bulk order and for regular customers
  • Fast Turnaround: Turnaround timematter. About 24 hours, our default delivery time is 24 hours. That’s why we deliver 99.8% of all order on time.
  • High Volume Capacity: Our team dispose more 5000 images per day.
  • Privacy&Security: Your photos will not be published to any third party without your permission.
  • Service 24/7: We are available 24/7 to find a solution for your photos as quickly as possible.

Truely, Fotosolution would love to work with you together and hope to bring more value to you production. Finally, if you need  any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Similarly, we are looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Address: 39, 322/22 alley, Nhan My street, Tu Liem district


How real estate photography retouching approach to photographer and real estate agents?

If you are real estate photographer, your daily mission is that go outside and take many real estate photography with full schedule as well as basic on the request of your customers. And some properties may be not ready for shooting or you will plan to shoot and wait when home is completed. This will make your work more difficult and waste lots of times.

In additional, selling a vacant home is usually more difficult than a fully furnished one. It becomes a a persistent problem for real estate agents. That’s reason why shooting and owning real estate photos listing is a big chance that help you create an important impression for custormer in buying or selling in home. When you have a listing, make sure that you can count on to capture high quality photography of your property with faster turnaround. In other words, photographers need to find another solution to address to this situation and that is outsourcing real estate photography retouching process.

What is the real estate photography retouching?

Retouching process in real estate photography is useful method for photographers and real estate agents. It means that use photoshop techniques to remove unwanted objects, private items or old furniture, redundant details,… out of the photos and add  objects into the photos.  It’s considered as the simplest solution to make your product wonderful.

The advantages of real estate photography retouching

Why don’t we make our product more perfect by editing photo?. Because simply, each type of photo editing has its own benefits. It helps the photos look appealing with light effect, sharp details and create strong impression with your customers in the first time… There are many types of photo editing such as: virtual stagging, day to dusk, hdr editing, sky replacement,… Let’s transform them into your right hand in small and big project. For example, virtual staging helps buyers visualize the property easilier. Twilight creates romantic and cozy look for the property. Floor plan helps viewers have a true look for a property or home design.

Also, what are the benefits for photographers and real estate agents?

For photographers: Save your time

One of the strong point of using real estate photo retouching is save your time. Instead of spending your time worrying about how to edit and make your photos look good, let’s real estate photo retouching do that for you. If you have a huge volume of photos and work that needs to get done in a short period of time, outsourcing is the best choice for your business. This will let you focus on money making activities.

For real estate agents

The property market is too development so that the expectations and the demand of buyers and consumers in general have gone up.

This also proves that real estate photographers and professional real estate photo editing services can produce miracles. They will ensure that you will achieve good result and benefit for you property. They can take a series of images and transform them using Photoshop magic into something that you thought could only be possible with multi-million dollar properties. This is regardless of whether you employed a professional photographer to capture good images of your properties or take a shots by yourself.

All aspects can obstacle your real estate photos that will be completely removed thank for professional real estate photo editing services. They transform your house photos using Photoshop magic into luxury apartment that you can not believe your eyes.

Why Choose Us – Fotosolution for Real Estate Image Editing & Image Post Processing

Fotosolution have successfully provided real estate image editing and image post processing services for real estate agencies, advertisers, and real estate photographers. By becoming a member of Fotosolution’s big family, you can receive the following benefits:

  • Quality: We always cater our photo retouching service to each client’s taste
  • Economy: Competitive price and discount for bulk order and for regular customers
  • Fast Turnaround: Turnaround timematter. About 24 hours, our default delivery time is 24 hours, that mean you will received your edited photos after 24 hours after confirm your order.
  • High Volume Capacity: We dispose more 5000 images per day and unlimited free revision if you are not satisfied.
  • Privacy&Security: Your photos will not be published to any third party without your permission.
  • Incentives: we offer 3 photos edited for trial without any fee
  • Service 24/7: We are available 24/7 to find a solution for your photos as quickly as possible.

Here are the sample of photos related to some type of real estate photo retouching

Virtual Stagging for living room with modern furniture


HDR Editing

We would love to work with you together and hope to bring more value to you production. Shoud you need  any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Address: 39, 322/22 alley, Nhan My street, Tu Liem district


Interior Design Colour Trend In 2019

2019 is vivid running, and it’s time to talk about colour trend in 2019 again. Because it’s simple that colour topic of the year is always hot issue that are interested in. It’s great chance to see what the creative teams of some of the most directional paint companies are highlighting for the upcoming year will influence the whole of interiors. This is also the best way for real estate designer to confirm the colour predictions for the seasons to come.

As far as we know that 2017 was all about tropical green, warm neutrals, and sophisticated camel accents. However, 2019 is absolutely changes – it will be this full of even edgier hues.

The great ideas will never come to us in the second time. Also, let’s check surely top colour trend in 2019 to capture the trend and the trend and psychology of customer. For example, the most unexpected colour of the year comes is tinted black, softly tinted with blues and purples – sophisticated yet daring. The colour will help us to tackles the growing presence of darks across interiors. In additional, it also express the privacy and concentration for house spaces. Importantly, it can be used just as an golden key to contribute a piece such as a door frame or a kitchen or even outdoors.

Tinted darks are definitely here to stay, and we have been tracking this direction and its evolution for quite some time both across seasonal forecasts and inspiration reports.


It’s predict that  key colours for 2019 will focus on energy and vitality. Two factors are to be harnessed in the space, as an enlivening response for our modern life. It helps to bring colour into one’s life helps maintain a positive and confident attitude.

In 2019, the red colour is always main colour that can not be missing. The power of red even just in small touches is well proven, and even when paired with natural neutrals it brings the space to life. The connection between red and  black will close the grap between dark and bright, warm and cold. It has a vibrancy and complexity that really takes on different looks according the environment it is placed within.

Next, black-and-white interiors is always great choice for house spaces, but 2019 is ready to give way to a new minimalist palette. Soft, washed pastels like mint greens and sandy pinks will totally reimagine simple modern design in the this year. It’s is considered as new chance to create harmony for life.

Black and White Interior


Pink colour is also nomial colour that belong to color trend in 2018. It evokes so many feelings for everyone including from joy to lust, making for the perfect mood-enhancing paint color.

The expert predicts that 2018 will the year millennial pink shape-shifts into a stronger, more complex version of itself.

Pink Colour


Besides, the expert also named purple the 2018 Color of the year. Why are violet?. This rich, thoughtful shade of purple adds energy and depth to any room in your house. Whether you’re adventurous enough to commit to an all-purple color scheme, or prefer to experiment with home accessories first, this complex hue is one to watch.

Purple Color


Moreover, You’ll find shades like vibrant yellow and lime popsicle that will bring you a new joy. It make your room brighter and fresher.


Here are some predicted colour trend in 2019. If you need some help imagining how they might play out in your own space, let’s share this article as well as make sure to follow our blog.


Fotosolution – Virtual Dusk Photos Services

As far as we know, in the modern age, real estate photos become golden key – right arm to promote real estate listing. And virtual dusk photos is one of favourite subjects that customer are interested in. Also, what do you know about virtual dusk?. What’s virtual dusk photos?. Here are the article below – we will discuss clearly about Fotosolution – Virtual Dusk photos services.

What’s Virtual Dusk?

Virtual Dusk service is a process that changes a daylight photographs into dusk ones by using Photoshop techniques. Twilight or Dusk is the most attractive moment of the day and that professional real estate photographers can capture. However, taking sharp shots during twilight or dusk hours is an challenging task, especially for a new photographer. If ambient lighting are too weak that makes the images look dim and grainy. And the reason why we need to have professional photos editors.


What’s the benefit of using virtual dusk?

A virtual dusk photo is captured in HDR during normal daylight conditions. Also photographers can take these shots during normal business hours. It will help us save much budget especially more affordable compared to real twilight photos.

In additional, unlike real twilight, external factors like weather are never a problem. Because the issue of weather and light always big task for all photographer when they take a twilight shoots.  With virtual dusk, a perfect sky is guaranteed every time no matter what the weather conditions are.  The original photo can be taken on either a sunny or cloudy day.

A virtual dusk photos should be used as the detailed image so that online users see it in the first time. This will make the property stand out compared to other listings.The extra attention will result in more clicks which means more leads, more offers.



Fotosolution – Virtual Dusk photos services

Fotosolution have successfully provided real estate image editing and image post processing services to numerous real estate agencies, advertisers, and real estate photographers. Having amazing virtual dusk photos services of Fotosolution, you can receive the following benefits:

  • You can save your time with the short turnaround time thank to the benefit of time zone ( from 12-24 hours).
  • We are available 24/7 to find a solution for your photos as quickly as possible.
  • Your photos will not be published to any third party without your permission.
  • We offer 3 photos edited for trial without any fee
  • We use the latest image editing software such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop CS6, CoreIDraw to give you the most attractive photos

We would love to work with you together and hope to bring more value to you production. Shoud you need  any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Address: 39, 322/22 alley, Nhan My street, Tu Liem district



5 Best New Zealand’s houses in 2018

Beautiful house is one of hot keywords that people always find with millions of result in Google. What kind of beautiful house do you find?.  In fact, there are many choices that make you feel too difficult to have the best decision. Today, we will visit in New Zealand – a beautiful and friendly country , especially let’s go into New Zealand to look for Best Five New Zealand’s House – where will help you arouse insipration for your house design.

Sliding House by Dalman Architecture

Situated on a hilltop on the Canterbury Plains surrounded by llamas and grassland, this family home enjoys a stunning range of views. The plan of three wings was inspired by an arrangement of children’s plastic blocks, and the courtyard can be opened up on two sides by large rusty-steel gates that have been designed to factor in strong winds.


Number 5 House by Architectus

The latest addition to a classic summertime Kiwi encampment on Waiheke Island. Architectus has married timber with masonry blockwork for an understated aesthetic that suits the beachy site. The floor plan balances formality and comfort, with an open-plan kitchen, dining and living area – perfect for groups that have come to relax and enjoy their holiday.


Lake View House by McAuliffe Stevens

Located next to beautiful Lake Wanaka, this striking modern home has a theme of suspension and contrast, with three cantilevered wings connected by a glazed box atop a flight of floating stairs. The living wing is covered in clear-finished cedar, while the private quarters are clad with steel. Surrounding views can be enjoyed from any of the three outdoor entertaining areas.


Ponsonby House by Ross Brown

Externally finished in precast concrete, this gable-roofed abode is the family home for the Lods, who took inspiration for its design from Tom Kundig’s ‘The Pierre’ House and architect Jean Prouvé’s oeuvre. Almost bursting with contemporary artworks, unique lighting fittings and floral arrangements, the Lods’ house demonstrates a commitment to design at every scale.


Storey House by Irving Smith Architects

On a steep hillside with an ocean outlook, this horseshoe-shaped house is situated along the coastal road from Nelson to Atawhai. The plan of One Storey House is a U-shape on its side that opens up to the northern sun with a large decked courtyard. The owners spend most of their time in the privacy of the back wing, where they have a fantastic view out over the ocean.


If you are interested in real estate services as well as wanna have an amazing experiences with real estate image, let’s make sure to follow our blog.

Contact: to know more information.


Real estate photography with virtual stagging

Selling a vacant home is usually more difficult than a fully furnished one, so agents have to get creative with their selling technique.  Everything will be easier, if you do with the help of virtual stagging technology. Virtual staging involves computer technology to embed furniture and other items into a home. These small changes make the home more attractive to buyers, and they might contact the agent for further information for your project.

Let’s make magic for empty properties by adding virtual furniture.

 Living room

The living room are oftenlyconsidered as the first room in the layout of home, a center area attend guest’s attention when they walk into. Also, this room is also ideal location where family and friends gather together and relax. Show and make buyers at their home by adding special point in this room. For example, you can fill a virtual couch with chaise, a TV with beautiful view on the screen and a lovely coffee table. Expressing how you can transfrom the space, this will help buyers imagine themselves living in the home.


Bedrooms without furniture can look smaller than they really are. However, it make this room chilly and drab. Let’s turn it into warm room by adding a bed, side table and chest of drawers can demonstrate just how big the room is and add life to the previously lifeless space.

Kitchen room

It’s called as the heart of the home. Let’s arrange the perfect layout and restyle the kitchen to attract more buyers. Filling the kitchen room with dinner table, flower vase, kitchen shelf,… A clean kitchen with modern decoration will liven a buyer spend more time with their family.


It’s considered as great space where attach the emotions of family’s member, relax after finishing hard-working. Let’s promote your imagination by disposing all thing.  Filling your patio with an armchair, flower vase, drink table,…. to make amazing space.

If you are interested in virtual stagging and wanna have an amazing experiences with virtual stagging image, please let’s make sure to follow our blog.

Contact: to know more information.

Address: 8 Floor, No2 Nguyen Hoang, My Dinh, Ha Noi

Visit: stagging


How do you choose the best real estate photos editing company?

Real estate market is more and more vivid and developed. That’s a reason why list of property photo editing company are becoming more dense. It’s difficult to choose real estate editing company that is the best one. Because it’s simple that all of those companies have unique advantages as well as interesting deals. Our mission are that consider and re-check those companies to look for best real estate photos editing company. In this article, we will provide some suggestions that help you make the perfect final decision.


Rich experience is one of the first important factors you should consider before choosing best real estate editing company. Why do you choose rich experienced company instead of young company?. The fact that the more experience the company has, the more professional the image are edited. Moreover,  check again how many experiences the property company own will contribute to confirm their skill and reliablity.

Turnaround time

Fast or slow speed  are also necessary factors to decide the success of real estate company. Just slow one minutes, this means that you give up perfect your opportunity. The shorter turnaround time is, the faster your work goes. Different companies have a different turnaround time for the certain volume of photos. You also pay attention this before making final decision. The turnaround time of a company is considered as a clue to prove their skill.

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Talking about price – it is considered as a key point for your choice. In many years when I have opportunity to discuss my customers, price is always main and first questions that they are interested. Each companies classify their pricing depending on the services that they offer. In other words, each companies have private pricing depending on different factors such as: the difficult of product, the speed ( slow or fast),… Also, you need to list the price of all the chosen companies and then compare them to find the most reasonable one.

Your privacy

Your privacy, that’s right.  You always request  that  your image product will have to ensure the high security. Your full resolution photos are safely warehoused and backed up in our cloud. Therefore, a company respect your privacy, will great factor to consider.

Customer feedback

Have you asked yourself that what does the rating of real estate editing company means?. It’s simple because you feel curious about that company, about their quality. Let’s spend short time to check customer feedback as well as rating point of company. This action will help you have a clear assessment about that company. Basing on their feedbacks, you will easy to evaluate the quality of that company.

Support services

A good customer service experience is a plus point for company when we are wondering to choose best one. You can test their service by asking many questions and see how fast and enthusiastic they answer your questions. Their enthusiasm will express your role as well as your affection and how they respect you.

Here are some factors that help you have right decision to choose perfect partner. If you are also interested in this subject like us, let’s share your experience as well as express your opinion by following our blog. If you are looking for RE photos editing company, please visit Fotosolution with great experiences.

Fotosolution have successfully provided real estate image editing and image post processing services to numerous real estate agencies, advertisers, and real estate photographers. Having amazing virtual dusk photos services of Fotosolution, you can receive the following benefits:

  • You can save your time with the short turnaround time thank to the benefit of time zone ( from 12-24 hours).
  • We are available 24/7 to find a solution for your photos as quickly as possible.
  • Your photos will not be published to any third party without your permission.
  • We offer 3 photos edited for trial without any fee
  • We use the latest image editing software such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop CS6, CoreIDraw to give you the most attractive photos


Address: 8th Floor, Song Da 9 Building, No.2 Nguyen Hoang, My Dinh, Ha Noi

Tips & Tricks

Commerce Real Estate Video Ideas

Commercial Real Estate video has become the best way to show beautiful house as well as professional real estate image editing. Once video and social media have become an important part in property area, it is a great time to match up your commercial real estate video marketing plan. Below are ideas that will improve your commercial real estate video to grap your customer’s attention. This will help you have many potential in competition market. Today you can use the power of professional video production to make a difference in your marketing.

Below we will provide some ideas on how to make successful real estate video that can attend more buyers as well as improve your sales.

To make real estate video is not too difficult but to make real estate video go viral need to be important factors. Therefore, which factors can you find to build real estate video go viral?.



It is the best way to help you build the difference with many competitors in real estate market. It is respected in just about every social circle and can do a fantastic job at getting viewers more interested in you. You need to invest nice image, interesting content to renew your real estate video than regular video.


The time of real estate video is one of important factors to keep your customer’s attention. For example, if you are viewer, do you have enough time to watch video with the length that is about 20 minutes or more. It’s so bored. If you go through some of the most viral videos on YouTube you will notice that most of them are less than 5 minutes long. In fact, building a interesting and easy to digest real estate video that have appropriate length, will help you create video go viral.


One of the simplest ways to get a video to go viral is to make it funny. The tricky part though is figuring out what funny is to your target audience. Let’s make your viewer confortable and feel friendly with your video.


A real estate video go viral need to catch up new trend that appropriate to market’s trend. It’s is golden key that help you attract users in the best way.

Secondly, we will give you some real estate video ideas to support your ideas.

  • Produce a professional looking short movie of a luxury property
  • Record a prank that shows your company’s light side, but also displays its knowledge of a property or an area
  • Use an animated video to explain the history of a property or area
  • Start a web video series about your job ( for example: real estate image editing skill, video guide)
  • Make short video to introduce your successful real estate image as well as your professional team.

After building real estate video ideas, you need to:

  • Craft your video around your target audience by using the proper language, content and humor
  • Upload your video to a social platform like YouTube or Vimeo so you, and your viewers, can easily share and interact with it
  • Creating it a descriptive including short and easy to memory title
  • Insert your company branding and logos to introduce to the viewers
  • Don’t use annoying annotations, ads or captions
  • Optimize it for increased organic search value to drive even more traffic to it
  • Interactive with some social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and LinkedIn to increase the interest of viewers.

If you are interested in real estate video ideas as well as have other real estate video ideas, let’s share ideas through comment below and make sure to follow our blog.


Address: 8th Floor, No.2 Nguyen Hoang street, My Dinh, Ha Noi.


How Foto Team help you succeed in capturing real estate photos listing

Shooting and owning real estate photos listing is a big chance that help you create an important impression for custormer in buying or selling in home. When you have a listing, make sure that you can count on to capture high quality photography of your property with faster turnaround. If you never know how to capture your real estate photos listing, we are here to support you to take advantage your listing for your success.

As you owned raw real estate photos of customers, an important step you need to achieve that you have to provide a top of the line experience for your clients. Good impression will help you achieve better result and gain the customer’s trust. With that in mind, we are here to advise you on what photography package makes the most impressive for you on each individual listing.

In addition to that, many of our clients tell us that they really appreciate being able to use their professional photography of past listingsand editing photos services to win and succeed in gaining their trust. Therefore, let’s choice your listing that you feel really shows well, consider some of services that ever edited such as:  the HDR retouching, twilight, or visual stagging. You’ll always have those beautiful photographs to show potential clients in the future. Having those examples is the best way to illustration how help you succeed in capturing real estate photos listing.

Room with light always be better, especially for an interior picture with less light or a room with less windows. Here we create light effect on lamp and other parts of picture, then your room will have more light and look better with our service.


Blue is the color bring fresh and quite, our retouching technique help pool images more blue and cool.


Add color and decorate more detail are one of best way that help your house become warmer. Here are we use wall printing to stand out your bedroom.


We also continue to improve ourselves in editing services specially real estate area, making it easy to demonstrate to clients the value of editing service in the buying or selling process and making their experience as easy.

If you are looking for RE photos editing company, please visit Fotosolution with great experiences.

Fotosolution have successfully provided real estate image editing and image post processing services to numerous real estate agencies, advertisers, and real estate photographers. Having amazing virtual dusk photos services of Fotosolution, you can receive the following benefits:

  • You can save your time with the short turnaround time thank to the benefit of time zone ( from 12-24 hours).
  • We are available 24/7 to find a solution for your photos as quickly as possible.
  • Your photos will not be published to any third party without your permission.
  • We offer 3 photos edited for trial without any fee
  • We use the latest image editing software such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop CS6, CoreIDraw to give you the most attractive photos


Address: 8th Floor, Song Da 9 Building, No.2 Nguyen Hoang street, My Dinh, Ha Noi