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Product Photography Tips: Jewelry photography tips

When it comes to jewelry photos, details are main key that you are interested in. Beautiful, high quality photos to showcase these details are essential for a professional, consistent and reputable site. Accurate information of your product is key, because customers need to be able to understand as much about your product as they possibly can before they can make a decision about should or should not purchase it.

Jewelry photography tips is not necessarily an easier task if we have digital cameras. In addition, I think that all the tiny scratches, dust and grain are main factors you should control. Therefore, my task is that you have to know how you can make it work with you to get the best images possible.

In fact, photograph jewelry you do not need use a lot of equipment. Morever, a sheet of white paper and some window light and reflectors will do at a basic level. Even a compact camera with a macro or close up function will do the job, as long as it also lets you control the exposure.

Choosing a best location

There are many locations and scenes that help you take best jewelry photography. For example, you can use a tabletop studio with different colored backgrounds. However, if you want to save your budget, you can use simple location such as: a bed sheet or some butcher paper.

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A good suggestion for your plan is that let’s create a story about jewelry by making it a habit to collect materials you can use as props and or background.

For example, let’s find a window at home that offers good light you can control, set a table there and your studio is almost in working order. A white foam board can be your working base, then add a few homemade reflectors, maybe some small mirrors. Just remember that light has color, and that light changes. Especially, as you’re using window light, turn off all the other lights in the room. You can use flash, tungsten lights, fluorescent, but do not use them together.

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Choosing a camera

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Camera is one of important elements to build the quality of jewelry photography. Modern compact cameras will a great choice for your plan if you can manually adjust your exposure settings. This task is easier on a DSLR, but most for most jewelry, you’ll need a macro lens. A macro lens is a great investment, but they don’t come cheap.

Choosing a Macro Lens

You can use two macro lenses, 60mm and 100mm, with an APS-C body. There are two lenses lets you choose to work closer or further away from the subject. What is the different between 60mm and 100mm?. The 60mm can be problematic for some of the sets with very small object. The 100mm is more versatile in that sense. When choosing a macro lens, you should understand what you’re going to use it for and how close you actually want to be to your subject.

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Use a tripod

A tripod is nice to have for this work. You can work with the camera in your hand, especially if you are using flash. Still, a tripod will help you to keep a subject framed the same way, which will allow you to precisely adjust your focus.

Flashes, Diffusers and Reflectors

A flash and a single reflector from commercial brands to a white piece of paper, foam, or cardboard will offer you multiple options. Keep in mind that your flash must “off camera” for professional results. You can use cables or radio triggers to place you flash off to the side of the scene.

Flashes offer consistent light that can be positioned exactly. By using manual mode, you can control the exact output, even if you change backgrounds or colors in your setup.

With some basic step, you can make beautiful jewelry images. Are you ready?. Do you believe that little things like these are very important and will bring a lot more visitor to your site or store?.

If you have any opinions as well as any questions concerned about this subject, let me know your though in the comment below.

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