
8+ Blog Design Tips To Make Blog Look Attractive

Blog is one of the most popular social network or is called other name of webblog. It has known as a diary or journal where every invidual can write personal stories, share experiences and lessons in life. To creat a blog isn’t too difficult but to make blog look attractive isn’t a easy thing. When designing your blog, it may be difficult to know what’s most important and how your blog look more interesting in the first visit of visitors. The truth to create perfect blog and is one of the most important is creativity. It’s creativity about funny and meaning content and attractive design. Creativity is working with purpose to do what everyone else is doing in a unique way.

If you want your blog’s visitors to stay for longer and read your content, you need your site to leave a great first impression. Your site needs to look elegant, be easy to navigate, and show off useful and informative content.

Here are some blog design tips to help your blog become more amazing and more useful before the eyes of visitors.

#1 Guide to start a new blog

Every day has many new and funny blogs because blog is becoming a trend now days. People can start a blog, people can talk about how they are feeling today, they can share their thoughts, they can write about something they like, they can start a new blog to promote your business or none the less or they can create a blog just to make money from it. Thus, the first mission of blog design tips is that creat an account.

So, to create a new blog, what should you do?.Some importants guides will help you have an amazing blog.


#2 How to create an Inspired blog design

Many blogs are appearing every day and to create a special blog what has affected the visitors is very so difficult. So, what should to do or how improve it?. We will give some suggestion to help you create an inspired blog design.

#3 Factors influence the first impression of your Blog’s visitors

When a new visitor comes to your blog for the first time an initial impression will be formed pretty quickly. A good first impression will drastically increase the chances of that visitor returning again, and a bad first impression will be difficult to overcome. Check out these factors to improve this first impression for your Blog.

#4 How to write interesting content for Blog topic


If you want your blog’s visitors to stay for longer and read your content, you need your site to leave a great first impression. Your site needs to look elegant, be easy to navigate, and show off useful and informative content. So , how to write interesting content or amazing topic for Blog?. Below is some useful tips for you.

#5 Tips to select Blog theme

One of the basic building block of a Blog is it’s theme. Theme represent your work and how professionally you are blogging. Most of new blogs, don’t pay much attention to theme and use tons of widgets, use a theme which can accomodate more ads or keep changing their Blog theme at regular interval. How to choose available themes for your blog. Here are 5 tips for selection of Blog theme.

  •  Idefinite blog personal or professional
  •  Use light background or dark background
  •  Select Content theme
  •  Choice simple, minimalist or filled up for content
  •  Find Color Scheme

#6 Add Images To Your Blog Posts


Images is one of the most important factors to make the success for your Blog. Choose beautiful and attractive images is a big advantage to attract the attention in the first visit of visitors. So, the question that we have to answer: why you should use images with your blog post? and how to add images to your blog post?.

Firstly: Why you should use images with your blog post?

  • Visually appealing
  • Image Search Engine traffic
  • More social media share: share your content on social media, it also helps you to drive more traffic from social media sites.
  • Increase the length of the article
  • Explanation

Secondly: How to add images with your blog post

  • Resize the image
  • Compress the image
  • Image Suite WordPress plugin
  • Watermark Plugin
  • Flickr

#7 Colors can Influence Readers Actions and Make Us More Money

Find colors for your blog design is very necessary. It is one of an important part of blog design tips. A blog has special colors what help your blog to increase clicks, conversion and specially make more money.

#8 Social Media Icon for Your Blog


Do you make it easy for your readers to connect, like, follow you and basically find you anywhere on the internet?.

Find colors for your blog design tips is very necessary. A blog has special colors what help your blog to increase clicks, conversion and specially make more money.

You want your stories in Blog what will come closer for readers?. This isn’t so difficult. Let’s install social media icons for your blog, it will help you develop and improve your Blog. So you need to know how to add social media icons to your blog?. Here are three easy steps to add custom icons or buttons to your site.

  • Find and create the icons for your blog
  • Upload your images
  • Add in your htm code

And we are done!. Let’s share your experiences to make good blog design to help my article become more interesting. Thank you for reading!