
What a $1 million dollar home look like in San Fancisco?

What kind of house $1 million can own you in San Fancisco?.

Buying a home?. Owing a beautiful house is sweet dream of all people who try to earn money everyday to achieve this dream. If you live in San Fancisco, the money you spend,  can buy you something a lot different than what you will image in San Fancisco.

Imaging as if you have $1 dollar, what kind of house $1 million can get you?. In some places, you will have a mansion with large space while in others you might have to settle for a cozier two-bedroom condo. Here we go around the market to look for beautiful house with a $1million dollar. Check out the home of various sizes, the priced around the million mark.









Dinning – room














Top floor – Balcony




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5 Mysteric of Real Estate Photography

They say that amazing chance will be come to us in the single time if we catch it. When we mention to real estate photography, this statement appears to be especially true. Any experienced house owner or real estate professional would agree that photos can either bring to good result or break your property listing. High-quality pictures can make the world of difference to your entire rental experience.


While there is no shortage of articles on real estate photography, the world obviously runs short of tried and tested recommendations on this topic. We decided to challenge the status quo and solve the problem once and for all. Let’s try to experience and learn the best practices of real estate photography.

Why does quality photos matter?

Beautiful real estate photograph plays a important role that help you attract your customer’s first impression special in the online era. For example, a simple house with normal design may be difficult to grab to your customer’s eyes. But high – quality photos will save it. Or vice versa, a luxury house with modern designe but poor quality image will reduce the quality of the house. It will become a disadvantage that make your online customers disappointed.  Also the quality photos is one of essential factors to win all decision.

Get the right equipment

It all comes down to four things – camera, lens, tripod, and flash.

Camera. The good news is that you do not need to spend a fortune on your camera body. Compared to other photography niches, real estate photography is slightly less demanding on the camera. The only thing you should be concerned about is a good ISO performance. High ISO is crucial for night shooting, and you should not miss a chance to show your property lit up.


Lenses. Wide angle camera lens will give each room in the home a true sense of depth. Additionally, wide lenses are an incredible way to display the whole room or exterior so that one can clearly see how it looks in detail. Furthermore, using wide angle camera allows you avoid unrealistic images, and at the same time, allows to zoom out and make a space look larger and more spacious.. There are no strict requirements, but be geared toward 10-22mm and 12-24mm for cropped sensor cameras, and 16-35mm for full frame ones.

Tripod. Unless you live on a planet with a permanent daylight and perfectly illuminated properties, using a tripod is an absolute must. Not only will this help you take crisp photos in low light situations, it will also let you conduct a late night photoshoot. When you take pictures with a long exposure, a proper stability of your camera is absolutely necessary. This is where a tripod comes into play.

Flash. When it comes to flash, all people fall into two camps. Those who avoid using flash at all cost, and those who believe that flash is the most important tool in a real-estate photography. What both camps seem to agree upon is that a regular DSLR’s flash can’t do the job. If you decide to use flash for your real estate shooting, you’d better think of an off-camera flash and wireless triggers.

Prepare the room

Homes come in all shapes, sizes, styles, and conditions. Here we send them a task list with our suggestions on prepping the home prior to the photo session. Once inside, you should set out to photograph the main rooms: the living room, kitchen, dining area, master bedroom, master bath, are all ‘must shoot’ rooms.

Living room. This is one of the most important pictures in your property listing, so make sure it looks relaxing and feel warm as your home. Spend some time to find the best angle for your shot to make the room look as spacious as possible.

Bedroom. When shooting this part of a home, try to make it look cozy and bright. It is always a good idea to highlight some perks such as a stunning view out the window.


Kitchen and dining area. Before starting to shoot this area, ensure there is no trace of household cleaning products. Your primary goal is to make this room look tidy and functional.


Bathroom. Since bathroom is usually the smallest room, you need to find the right corner for your shoot. It might be a challenge, but it is definitely worth it.


Exterior. Most of people like to know how the property looks from the outside. That is why you should take some stunning pictures of the yard and the neighborhood. Schedule your shooting for a time that will let you benefit from the natural light. The best time of day to take photos of any outdoor object is the early morning where natural light is crisp and clear, or the early evening. In both instances, the light should come in from the side which highlights the house.

Learn how to set up cameras

Most photography experts would agree that all comes down to light. Just like there are no two properties with the same amount of lightning, there is no perfect choice for camera settings. Sadly, the one-size-fits-all approach is not the case with photography.

In order to make quality pictures, you need to become adept at capturing light. To make this happen, you should get familiar with the idea of the exposure triangle, which consists of a shutter speed, an aperture, and an ISO.

Shutter speed. Depending on the amount of natural light, it is advised to set a shutter speed between 1/60 and ½ a second.
Suggestion for a beginner: Basically, a shutter speed is the amount of time a camera shutter remains open for exposing light into the camera sensor.


Aperture. Once again, there is no perfect choice, but most real estate photographers agree upon keeping an aperture between F8 and F11.
Suggestion for a beginner: Aperture determines how wide a lens is open when you take a picture.

ISO. Just like in any other photography niche, the principle of using ISO is simple: keep it as low as possible unless your goal is a picture full of noise and grain. Experts suggest going no higher than 400.

Take advantage of retouching

No matter how good your shot is, there is always a room for improvement. It is safe to say that taking pictures is only half the process. To make pictures truly eye-catching, a rational amount of retouch is necessary. Before you get lost in the variety of software available on market, you need to understand that your goal is to make pictures appealing while keeping them natural-looking.

There is a fair bit of software available, but if you want to save your time, feel free to rely on our choice. We suggest using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom or Photos for desktop, and VSCO or Snapseed for mobile.

There are many things you can do to your photos, but don’t get frustrated and focus on the following tasks:

Vertical correction. This is probably one of the most important things to do. All vertical lines must be vertical, this is an absolute must. Otherwise, walls will look unstable, and the whole picture will scream unprofessional.

HDR adjustment. Chances are that the majority of photos will have the areas with bright windows and the areas with dark corners. HDR treatment can help brighten up the darker parts of the picture without causing a negative effect on the well-lit parts.

Proper cropping. Feel free to crop unwanted sections from your pictures. Actually, you should always capture more than you think you need. This will give you more space for post-processing.

White balance settings. Although the best approach is to adjust a white balance on your camera in the first place, you can also tweak it to your taste later. Make sure the final version of your picture looks natural. Photos that look either too cold or too warm are not what you need.

Here are some tips to help you own best quality real estate photography. We hope that these tips help you work more efficiently with your clients and produce better-quality images. If you found this article useful, share them and your though in the comments below.

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How To Take Good Real Estate Photography For Beginners

Are you interested in real estate photography?. Welcome this main subject with ” How to take good real estate photography for beginner”!. Photography has never been more important to selling real estate than it is today. The markets are heating up again and demand for real estate creates demand for photography. This is good news to photographers, but like any business, there is plenty of competition. If you are new to architecture and real estate photography, here are some general guidelines to start you on the right path.

Camera Equipment

A camera, lens, and tripod, are all that is required to get start, but you might quickly learn that many competitors are very proficient at using supplemental lighting and Photoshop techniques.

Your camera should allow you to add a cable release, a flash, different lenses, and wireless triggers. Wide angle lenses are required. For cropped sensor cameras a lens around 10-22mm or 12-24mm is perfect, and for full frame sensor cameras, a lens around 16-35 mm will do the job.


Tilt-shift lenses help avoid converging vertical lines such as wall edges and door frames leaning in or out. There are several tilt-shift lenses available from Canon’s 17mm, the 24mm from Canon and Nikon, and others. While these lenses are wonderful to use, they are fixed focal length so if you need  a perspective that is for example; 19 mm or 27 mm or somewhere in between, a 16-35mm zoom lens is a great companion to a tilt-shift lens.

Shooting techniques vary from exposure blending, HDR, wireless flash, and light painting with multiple exposures. No matter your shooting style the camera should not be moved to guarantee image alignment of multiple exposures. The camera’s self-timer, a cable release, or wireless triggers insure no camera movement.


The first image a potential buyer sees when reviewing properties online is an exterior photo. That real estate photography is important so take the time to find the best angle and best light. Ask the realtor what are the important features to highlight. They usually want exterior photographs from front and rear, a deck or patio, landscaping and gardens, pool or hot tub, a barn, shop, or other outbuildings. Each feature should be emphasized in the composition by using the surroundings, like beautiful gardens leading to a cool garden shed.

Exterior Lighting

Most outdoor subjects benefit from early or late day lighting, including real estate. Using Google Maps and Google Earth can help you determine the best time of day prior to the real estate photos shoot.  Searching only takes minutes and provides an idea whether a home faces the sunrise or sunset, or neither.


In winter, some homes facing south never have the sun hitting the front of the home to avoid shooting into the sun, photograph from the same end of the house as the sun.


Overcast skies can eliminate any problems with sun’s position, but shooting on poor days is a decision best discussed with the realtor.  The advantage is you can shoot any time of the day but the disadvantage is white skies can lessen the impact of an otherwise great exterior image.

The dusk or dark technique is often requested by clients because it helps sell properties. The image is photographed outside and from the best angle to showcase the house. The technique is to turn on all the lights in a room and shoot at a certain time. After sunset the sky’s exposure will balance with the room lights’ exposure. A better approach is to add lights to the rooms creating even lighting, and working this way means not having to wait for that perfect balance between room lights and outdoor light.

Interior Photography

Homes come in all shapes, sizes, styles, and conditions. Here we send them a task list with our suggestions on prepping the home prior to the photo session. Once inside, you should set out to photograph the main rooms: the living room, kitchen, dining area, master bedroom, master bath, are all ‘must shoot’ rooms. There could also be a library, office, large walk-in closet, and more. The client can often tell you what they deem important. Next, seek the best perspective for each room.


We describe our approach as using the inside elements: furniture, windows, and room layout, to create visual flow. We generally try to avoid composing something large in the foreground that prevents the eye from flowing through the room.


There is broad agreement among clients and photographers, that if there is to be a rule it will state: verticals must be correct! In most interiors there are edges and corners of walls, door frames, and windows that have vertical sides and these edges need to truly be vertical. When you use a tilt-shift lens this problem is solved, but tilting the camera up or down with a non-TS wide angle lens makes vertical edges converge or diverge and they no longer appear straight.

Camera Height


One widely used approach is to level the camera using a hot shoe bubble level, making edges straight. While this is a simple solution, it is not always the best solution when using a non-TS lens. A level camera at chest height can result in foreground subjects, like furniture being cutoff at the bottom with too much ceiling at the top. Lowering the camera height will improve this problem but how low can you go and still have an effective photo?.

So what is the perfect camera height? There are many opinions. Some suggest chest height while others suggest door knob height or even lower, all to avoid diverging verticals lines.


Good Exposure

The perfect interior exposure is challenging when balancing bright window light, with darker interiors. You can deal with scene contrast many ways; one is to shoot when outdoor light levels are lower. Midday light will be much brighter outside than during or after sunset, or on a cloudy day. Turning on every light inside increases the interior brightness. If the outdoor brightness is lower a RAW file can often capture the scene in one frame.


To make sure we have all the exposures for a great image, you should determine my ‘base exposure’, the image that has most of the data centred in the histogram. Then you bracket widely in one stop increments of varied exposures so you have variety just in case you need them. Lightroom and Photoshop allow selective lightening and darkening of shadows and highlights on a single image. If the contrast is too much, you can blend those bracketed images into a great final image.


Interior Lighting

Just like a finely lit portrait, interiors can benefit greatly from nicely styled lighting. HDR can manage scene contrast but it does not create highlights and shadows in areas that have no directional light. If you have a dark cabinet against a dark wall, adding supplemental light can bring out that needed detail.

Most interiors have two light sources: window light and interior lights, both constant light sources. You can add constant lights or use strobe or flash. Constant lights, unlike flash, are like the lamp on the table or window light. Changing your exposure to darken window light also changes the exposure brightness of your constant lights. Flash is not a constant light! If you change your shutter speed to darken the window light exposure, flash exposure will not change. Flash or strobe provides flexibility when lighting interiors.


Photographers shooting for architects or magazines often have plenty of time to photograph a property with finely crafted lighting techniques. But a real estate photographer’s time is usually limited, making flash the perfect tool. Some photographers have mastered the balancing act of using direct on-camera flash to fill in a scene while others use on-camera flash in a bounce capacity.

Also popular are multi-flash wireless set ups allowing the flash to be placed around a room for styled lighting. Also growing in popularity is the ‘light painting’ approach where areas are selectively lit and the exposures are blended.

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One side effect with outdoor lighting mixing with interior lighting is ‘lighting color balance. This is different than camera White Balance settings. Camera White Balance is set to either specific areas of your scene or set to average all light sources together.

Color and Decoration

When you have mixed light, such as daylight colored window light mixing with tungsten colored ceiling lights. Then throw in a fluorescent kitchen light, you have a veritable palette of different colors mixing together. Walls closest to windows will be blue while the wall closest to a lamp will be amber and the ceiling in the kitchen will have a green tint.


In some cases the effects of mixed light will be minimal and other times require attention. You can prevent mixed color in many cases by color matching the inside lights to the same color. Besides, you can use Photoshop color correction techniques to change color of specific areas.

Once you have completed the assignment you will need to deliver the real estate photography files. Clients may have different preferences, but mine usually request low resolution for the web and high resolution for print publication.

Be sure to save your files in the proper file format and size for the intended use. Most Multiple Listing Service’s specify what is accepted format and acceptable sizes. I use Photoshop and the Save for Web option for the low resolution and TIFF format for high resolution.  Then final delivery of the files is made by Dropbox or a comparable online service.


Things to remember doing real estate photography:

  • You are not photographing for yourself,you are photographing for clients who will expect professional quality work.
  • Don’t get ALL the best gear, get only what is required to do the job well.
  • Master the creative side of photography such as angles, perspectives, and composition.
  • Master the technical side of exposure, HDR, supplemental lighting, color matching, and exposure blending.
  • Be careful when processing real estate images, like removing power lines, to avoid misrepresenting the property.

There are many styles and techniques you can use to photograph architecture and real estate and you should master them all. Here are some better tips for real estate photography or house photos that will give you interesting things. Got any of your own favorite photo tips to share with other readers? We’d love to hear about them in the comments section below.