Tips & Tricks

How To Prepare For A Perfect Product Photoshoot

You are planning on taking your own product photoshoot, you want to make all things what appear in your online shopping or your personality page perfectly before the viewer’s eyes. Having a beautiful product photoshoot, you spend hours, days, weeks, months or years to develop product and to prepare all things in the studio. So, what will you do to have a perfect product photoshoot?. Here are some tips to help make sure you’re fully prepared.

Gather Inspiration

Inspiration is one of the most important factors to create product. Firstly, you have to know product  photoshoot what you need to make or do some research online to start pulling together images, which are along the lines of what you want to achieve. Obviously you don’t want to rip anyone off (please don’t just copy an image exactly!), but it’s a useful place to start. Think about backgrounds, props, layouts and combinations of products.



Create a shot list

Normally, you think that create a shot list is unnessary element but if you make this, it will be useful for your job. A shot list will help photographer note down the products you need to photograph and make sure to include any details if there’s certain parts of your product you really want to show off. You could even sketch out some of the shots if you have a specific idea in mind. Think about where the images will be used and what for, including group shots, and images for your social media profiles.


Choose suitable background options they already have, or order specific coloured paper or textured surfaces ahead of your shoot. Think about what you want to use as a base or background for your shot, or try incorporating your brand colours. As long as it doesn’t distract the eye from your product, it can really help to create the feel for the shot and echo what your product is all about.

Choose Kind of Products

Garment or Apparel

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Your products should look their absolute best in your images. It’s an unfortunate fact of life that clothing can become wrinkled, creased, and begin to look worn from storage and transport. Preparing garments to be photographed is a crucial starting point for photographing apparel, yet many photographers skip this step and rely on Photoshop to fix wrinkles, stains, and other visible defects. Apparel should be shot on a model or mannequin to demonstrate shape. Use clips and pins to create a flattering fit. In addition, you should create a 3D effect known as the “invisible mannequin.”

This allows you to display your product with its natural shape and fit, while avoiding the distraction of a mannequin.


If you’re shooting jewelry, polish and renew it. Style your product in a manner that is both useful and appealing to customers. You don’t overcomplicate with props; many products look their best on a plain white background, and using unnecessary props will distract customers.


Like as shooting jewelry, you should spend time to clear and polish footwear before shooting. Check laces and straps for damage, and replace if necessary. Fix anything you can fix.

Create the illusion that footwear is being worn. Communicate shape and help boots stand alone by stuffing them with tissue paper or crumpled paper, or tie dental floss to shoe straps to hold them up in the frame.


Clean and polish your items with multipurpose cleaner or furniture polish. If it’s secondhand, repair any damages – but be honest in your product listing. Find a spacious area with ample light and either a white or neutral background. Instead of wasting time adding props to style your product, you should focus on taking quality shots from multiple angles of the product itself.

Gather Prop

In the process of shooting product, you have to choose the right props for your photographs can be tricky, but consider including items that help tell a story, or ones that inject a pop of colour. The more props you have to choose from during your photoshoot, the better.


Time spent on preparing your product will save you time in DIY post-production processing, as well as increase the overall quality of your product photography. If you want to save even more time and money.

Do you choose your own beautiful product you believe in. Lets spend a litte times to read upper guides and prepare your products with care. We believe that everyone else will see what you see.

Thanks for attention!