Tips & Tricks

3 Basic Steps To Have Beautiful Jewelry Images

As we know, photographing jewelry products is one of the most complex tasks entailed in eCommerce. Sellers are artisans not professional photographers who can effortlessly draw buyers into the images through their seamless photography skills. So, if you are a photographer who always shoot jewelry product photography or you have a jewelry online shopping, you want to have the most perfect jewelry images. Today, we will show you three 3 basic steps what help you create beautiful jewelry images.


Choose the correct Path

To start having beautiful jewelry images, first you must choose the correct path. Why should you use path for jewelry photos. Using Path the item by straightening and aligning it will help your pieces become center and balance. These make the image as symmetrical as possible by liquefying and editing any portions that stick out so that they line up with their counterpart.

When you do what you love, your imagination activates and you give birth to a purpose. The pursuit of this purpose creates a positive feedback loop, filling you with passion. So you are willing to let go of choosing the right path?.

Remove the Background

Next is to remove the background of the image. And there are many ways to help you clean up details excess in jewelry photos such as: magic eraser, eraser tool, lasso tool and mask, quick selection tool, pen tool and mask. This will make your products look clean and consistent. Tidy up by removing hairs, fibers, dust and scratches as well as glue or wax if there is any and you will have a perfect jewelry photos.

Choose suitable colors and editing


To capture the correct lighting for jewelry is not easy, that’s reason why retouching is so important. You should put polish metals in the correct places where it may be shine  or remove detail excess or correct discoloration for suitable photos. You should blend or remove reflections and shadows if the jewelry or polish metals product is still the star seeds.

With three basic step, you can make beautiful jewelry images. Are you ready?. Do you believe that little things like these are very important and will bring a lot more visitor to your site or store. Good luck!.

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