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How to make best selections tool in Photoshop

Let’s express your ability – simple cut-outs and masking task in Photoshop through three basic techniques below. As far as we know, basic cut-outs and masking task are your essential ability for designers. And you can everything more esier with three techniques what we share. In this post, I’ll run through three basic techniques for creating simple selections. Next to, you cover the layer mask options and how they work a little more in depth.

Here are: magic wand, pen tool and path selections, colour range tool and layer masks for creating simple selections tool in Photoshop.

Magic Wand

The Magic Wand is considered as key golden and the simplest way to make simple selections tool in Photoshop.  Using the Magic Wand Tool allows you choose areas of similar color. The region to be selected may be a single continuous shape or multiple separate areas.


You can adjust to the Wand tool and then up the tolerance to 30 and click on the white area to make your selection. Now choose “ Shift+cmd+I” to invert the selection and click the ‘Add layer mask‘ button at the bottom of the Layers panel to mask off the product from the background.

P/s: Magic Wand choose pixel through colour and rhythm.

Pen tool and path selections

When you zoom into the bottom of your selected image, you can see the shadows have not been masked off from the background. Talking about more precise selections, Pen tool is surely a great choice for your project.


First, let’s open by selecting the Pen tool and begin clicking it, holding and dragging to create paths and curves until you feel pleasure. Then, you click on the original point to close the path. And then, you can navigate to the Paths panel, “cmd+click” the path you’ve just created and a selection will be made.

Colour range tool and layer masks

The Colour Range tool is particularly best for selecting large areas that containing a similar tonal range. It’s is simple to navigate to the select menu and click to launch the Colour Range panel. Now grips  your image and you’ll notice an eyedropper appears. Choosing on the area you want to make a selection of the image within the panel will change.

Using the Colour Range tool allows you choose how you want to sample the colour on your subject. Then let’s click on the “Select list” and try one of the colour options.

There’s the option to increase the intensity of the selection using the ‘fuzziness’ slider. You can set range to 20% and Fuzziness to 100 to begin. There are also a number of standard options to choose from the drop-down menu, such as mid-tones, highlights, shadows and skin tones.

With a selection of just the colour, adjustment layers such as Hue and Saturation can be added via the Layers palette. Notice how the adjustment layer uses the selection for its mask, meaning that you can change hue of this colour only for a creative effect.

Here are three techniques that help you create and make simple selections tool in Photoshop. Do you have other techniques to make quick selections?. If you have other questions or know other tips, let’s share your experiences in the comment below.

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Photoshop Tutorial: How to replace the sky in Photoshop

Today, we’re going to show you Photoshop Tutorial: how to replace the sky in Photoshop. Shooting images in daylight are always brilliant inspiration to create art for photographer. Taking the advantage of natural light are crucial point in shooting process. However, one of the disappointing things can happen to photographers is to have the weather let you down. “A good or a bad weather” are at the heart of what most photographer interest in. It’s great when we have bright blue skies in the background of photos but bad days are inevitables.

To adress this issue, we are going to learn a simple techniques to replace the sky in Photoshop.

Photoshop Tutorial: How to replace the sky in Photoshop

You can change the sky in an image in a number of ways. Here we will present you how to replace the sky in an image by using Magic Wand. The Magic Wand would be good choice for selecting the sky.

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First of all we need to find the suitable background. You can build up the collection of sky by shooting them or finding from image source in social media channel. These will help you own many choices to find a good placement.

Note that once the sky is cut out, it is important to choose the right sky. You should make sure that both of the photos are the same size as well, which may mean you’ll need to resize one before moving on to fit your scene.

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Seconds, using the Magic wand tool are next step you can realize. This tool will allow you to hide the sky layer. It is very convienient as you use image with the sky that have all the same color. You need to choose the whole of current sky section and create a new layer and filled the section with a solid colour.

Thirds, you create Clipping mask by pressing Layer-> Create Clipping mask layer ( the shortcut CMD/CTRL, Shilf+G). With Clipping mask will help you place your sky layer inside of the solid filled layer. Let’s move it until you feel pleasure.

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Then, you choose the solod filled layer and hold down CMD/CTRL and click on the layer review to refine the edges. Use the marquee tool to soften the edges slightly.

Next, you have to fill the gaps. To begin with simply create a duplicate sky layer, then hide it. In this step we are going to fill in the gaps. To do this, go Select > Colour Range. You can choose appropriate color to fill the gaps until you feel the most comfortable.

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Creating the Mask layer is next choice. After Select->Colour Range->OK. You can select the duplicated sky layer. Then at the bottom of the layers panel, you will find a small square box with a circle inside. This button is the add layer mask tool. This works similar to the clipping mask layer. It will show the areas of the cloud layer through the mask.

Photoshop adds a new layer mask to Layer 1, and if we look at the mask’s preview thumbnail in the Layers panel, we see that the area we selected is filled with white, which means it should still be visible in the document, while the area that was not selected is filled with black and should now be hidden.

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fotosolution-Photoshop-Tutorial- How to-replace-the-sky-in-Photoshop-10And if we look at the image in the document window, sure enough, that’s exactly what we see. The area I selected is still visible, while the area above it is now hidden, revealing the sky photo on the Background layer below it. We’ve replaced the sky in the original photo.

Adjusting and tidy the image up are important and indispensable steps. Using the vector mask will allow you to select in your colour range selection. After selecting the layer mask, let’s use a black brush to paint over the areas you don’t want in the image. If you want to replace areas simply change the colour to white.

Finally, keep in mind that you check all the mistakes before saving them. Besides, you can add some adjustments to make your images more stunning if you wanna.

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So, anyway we hope that you will enjoy this sky replacement tutorial. Check out all out other free tutorial here!. Do you have other methods to replace the sky in Photoshop?. Please share your experiences in the comment below. It’s greate to see you here at the Fotosolution.