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How to change my life with outsourcing services?

If you’re looking for detailed documents about outsourcing services here and there, this is not an essay for you. Simply, it just a blog entry where I share my experience – it changed my life.
I am a content editor who is responsible for the writing compilation and revision of content, images for website. However, it is sad thing that I am not good at editing photos or in the other word, I use Photoshop software quite bad.

However, I work with the same clients as well as readers, this allows me to learn their editing style and the things they are interested in. Not using Photoshop software well, this make me waste lots of time to edit images. The bigger problem was that as I got busier, I found myself spending my whole working week retouching.

In while, I feel crazy because I need to build new ideas for my essay with edit photos for hours. I wanna spend more time with my friend and my family instead of behind of my computer, it is too bored.
I always thought I can edit photos myself and the idea of someone else retouching my work scared me! Were they as good at retouching as me?. Would they over retouch and ruin my images?. How would they know what my original vision was for the images as I was taking them?. However, if the image are not attractive, this can be affected directly my posts.
But as my focus became worse and worse, I don’t have time enough to complete everything. My boss always urges me with new ideas, new topic to post on website while I keep on struggling with piles of editing photos. Finally, I decided to find and choose outsourcing.
When I finally let go and handed my images over to outsourcing service it was one of the best business decisions I ever made. Prove that I sent them some files from my past photos collection. Specifically, I chose images which had subtle issues, or which could not be edited well and my special request. Thus, when they send me back the edited photos, I feel surprise and happy with their results.

Outsourcing services

Removing creases and folds is combined with shadow correction

Multiple File delivery

Outsourcing service makes post production for me-content editor simple and easy. In addition, they help me improve my turn around time and increase my customer as well as my readers satisfaction. Especially, I can focus on my mainly job with interesting ideas for my article.
For me, the outsourcing help my job, there are:
+ Focus on my job
+ Do more network: get in touch with other industry professionals and form professional relationships.
+ Make more money and subscribe: attract readers who are interested in my articles.
To summary, everybody’s business as well as everybody’s job are different, so to really understand the value of outsourcing services you need to figure out how much time you’d get back in your life.
Here are my interesting sharing about outsourcing services that changed my life. Have you ever used outsourcing for your business?. See that share your story and let us know in the comment below!.