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Outsourcing – advantages for photography business

          “Outsourcing – new media bring many advantages for photography business.”
As far as we know, as more and more outsourcing companies appear in the market, the competition between companies are more and more fierce, the amount of their work is more increasing. Leaving a career in management consulting of each business wasn’t easy. Delegating work can be difficult for entrepreneurs, no matter if the actual work takes place on or off the premises. Lack of delegation can negatively affect your business, especially if you spend your time on tedious administrative tasks instead of proactively adding value to your business.
So, large corporations have been doing it for years and now smaller businesses are taking advantage of the new trend that is called: outsourcing.
You will ask yourself: why photography business choose outsourcing for their work? or what are the advantages of outsourcing?. Below are some amazing sharing that help you find the answer.
Outsourcing certain functions of your business can make your day-to-day operations significantly more efficient. But what functions should be outsourced?.

Saving the Time


Firstly, we can confirm that the best advantages of outsourcing for photography business is time. Your time as a business owner is invaluable. When the amount of their work are too much, you need to have many time even more than 24h per days to complete all work. How do you feel? – too tired and even you are going crazy. You had no time to spend with her friends. You didn’t have time to keep up with client emails and requests. These can be affected directly the end of your work.
Time is very important for business. If you’re not using it to make money, you have to start re-thinking what you’re doing. For example, imagine you have to edit 1000 product images for your website. Each image will take you roughly 10 minutes to edit, depending on the product and complexity. It is meaning that you will spend around 166 hours editing images (1000 images / 6 images/hour). So, instead of wasting their invaluable times, you can hire an graphic designer to do the editing for you or in other words, you can use Outsourcing.

Low Cost


The cost to hire an graphic designer or to use outsourcing is one of the question that all business as well as photography business are interested in. A example below will prove that outsourcing owner low cost and completely satisfied with your needs.
For instants, if you have to edit 1000 product images for your website, you will spend around 166 hours editing images (average: 6 images in hour). In while, if you can hire a graphic designer or editing company with 1000 images in 24 hours or less, you can save about 86% time. In terms of costs, outsourcing this work would cost $1450. This means, that not only would you save yourself 166 hours of work. You would also save more than $3000, a huge 68% reduction in costs.
These will prove the advantage of outsourcing for your photography business: get your new products online weeks earlier. It is meaning you would also benefit from increased sales during that period.

Diverse Choice

Normally, there are reasons why people don’t outsource as: the problem of the cost, the effect of work,… We always think that no one can edit, design an album or blog,etc… like we can!. These things are both true if you live in the past era when technology has not ever developed as now. Today, there are diverse choices about outsourcing for photography business. Just talked about editing, but you can actually outsource more than that. Album design, retouching, search engine optimization, blogging, and even things that aren’t related to photography directly like administrative assistance and customer support.

If you want to outsource retouching, album design, and editing, you probably want to look for a company or individual that does all of these things. Why? Simply for ease of use – it’s easier to keep all of your work with one service provider, so you don’t have to go back and forth delivering items to different companies for different things. A lot of post-production companies can totally meet all your needs.
In addition, you can do more more networking, this will help you get in touch with other industry professionals and form professional relationships. Outsourcing should make your life easier and help your business run smoother. We hope that this article will help you answers your existent questions.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us and comment or share your experiences below this post.

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Product photography: In – house or Outsource? Which one would you choose?

When you want to build a web page to sell online, one of the key considerations to make relates to the product photography and whether you should undertake the project in-house or outsource.
Here we will discuss and examine some elements related to using in – house or outsource in product photography. We hope that this topic will help you find the best choice for your business.


The Cost

Image you choose the project in – house, the first thing to remember is that you will need the space to set up a studio for the product photography. You should prepare many instruments such as: a good quality digital camera, light diffuses, lenses and tripod,…. Especially you will need a staff member who is skilled and experienced in such programmer. You need to have many times as well as the cost to finish everything. In addition, if your product requires the large number of assistant instruments, shipping a bulk quantity of products to a studio can be costly, time-consuming and risky. These are added burdens affecting your bottom line. When you outsource, you don’t have to worry about these expenses at all.

If you use outsourcing services, this service will help you save the cost. We will prove that outsourcing owner low cost and completely satisfied with your needs. For example, say you outsource 4 hours-worth of editing, and it costs you $150. You spent $150 on the outsourcing, but gained $500 on the sale, giving you a net of $350. So, you use that 4 hours you would have spent editing or blogging or whatever doing in-person sales instead, and you make a $500 sale.

Times and Experiences

If your company needs large volume photography, then outsourcing is the way to go. Because outsourcing will help you finish the large number of your photos and save times for your project. As far as we know, outsourcing is perceived as a team of experts that specialize in shooting products. In addition, they will have many experiences of knowing what works across a multitude of markets and catch up the newest trend in markets. These are crucial things to allow you to owner best pictures quality.

Moreover, the photography project will take many times, while your staff need to have many time to complete their main work or are regularly distracted by other priorities. If the employees that you redistribute to the project are not skilled or experienced in the area in which you have placed them. This will also slow down productivity and may cause errors which are time-consuming to fix. Time is very important for business. If you’re not using it to make money, you have to start re-thinking what you’re doing.
In most cases, an outsourced, professional product photographer is always the best choice. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us today for a free consultation.