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Tips: 3 Easy Photoshop Edit You Should Know

Photoshop edit is the changing of images. These images can be digital photographs, illustrations, or prints. Edit the photos is one of the necessary process for photographer before posting production. In other words, the image editing process has become the photographer’s responsibility since the advent of digital photography. However, we always forget or make a small mistake in working process because we always think that editing photos is very easy and familiar. So, to help you to edit photos, today, we will present you 3 easy Photoshop edit that you should know.

Before we talk about 3 quick Photoshop edit, we will request somethings that you need to do in-camera, which will save you time in post-production.
– If you don’t want to spend time cleaning up dust spots on your images, you should make sure your lenses are clean.
– Make sure your sensor is clean, get your sensor cleaned when you start to notice sensor spots on your images.
– Use a tripod, straightening images in Photoshop or Light-room wastes your time.
– Choose your image is in focus and sharp. Zoom in on your LCD screen to be sure, if not, retake the shot.
The main mission with image editing is to take your good images, and make them look spectacular. So, here are some very quick Photoshop edit you can do to your images.

#1: Using Levels Or Curves

Levels and curves is two useful tools that help photographer edit photos or pictures. Every tools have different advantages for editing images. And this is something of an ongoing debate among photographers. So, what is levels or curves tool?.

Levels is a great tool to quickly make exposure adjustments to your image. Curves gives you the same ability, but in much more detail. If you use Levels tool for editing images, you need to go: image-> adjustment-> levels, the keyboard shortcut is CMD>L on a Mac and CTRL>L on a PC, OR add it as an adjustment layer for non-destructive editing.

The Levels tool will help photographer adjusts the exposure in each of them separately. The reason why this is important, is because exposure affects color. For example, if you make your exposure in a scene darker, your colors will become more saturated, if you brighten the exposure, your colors will saturate.
And how to use the curves tool?. Photoshop curves tool is perhaps the most powerful and flexible image transformation, yet it may also be one of the most intimidating. Since photographers effectively paint with light, curves is central to their practice because it affects light’s two primary influences: tones and contrast. If you use Curves tool for editing pictures: image->adjustment->curves.

#2: Hue and Saturation and Brightness

After using Levels or Curves, you move into Hue and Saturation by clicking image->adjustment->hue and saturation. Hue, saturation, and brightness are aspects of color in the red, green, and blue scheme.fotosolution-Tips-3-Easy-Photoshop-Edit-You-Should-Know-02
The Hue slider is used if you want to change the colors in your image to something different. If you leave the box at the top on Master and adjust the Hue slider, all the colors in the image will change, making your image look a little funky and weird, but this could be fun too! The real power of the Hue slide comes into play when you select a color channel from the drop down box. If you click on the arrow next to Master, all the color channels will drop down see screenshot left.

This is really useful if you want all the reds to look a little more orange in your scene.
The second slider is Saturation which affects how rich your colors are in your image. It is an expression for the relative bandwidth of the visible output from a light source. If some of your colors seem too bold, you can select the appropriate color channel and move the Saturation slider to the left. You can select each color individually and make the necessary adjustments.


                                                                                                         Image after Hue and Saturation adjustments have been made
The last slider is brightness. It is a relative expression of the intensity of the energy output of a visible light source. It can be expressed as a total energy value, or as the amplitude at the wavelength where the intensity is greatest. Normally, almost photographer use Hue and Saturation instead of brightness because Hue and Saturation are closer to the user.

#3: Brightness and Contrast

When you have made your color adjustments using Hue and Saturation, you might need to boost the brightness a little. If you use the Brightness and Contrast tool, you need to go: image->adjustment->brightness and contrast. There is no keyboard shortcut to this one should be used sparingly, do not make big adjustments using it.

The Brightness/Contrast adjustment lets you make simple adjustments to the tonal range of an image. Moving the brightness slider to the right increases tonal values and expands image highlights, to the left decreases values and expands shadows. The contrast slider expands or shrinks the overall range of tonal values in the image.
Using brightness and contrast, you can also choose:
Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Brightness/Contrast. Click OK in the New Layer dialog box.
With these Photoshop edit tips will help you edit quickly photos. However these cannot replace a good workflow and a good understanding of what is possible in Photoshop. These three tools will give you the ability to quickly edit your images and get them into a print-ready state really quickly.

Follow guide video below and check it

We hope that you will find many useful things for your work. Do you have other methods for better editing photography?. Please share your experiences in the comment below.