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Tips to Improve Portrait Photography

Portrait photography is one of the most amazing topic that many readers are interested in. If you are new photographer, learning how to professionally capture portrait photography is one of the most important skills you can develop.

Do you know how to improve portrait photography?. Here are a few of Tips to capture best portrait photography.

Lighting is golden key

Lighting is one of best factors to describe and embellish faultless portrait photos. And the best light to shoot portrait is Rembrandt lighting. Rembrandt lighting use to capture photos in studio to increase the brightness of subject, especially it help you create holograms.This technique will create clear triangles on subject’s cheek. Keep in mind that let’s buid a 45-degree angle to straight line that link between cameras and subject.


It’s that shoot portrait photography in studio, so if you take the portrait in natural light, how about that?. Shooting outdoor portrait photography, you have the best chance of getting a great look with the natural colors and skin tones. However, shooting outdoors may be tricky, because it’s difficult to control the light in most situations. Make sure that you don’t pose the subject right in front of the sun. This may cause unwanted brightness or deep shadow. Shooting in mid-day also should be avoided as much as possible. For best results, position the subject in such a way that sunlight falls on the face from the side. You may also use reflectors or an external flash to light up some parts of the face.

Building comfortable space

Background plays a vital role to a portrait. As you know, portrait is all about someone’s face. So it is important to have a background which is not interfering with the subject.


Let’s build a comfortable space for taking portrait photography. You can use a long lens with long focal distance ( about 75mm) to create comfortable feeling for subject.

Focus aperture

A wide open aperture with a lower number will blur the background and make the subject stand out. A smaller aperture with a higher number will make the whole scene come into better focus. Typically f/2.0 to f/5.0 is good for portraits.

Get high or get low

Taking a portrait is not always shooting at the eye level. Positioning the camera high or low while keeping the focus on the eyes brings out interesting features and adds different flavors to the portraits. So make the model sit, stand up, climb up to the stool or ladder or stairs and shoot.


Adjust Head and shoulder

As shooting subject, you need to attend head and shoulder of subject. Let’s tilt your head from time to time to limite to just our of chin and forehead.

Angle and Pose

Pose and the angle of the body and face play a key role. Looking straight at the camera with motionless expression can be boring. Try to flare up your portraits with some twist. Maybe it is an inviting smile, a sexy expression, a flamboyant look, tilting the chin down or up, turning the head back while walking forward, or sitting and looking up.


Editing photos before posting

Let’s check out and remove unwanted detail after shooting portrait photography. Therefore, you should take time to edit photos through some digital software such as:  Photoshop and Lightroom to have best portrait photography.

Do you have other tips to improve portrait photography?. If you have other questions or know other tips, let’s share your experiences in the comment below or contact us: to get more information.

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6 Tips For Best Portrait Photography

Portrait photography is one of popular subject that all people are interested in. The subject may be our friend, family member, a model, or a perfect stranger. You always own good portrait images, so, do you have great tips for better portrait photography?. Here we will show 6 tips for best portrait pictures.



Lighting is one of useful effects to create best and real images especially portrait photography. If you take the portrait in natural light, you have the best chance of getting a great look with the natural colors and skin tones. However, you shouldn’t abuse the benefit of natural light because it maybe also become a weak point to break your images. For instant, if you take a pictures in the harsh light like direct sunlight, can be unflattering for a portrait. So, how you can avoid this?. Great advice is that you can use reflectors or an external flash to light up some parts of the face. If you are shooting indoors, make sure that you use a soft, evenly distributed light source to light up the subject.



Background plays a vital role to a portrait photography. It is considered as talented supporting characters for portrait photography. Choosing asimpler and less cluttered background works better for portraits. You should avoid choosing complicated background or more detailed. Let’s shoot images with large aperture, this will help the subject in pictures stand out and make background be overshadowed.

Angle and Pose

Pose and the angle of the body and face play a key role. Looking straight at the camera with motionless expression can be boring. Try to flare up your portraits with some twist. Maybe it is an inviting smile, a sexy expression, a flamboyant look, tilting the chin down or up, turning the head back while walking forward, or sitting and looking up will are great ways to create portrait photography.

Avoid using the on-camera flash

On-camera flash gives great ideas look to even the most beautiful subject.  Because the light is perfectly in line with the lens, the light hits the subject squarely and creates a flat light that is far from flattering.  If you choose to use a flash, it’s truly necessary to get an external flash that can be mounted to the side of the photographer.

Choose Clothing


Those colors undoubtedly catch the viewer’s attention. You should choose great and appropriate clothing for yourself, this suits will make you more attractive and more stunning. In addition, the color of clothes also fit for color of background.

Make up

Makeup is an essential element for most portrait photography. Makeup not only covers up blemishes, it may also makes a face glow and look even. Some creative makeup also can be done to give your model a sophisticated or trendy or different type of look based on her personality. It may also make your model feel more confident.

Here are 6 basic tips for better portrait photography that allow photographer to have basic look about it. There are many interesting tips to own great portrait photography we should learn. If you have amazing sharing about this subject or have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us and comment or share your experiences below this post.

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5 Ideal Suggestion To Choose Good Location For Family Portrait

Choosing good location is one of the most important aspects of portrait photography and with 5 our ideal suggestion for family portrait will help you shoot beautiful family portrait photos. Your choice will drive all other decisions about the shoot, including what lighting and props to take, which clothes the subject should wear, and the most suitable poses to use. You want to have a beautiful family gallery to memory sweet moments with members of your family. Normally, we will choose a studio with a plain background. Shooting simples images and have been done a million times, it is too bored. Let’s get much more interesting, engaging pictures by using your imagination and choosing a more unusual portrait location.

To find good location for family portrait is not too difficult but to save your times, you should consider some special factors before deciding to choose ideal places. Some questions what you should set out in your head as:

  • Where do you feel comfortable?

Let’s think of a location that helps you feel comfortable, relaxed and where you can be yourselves.

  • What are you going to wear?

Let’s think of a location where you can wear your favorite costume and don’t have to be worry too much.

  • Why is it such attract your attention?.

Let’s think about special beauty such as: famous places, famous culture,….

There are many great places for your choice. Today, we will present 5 ideas suggestion to help you find good location for your family portrait. Hope that you will feel satisfied with our article.

Choose a meaningful location

It’s easy to choose a portrait location based on convenience. Choosing a meaningful places with family is one of the best ways to make beautiful family portrait. With familiar location, they can express easily the most true emotions.Good Location For Family Portrait

Remember that every subject is a unique individual, with their own personality. This is what makes them so interesting, and it’s something you should try to capture in every portrait you take.

Take the time to get to find out about their hobbies and favourite places. For instance, if they’re an horse rider, shoot them at their stables; if they love to surf, go to their local beach, if they love climbing, go to their majestic mountains

By using a location that means something to your subject, you’ll get much more personal, meaningful photos. In addition, they’re likely to feel more relaxed, helping you capture more natural-looking shots.

Choose ideal position with beautiful backgroud

As far as we know, background is one of important factors in an image and choosing suitable background is a deciding element to make beautiful photos. The background is of fundamental importance in the composition of the image emphasizing the subject, improving the photography.

For example, if you’re shooting on the beach, don’t just choose a spot with wide open beach or to find a section of beach with sand dunes, tall grass, driftwood, or even distant trees. These objects help frame the image and make it more interesting, without distracting from the subjects of the photograph.

Use Natural Lighting

Using natural lighting for product photos preserves the natural colour of the product. If possible, choose a brightly lit and good location which offers plenty of diffused, natural light.

To create natural lighting for your own photos, you should shoot your photos at the brightest time of day. You can work in late morning and early afternoon – the times of beautiful sunlight and these gives sufficient lighting near windows or in the shade. In general, morning light is bright and has less colour, while afternoon and evening light often has a warm undertone and brings out greater contrast in your images.

Good Location For Family Portrait

Attention: when shooting outdoors it’s important to avoid the direct midday sun as this produces very harsh shadows. You can refler our post:

If you’re shooting indoors, try to position your subject near a large window so that you can make the most of any available natural light.

Cloudy Day Shooting

We always think that should choose a beautiful day with great sun is one of best advantages to shooting and avoid bad day. If you think so, tt’s a huge misconception.  However, clients may be discouraged by the threat of rain, but encourage them with the news that even cloud coverage actually makes for beautiful outdoor shots. There’s no squinting and nice even light.

On an overcast day, a local mural can actually make a perfect backdrop — just make sure your subjects wear muted tones (black, white, gray, beige) rather than colorful attire that might clash with the art.

Good Location – a quiet place

Crowded places, like cities or busy public parks, are among the worst locations for a portrait shoot. You’ll must save lots of times to wait for people to move out of frame. These will affect directly your product photograph. Let’s find a quiet where you can free-reign to move around and experiment with different poses and angles.

Choosing an effective portrait location takes time and thought. By doing so you’ll be able to tell a story with your pictures, and capture the essence of your subject’s personality, resulting in much more engaging, personal photos. We hope that you are satisfy with this lesson. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us and comment below this post.