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Product photography: In – house or Outsource? Which one would you choose?

When you want to build a web page to sell online, one of the key considerations to make relates to the product photography and whether you should undertake the project in-house or outsource.
Here we will discuss and examine some elements related to using in – house or outsource in product photography. We hope that this topic will help you find the best choice for your business.


The Cost

Image you choose the project in – house, the first thing to remember is that you will need the space to set up a studio for the product photography. You should prepare many instruments such as: a good quality digital camera, light diffuses, lenses and tripod,…. Especially you will need a staff member who is skilled and experienced in such programmer. You need to have many times as well as the cost to finish everything. In addition, if your product requires the large number of assistant instruments, shipping a bulk quantity of products to a studio can be costly, time-consuming and risky. These are added burdens affecting your bottom line. When you outsource, you don’t have to worry about these expenses at all.

If you use outsourcing services, this service will help you save the cost. We will prove that outsourcing owner low cost and completely satisfied with your needs. For example, say you outsource 4 hours-worth of editing, and it costs you $150. You spent $150 on the outsourcing, but gained $500 on the sale, giving you a net of $350. So, you use that 4 hours you would have spent editing or blogging or whatever doing in-person sales instead, and you make a $500 sale.

Times and Experiences

If your company needs large volume photography, then outsourcing is the way to go. Because outsourcing will help you finish the large number of your photos and save times for your project. As far as we know, outsourcing is perceived as a team of experts that specialize in shooting products. In addition, they will have many experiences of knowing what works across a multitude of markets and catch up the newest trend in markets. These are crucial things to allow you to owner best pictures quality.

Moreover, the photography project will take many times, while your staff need to have many time to complete their main work or are regularly distracted by other priorities. If the employees that you redistribute to the project are not skilled or experienced in the area in which you have placed them. This will also slow down productivity and may cause errors which are time-consuming to fix. Time is very important for business. If you’re not using it to make money, you have to start re-thinking what you’re doing.
In most cases, an outsourced, professional product photographer is always the best choice. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us today for a free consultation.

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Using a Poor Photos Losing Your Sales?

” I don’t care how the quality of your product are?, are your product good or bad?, but simply that If they don’t look good and don’t attract to me, I won’t choose and buy it”.
A poor photos will affect directly to the quality of product event to losing your sales, have you ever posed this question when your sales showing signs of decline. Or how does it affect your sales?. Let’s find the best correct answer for this problem. In modern times, owning a website sometimes proves to be vital to a business. Your products are good. But they just won’t sell well online if your photographs don’t do them justice. From multinational corporations to local shops, having a good photography is a must if you want to ensure that your products reach the customers.

As far as we know, customers aren’t able to touch whatever you’re selling, good photos will a crucial key to retain and attract customers. It helps also you increase your sales. That’s exactly why product photography is so important in swaying a potential buyers purchase decision. Your images need to give them an experience as close to “real life” as possible.
In this article below, we show you 5 simple tips to improve your eCommerce product photography.

Use an Interesting Background


You don’t have to stick to the plain background rule to direct the focus to the product. The background should not compete with the product. Choosing background with clean, simple layout and it’s also easy to maintain consistency. Or you can stage unique props and background with your main product in the foreground.



Lighting is one of important factors that contribute to the success of your photography – good or bad. It contains nature light and artificial light. Natural light can be the best choice for some products. It’s soft and imparts color in a way that artificial lighting doesn’t. This is without a doubt the toughest challenge in making good product shots. However, don’t worry, you don’t need to outfit your house with an elaborate studio of flashes and reflective screens. It doesn’t have to be expensive or difficult to get great results. Because for some products, simply using natural light may be a better option.


Using color for product photography is one of the most important factors to make a great picture. Beautiful and eye – catching color will attract and seduce viewer’s eyes from the first moment. Every product will have a color subject to help your product become more nominal.
You can refer: The Best Colors For Food Photography with food – main topic.


Attention to Detail

An essential starting point for any product photograph is that the subject itself should be clear and sharp even the smallest detail is very important. Firstly, you can express clear idea of what you’re selling, secondly, you also prove with your customer that you have nothing to hide. With clothing in particular, it’s important to show high-res images to emphasize you’re products are made properly and of good quality. Let’s observe carefully to ensure your product photography that is the best.

Quality photography and Show



Are you so keen on trying to capture the whole product that the most important aspect of it gets lost in the image?. For example, if your product is too small in the photograph or the quality of photography is not good, these will affect directly to your sales. Be-sure that your camera and lens allow you to get close enough to the product and ensure that the finally image quality is the best.
When you show your product on website, make sure that you show anything you mention in a tag line or the product description. The best way is that show your product in many colors and have multiple shots of the product in use. The customer gets a good sense of what it looks like in a variety of situations.
Product photography is not easy. You should spend many times and resources to do it well, but all the time you’re making do with poor quality images, you’re losing sales. Many small business believe that professionally created images are beyond their budget. Here are 5 basic tips to help business improve the quality of product photography.

If you feel worry about this problem or have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us and comment below this post. Share this article to your friends especially who are interested in photography.

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3 Basic Steps To Have Beautiful Jewelry Images

As we know, photographing jewelry products is one of the most complex tasks entailed in eCommerce. Sellers are artisans not professional photographers who can effortlessly draw buyers into the images through their seamless photography skills. So, if you are a photographer who always shoot jewelry product photography or you have a jewelry online shopping, you want to have the most perfect jewelry images. Today, we will show you three 3 basic steps what help you create beautiful jewelry images.


Choose the correct Path

To start having beautiful jewelry images, first you must choose the correct path. Why should you use path for jewelry photos. Using Path the item by straightening and aligning it will help your pieces become center and balance. These make the image as symmetrical as possible by liquefying and editing any portions that stick out so that they line up with their counterpart.

When you do what you love, your imagination activates and you give birth to a purpose. The pursuit of this purpose creates a positive feedback loop, filling you with passion. So you are willing to let go of choosing the right path?.

Remove the Background

Next is to remove the background of the image. And there are many ways to help you clean up details excess in jewelry photos such as: magic eraser, eraser tool, lasso tool and mask, quick selection tool, pen tool and mask. This will make your products look clean and consistent. Tidy up by removing hairs, fibers, dust and scratches as well as glue or wax if there is any and you will have a perfect jewelry photos.

Choose suitable colors and editing


To capture the correct lighting for jewelry is not easy, that’s reason why retouching is so important. You should put polish metals in the correct places where it may be shine  or remove detail excess or correct discoloration for suitable photos. You should blend or remove reflections and shadows if the jewelry or polish metals product is still the star seeds.

With three basic step, you can make beautiful jewelry images. Are you ready?. Do you believe that little things like these are very important and will bring a lot more visitor to your site or store. Good luck!.

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