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How To Shoot High Quality Product Photos From Smartphone

Are you looking for a cost effective way of adding beautiful and high quality product photos to your website? So what is this mysterious method?. Today, we will give a great suggestion for you: it’s smartphone or in other words, shoot high quality product photos from Smartphone. As we know, smartphone has become a very important part of our daily lives. It is very difficult to imagine our live without a smartphone as most of our work is done using smartphones.

So, what’s the advantage of shooting with your smartphone? In short, it’s a time-saver: you can shoot, edit, and list your photos in one go. And you won’t get caught up in cords to transfer photos from your phone to a computer. Secondly, if you don’t have a DSLR or a point-and-shoot, photography will help you save money. We surely believe that you can create truly beautiful images from your smartphone. Because your smartphone camera is one of the easiest to use and cost-effective solution to taking awesome photos.

Yes, using the camera you always carry around in the name of a smartphone may sound a bit crazy but hey, today’s phones are highly sophisticated and create sharper, clearer and amazing photos with stunning colors. Combined with photo apps and tripod, the advanced smartphone camera features, you’ll have fun shooting, editing and uploading great product images to your online store.

Smartphone photography is convenient, as well as user and budget-friendly. Getting ready to use your phone as a camera.

To get started, you must have a smartphone and understand how to operate its camera application. Most smartphones in today’s market come equipped with great cameras. If you’re one of the many consumers who have purchased one of these devices, then you have a high quality DSLR alternative right at your fingertips!. You must carefully study and understand the various capabilities and settings of the newly installed app in order to capture amazing pictures using the manual settings on your camera application. Below are a few smartphones that have great camera features

Smartphone Camera Features

Apple iPhone 5S


Camera Specs

  • Autofocus
  • LED flash
  • 8-megapixel iSight camera
  • Image stabilization
  • Video Recording HD (1080) @ 30 frames per second with audio

Samsung Galaxy S5


Camera Settings

  • LED Flash
  • Autofocus
  • 16- Megapixel resolution Camera
  • Video Recording HD (1080) @ 30 frames per second

Regardless of the smartphone you use for your photo shoot, be sure to choose one with an auto focus and the highest number of megapixels. From here, you can then utilize your gadget’s advanced camera features to make money online.

Professional product photography is an easy and affordable gateway to your customer satisfaction. To generate higher traffic and eventually increased profits with your smartphone, below is a list of five things you must remember.

Note: All photos in this post have been captured using a smartphone-iPhone 5S

Go neutral

Make sure you have a well, and evenly lit space to take the pictures in order to avoid shadows and unnatural coloring. This can be accomplished by taking the picture somewhere where there is a lot of natural light – ideally near a large window. You can supplement the natural light with any soft light. Create a neutral background for your product. The easiest way to do this is by using a long roll of paper or a sheet. We would advise setting up your roll so that it goes underneath your product as well, not just behind it. That way your product will appear fully surrounded in the image. For example, white products can be photographed against grey walls (instead of a white background) and black objects can be photographed against grey or white background.

Shoot straight


For shooting, we recommend that you first try to use the default camera app that comes already installed on your smartphone. If you aren’t getting the results that you want, then it’s time to try another application. Using your smartphone, you should ensure that the subjects are straight and cropped or edited according to how you would like them to appear online. With this, you’ll not need to straighten and crop them again in your post. If you choose to use angled camera shots for that dramatic effect, ensure it comes out creatively and not as bad photography.

Provide enough lighting

For your images to be exceptional, they must be bright and well-lit. Poor lighting will make your products look dirty and dingy and this can easily discourage your potential customers from buying from you. So, when it comes to shooting product photos, nothing beats soft or diffused light. It’s less intense, spreads evenly over the product (causing fewer shadows) and better brings out details, making it ideal for putting your products’ best foot forward.

Luckily, soft light is easy to find if you know what to look for. If you’re shooting products in your home or office, set up a shoot near a window on a bright but overcast day to avoid harsh rays. Then, use a piece of white paper or poster board to reflect the light coming in and eliminate any shadows on your product

Create an effective background

An effective background is essential to drawing attention to your products and reinforcing your brand. Many business owners choose a white background for a clean image that showcases their products. Others prefer a black background or even a staged scene. If you’re thinking about introducing colors to your product photo backgrounds, take some time to research color theory so you’ll choose options that’ll make your products pop.

After all is done and your images are safe in your smartphone’s Camera Roll, you can then open up your best photo editing application, (consider using Photoshop Express) and edit the images you would like to upload to the web. Digital images need some tweaking to achieve that shiny look. To get a head start on getting that perfect product photo, try playing around with these basic settings:

  • Brightness: Increasing the brightness of your image will hide any imperfections and give it an attractive glow.
  • Contrast: Increasing the contrast will help your image pop against the background.
  • White balance: Sometimes your camera doesn’t get the white balance adjustment right. Playing with this scale to get the most natural colors in your image is a quick and easy fix.
  • Sharpness: Increasing the sharpness of your image will help highlight the intricate details of your product and improve image quality.

With effective upper guide, we believe that you will shoot your beautiful product photos from smartphone. How do you feel about smartphone photography?. Let’s get started to take your own best photos and enjoy!. If you have useful tips or any difficulty, please do not hesitate to contact us today for a free consultation.

Tips & Tricks

5 Tips To Improve Your Product Photos

For small businesses, photography play an important role in both sales and marketing. The product photos in website is one of the best way to inform, display and advertise product of a business. Thus, the role of photography is essential things. Basic photographic techniques can ensure that an otherwise worthy product isn’t overlooked. And they need to capture the detail of product to find the appropriate angle because in terms of marketing, photos and videos can enhance user experience and set the tone for a business. Today, we will present you 5 tips to improve and ensure product photos.

If you own a small business, you don’t have many budget to invest your product photos, you feel worry about these. However, to take professional photos, you don’t necessarily need to hire a pricey photographer. Before investing, you should attend confirm the size and nature of your product. If you can’t spare the cash, try some our solutions, we hope that they will bring a lot of useful lessons for you.



One of the single most important factors in product photography is lighting. How you light your product will make a big difference and will make your product become more prominent than different product. A small suggestion for you, let’s use natural light, it is the best way help your photos more reality before viewers eyes. If you take a photos indoor, take the time to find out where the best natural light in your house is. That might be your kitchen, near the sliding doors in your bedroom, or under the window in  your bathroom.

Take a photo with different angles

If you own a shop online, customers won’t be able to physically touch or handle your product so you’ll want to show them as much as possible about your item to help understand more your product as well as eliminate any questions or uncertainty about the detail of product. And one of some ways to present your product through images is that take photos that capture the product from different angles, showing off its different aspects. Because, simply, different shapes and colors can take different angles. Depending on the nature of the product, an unusual angle can be fun and eye-catching. With many different angles, your customers can check the detail of product clearly.



A cluttered background can distract from the product you are trying to sell. Use either a simple, appropriate background or remove the background all together. So, you should choose exactly background for your product photos or What background should you use?. Most items look their best against a white background, as it eliminates distractions and makes colors ‘pop’. You can use specialist backdrops, tents or ‘sweeps’, which are specially curved to eliminate shadows caused by sharp angles. This will give a clean look. In addition, you also remember to keep the background tidy and remove all distracting elements that may draw attention from your product.

Edit your photos

After you’ve taken your photos, open up your photo-editing program of choice. There are many ways that help you edit your photos. Photoshop is typical example. In Photoshop or other editing software, compare the image on the computer screen to the item itself. You need to check some main details that affect directly the quality of photos such as: colors, textures,  retouch, expose,…. For example, if your photo is a little under-exposed or over-exposed or too dark and too light, you should use the exposure slider to adjust appropriately. Don’t go too crazy with it, though, usually a light touch will give the best results. Or, colors of photos is one of the important factors you should exactly control. Color correction is a great way to improve the attractiveness of an image.

Use Proper brightness and contrast

Your product image should have the right amount of brightness and contrast to highlight product details and make your image stand out. Using this comparison is the effective way that help your customer can collate your product in the most accurate way, increase the quality of photos. Moreover, this way will help you customer see and feel exactly the strength of product that compared with other products.

Well, it’s time for you to start taking your product photography and improve them. We hope these tips help you improve your product photos. Do you have one to add? If so, share it in the comments below. Or, If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us and comment below this post.

Thanks for reading!