
Virtual Stagging is Golden Key of Home Stagging

Being a real-estate agent can be a difficult mission because if your house listing are limited. In fact, a listing may be not perfected in this time. Selling a vacant home is usually more difficult than a fully furnished one, so agents have to get creative with their selling technique. You may have heard of home staging, but advanced technology can now offer virtual staging. So, why are virtual stagging – well-know a special technology?.

Typical Home Staging

As a real-estate professional, you’ve probably staged a home before. You may have moved furniture around, removed some items and added accessories. Rental furniture might have been an option as you filled a relatively empty room. When all of your staging was complete, the final bill was usually in the thousands of dollars. This amount doesn’t include your time that was dedicated to the process either. Home staging is a valuable tool for every sales agent because it creates a narrative for visitors. Your sales may have rose dramatically with traditional staging, but your investment was significant.


The Need for Staging

Staging is incredibly important in the real-estate world. A retail store, for example, has a certain flow to its aisles so that customers are guided to eventual sales. When a home is placed on the market, the homeowners don’t usually have a sale perspective. It’s up to the listing agent to put a spin on that home’s decor. Potential buyers can’t picture themselves in a home that’s entirely empty. They need to see couches and tables where a narrative can be built. Staging creates a world that the buyers want to be in, and they bid on the property as a result.

A Virtual World

Virtual staging involves computer technology to embed furniture and other items into a home. Because most people browse online listings as their initial home-search strategy, the pictures that they see can be virtual representations of the property. Listing agents might add in a small love-seat and delete family photos on a nearby wall. These small changes make the home more attractive to buyers, and they might contact the agent for further information. This virtual world is the most effective on vacant homes where agents literally decorate the space from scratch.

Software Advancements

This virtual world has been around for several years, but listing agents have been wary about implementing the practice. With older computer programs, the room additions often looked fake or nearly animated. Today’s technology is so advanced that any furniture additions to the photos appear as real as possible. The software actually uses photos of random items, and they’re imposed on the property’s photo.

Online Search Results virtual staging family

It’s the online world where the virtual images are the most useful. As prospective buyers search through all of the listings, a particularly stunning living room might appear on their screen. Giving you the better chance of that potential buyer clicking on that listing. Looking at the property will only entice buyers to contact the listing agent and visit the home in person.

Entering the Real Home


Your marketing skills are still at play when prospective buyers physically enter the property. The property that they saw online with virtual furniture may be entirely empty in person. Buyers are aware of this fact, but the experience might still be startling. As the clients walk into the building, offer them a glossy photo of the virtual home that they saw online. With the photo in their hands, buyers can compare the home to the photo. Merging the real world with the virtual image can be difficult, but a strong listing agent can bridge this gap with friendly suggestions and touring capabilities.

Taking a Look at Options

When you’re interested in virtual staging, you want to know what other options are available for the listing agent. Aside from adding furniture and accessories, you can choose between different window treatments and fixtures. Change the color of the walls, carpet or ceiling. If you have interested clients, ask them to join you for a virtual look at the property. The clients may want a red accent wall, for example. Virtual software can make this happen, and the clients can see how the home would look with their decor options.

Making the right choice


You may be wary about changing your selling technique, but virtual home staging is merely an enhancement option. Contact professionals in the virtual real-estate world, and discuss your needs with them. As technology continues to improve, you’ll be able to use virtual programs with almost every sale. Create a home that entices buyers, and your sales will skyrocket in time.



Address: 8th Floor, No.2 Nguyen Hoang street, My Dinh, Ha Noi

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Do you know all things of Floor Plan?

Being a real-estate agent can be a difficult job because their house listing is very creative, various and innovative. These things make them feel nervous to impressive enough to grab the customer’s attention. However, you may know about Foor Plan, one of the newest services hit completly the customer’s heart. So, let’s discover all things of Floor Plan below.


What is the Floor Plan?

A floor plan is a scaled diagram of a room or building. It may depict an entire building, one floor of a building include measurements, furniture or anything else necessary to the purpose of the plan. It help viewers have a true look for a property or home design. It can be fun, too, to experiment with different design alternatives and circulation flows, which show how people move through the space.

Floor Plan support to Bulding Plan


Floor plans show the big picture of living, work, and outdoor spaces. Although they should be scale drawings, floor plans don’t hold enough information for builders to actually construct a home or other structure. Instead, a floor plan is essentially a simple diagram showing room layout and offering a conceptual starting point. A builder needs complete blueprints, or construction-ready drawings, with technical information that you will not find on most floor plans.

Space planning and circulation in new and existing environments


Space planning is important in new structures, but it’s also important in rethinking existing spaces to determine how to use them more efficiently. Space planning has come into demand as a discrete service by architectural firms for many reasons: high-rise office space with unfinished interiors, the fast pace of organizational growth thanks to technological shifts, downsizing and reorganizing.

Here are some basic things related to Floor Plan For House Project in the future. If you have questions about Floor Plan, let’s share your experiences in the comment below.

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Do Unprofessional Real Estate Photos May Harm Your Business

Professional real estate photography is not just a necessary element of real estate marketing. It is a useful tool to improve and increase your sales. If you are real estate agency or person who trying to shoot best real estate photos, having a real estate photos can make big difference. You are able to professional real estate photographers with high – quality photos. The photos you use can make a big difference in the impression that people have of the property. They can have a strong impression in the brand that you are creating for yourself.

Also, if having unprofessional real estate photos, how unprofessional real estate photos may harm your business?.

Why Real Estate Agents Should Work With a Professional Real Estate Photographer

As a real estate agent, it may be tempting to save a little bit of money by snapping a few photos with your camera phone. But those unprofessional photos can have a negative impact on the brand that you are creating for yourself. Especially, in a technology advanced, an awful or interesting real estate photos will crucial factors to create good impression and keep the customers. In the other words, their first impression will be decided based on the real estate listing of each property that they view.


Furthermore, professional photos will leave your clients feeling as though they didn’t get the best service possible. The unprofessional real estate photos will likely slow down the process of selling the home.

These professional real estate photos can make a difference in the impression that your clients have regarding the service that you offered, which can in turn lead to referrals to help grow your business even more. First, showcasing their home with professional real estate photos can help you to stand out from the other real estate agents. Seconds, it will help your clients to be more satisfied with the service that you provided to them.

Why Real Estate Agency and real estate photographers Need Professional Real Estate Photos

Owning and posting unprofessional pictures of your property can have a negative impact on the way potential buyers view your home. When a potential buyer sees the unprofessional photos, then they are less likely to be interested in touring the property. It will decrease the number of people who are actually interested in your home.

Working with a professional real estate photographer can help you to convey the beauty and benefits of your property through the photos. It can help to catch the eye of potential buyers. Your professional real estate photos will literally set the brand that you want to convey. They can impact the type of buyer who makes an offer on the property.


Also, what should real estate agency and real estate photographer do?. You can choose real estate editing services. This is one a great choice to save your time and low cost. There are many real estate editing services company that help you all things what you need.

Below are some sharing related to the value of real estate photos to professional photographer and  agency . If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us today for a free consultation. Or, even you need product images cleaning up, an update of the company logo, or any of the other examples given above contact with our team can ensure you get the perfect results at great cost.