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Real Estate Marketing Tools in 2017

Real estate marketing tools have changed drastically in recent years, due to the increase in the use of technology. Or since the introduction of the internet, online marketing has been one of the fastest moving and quickest changing industries around. Fortunately, this has been a good thing as it actually forces real estate professionals and companies alike to continuously innovate. This will help find the most cost-effective ways to market real estate. However, this also requires real estate company or real estate photographer to have to great tools as well as better campain to create impression to their customers.

Here are we will show some real estate marketing tools in 2017 to help you have good direction for your business.


It’s no secret these days that you MUST have a website for real estate marketing.  Great real estate website will a neccessary things to help your customer access to your product in the quickly way. Especially, with real estate agency, realtor websites help leverage local searches which allow home buyers to easily seek out agents.


Your website will help establish your personal brand and is a great way to differentiate yourself from competing real estate professionals. This will allow you to connect on a deeper level. Also, let’s create and design your owner website. Because it will an important condition to increase the effect of your plan. Besides, your website will attract quality digital leads and ensure you are communicating with the right leads at the right time and with the right message.


When viewing an online home listing, the photography can capture a person’s attention and make them want to learn more about the property. Also, you can use the best real estate photography.

The first step to effectively market your home is to be sure that you are utilizing professional real estate photography on your real estate listing.

There is a big difference between amateur photos and professional real estate photography,. Many people will skim by your listing if there aren’t high quality photos to capture their attention. Keep in mind that shooting better real estate photography. You can edit them and upload them in the amazing way.

Email Marketing Services

One of the best things you can do to market your real estate business in the most-targeted and cost- effective way is to utilize a well-planned email marketing platform. Email marketing is a form of direct marketing which uses electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial. This email marketing services include free newsletter templates, email list management, automation, real-time reporting, social integration.


For the best real estate marketing tool, contact an effective and well-known email marketing service with extremely affordable pricing and simple interfaces that also has high deliverability rates.

Social Media

Utilizing social media can be a great way to spread the word about your home listing and many agents neglect the use of social medial in real estate online marketing. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest are effective avenues. They can used to share information about local real estate listings. They help you to connect with buyers who are potentially interested in your property.


In summary, the main goal is to drive everyone back to your website. Your website, photography, email marketing, and social media marketing will some of great tools. They help you build amazing impression to your customers. Let’s start your plan now.

If you have any opinions as well as any questions concerned about this subject, let me know your though in the comment below.

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3 Impressive Benefits of Real Estate Photography

Professional real estate photography is not just a necessary element of real estate marketing, it is golden key to improve and boot the sales result.

As far as we know, many homebuyers use the internet to find approriate property especially in the technique advanced. So, an awful or interesting real estate photos will crucial factors to create good impression and keep the customers. In the other words, their first impression will be decided based on the real estate listing of each property that they view. There are several ways that the photos can be benefits to help you sell your home.

Choosing best cameras with various features is considers as the first choice of the real estate agency. However, due to having limitations, these cameras are often incapable to capturing the true nature of property. For example, spacious house become small and dull, beautiful living-room with more light become dark and colder. These will make your real estate photography worse and decrease the customer’s attention.

Hiring a professional real estate photographer will a great choice for home agency. They have the skill to showcase the property at its very best. When you own a photographer who have many experiences in real estate, they will have a unique way of viewing and shooting the home. Because they can tap into their past experiences in order to know what looks good.

Therefore, we can affirm that real estate photography is really very important. Here are 3 impressive benefits of real estate photography.

Generate Quality Leads


It is estimated that professional online real estate photography generate an average of more than 60% pageviews than their point and click countertops. This is great result for boosting your sales.

Sell More

As their listing feature professional real estate photography, the price of the home can sell for anywhere from $3,000 to $11,000 more than their list prices. These numbers are based on homes that are listed between $200,000 – $1,000,000, which covers a large percentage of the properties that are on the market.


Impressive Your Current Clients

Your clients want to know their listing is in great hands. Best real estate photography shows them you’re committed to an exceptional presentation of their property. In addition, using professional photos, you can help your buyers focus to be on the benefits of the home.


If you have any opinions as well as any questions concerned about this subject, let me know in the comment below.

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4 Crucial Elements of Modern Real Estate Marketing

Modern real estate marketing means useful tool that help you connect your customers as fast as improve the interation between them and your brand. Leveraging morden and developed technology to keep potential clients and interact with them constantly is now a crucial element of success for your business. Are you ready to build real –time marketing plan?. If you have never prepared real-time marketing plan, now it’s time to start-up. Let’s keep up with the constant changes taking place within your marketing funnel.

In order to compete, you need to consistently share content that works on various platforms and devices, reply to leads as soon as possible, and manage clients from anywhere. So, where do we start?.

Below we show 4 crucial elements of modern real estate marketing that supply you helpful experiences for your project.

Build a real estate foundation before you focus on managing your marketing on the go

You would like own and master modern real estate marketing everywhere even you go out the office. It’s not difficult as you learn how to build a real estate foundation for your brands. Master great real estate foundation will a good start up step that help you attract customers and get found search engine result pages, earn your site clicks your prospects, turn those visitors into brand new leads.

4 Crucial Elements of Modern Real Estate Marketing

Let’s create systems for promotion and advertisements including: establish your content creation such as: buyers, blog, seller resource,…to get your message to the right leads.

Nurture and Take care of leads with personalized communication

Nurture and take care of leads are the next plan to develop modern real estate marketing. The best way to connect and access customers are indirectly communication with them. Thus, email to your leads and customers need to be carefully crafted. Using development of technology, it’s main your phones that suppy you to approach to clients.

Automated and manual email can be send from your phones. Add your newest leads to automated drip emails using modern email marketing software, and send manual, personalized emails to the best prospects. The best part is that you’ll reaching them at the highest level of interest. It is considered as golden key in real estate marketing.

Conduct real-time marketing activities through your devices

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Real-time marketing means mobile content creation, like videos. You can shoot clips of your open houses, conversations with clients, tours around town, and other aspects of your local market, all with the device that’s in your hand throughout the day. Thus, your mission are build great plan with amazing scripted content to improve information related to real estate for buyers.

Find the right real estate lead management app for your phone

Sending emails to your prospects on the go is great. However, to manage effectively your work, you should find the right real estate lead management app for your phone. This will help you save times and can manage leads and clients everywhere.

Nowadays, there are convient and interesting apps for your lead management. These apps have the ability to see every detail, request, and preference associated with their prospects, and makes it simple to organize, prioritize, and nurture the best ones. Research the market to find the right solution that can do this for your business, especially when you get out of the office.

What kinds of modern, real-time marketing tactics and techniques do you use for your real estate business today?. We hope that this article will help you find and have great solution for your project. Let’s us know your thought in the comment below!.