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Augmented Reality for Ecommerce

E-commerce is the best growing retail market. This will help all customers facilitate to shopping. As consumers feel more comfortable shopping online, retailers and brands are being forced to investigate ever more innovative ways to get their attention.

The digital age has led to an abundance of new merchants who thrive on selling online, directly to the consumer. As retailers begin to focus on creating a cohesive experience both online and offline, technology has been vital in attracting online shoppers. Using the special feature of eCommerce technology brings to opportunities that help retailers catch customer’s eyes.


Augmente reality

Augmente reality are offering an entirely new shopping experience that is gradually beginning to grab the attention of consumers and brands alike. In addition, augmented reality are proving effective in allowing consumers to engage with brands and interact with products like never before.

If you are interesting in augmente reality, now it’s time to discuss how augmented reality have impacted online shopping.


Online shopping is more and more popular in the consumer market. However, one of disadvantages of online shopping are that customers can’t directly see and touch the product.

Based on the reputation of the retailer and the product’s reviews, consumers trust that the shipped product is exactly how they saw it. No wonder reviews and return policies are so important in the era of eCommerce!.

The growth of Augmented Reality is presenting a different kind of experience. AR takes the idea of an immersive experience.

Innovation in retail seeks to provide value to both brands and retailers alike but none have been as impactful throughout the buyer’s journey like augmented reality. AR is positioned to increase sales by allowing customers to try before buying. It also reduce by removing the initial guesswork. Customers want to know what they’re purchasing. AR is helping customers become more confident in their buying decisions while providing quantifiable differences for online merchants.

Besides, augmented reality is also proving beneficial in the business-to-business sector. For example, in Germany, Coca Cola has equipped its sales staff with iPads that use AR technology to place vending machines within shop spaces. This allow potential customers to preview how the product will look in their store and plan for new layout options.


Brand manufacturers will indeed have a huge stake in the future of augmented commerce. As eCommerce evolves, so will consumer expectations. Product descriptions and 360 photos will no longer suffice. Mobile shoppers will want and expect the ability to test products at home before buying through augmented reality.

So is it time to embrace AR in your own company?. If you run an augmented reality application for retailers and are interested in integrating your solution with shopping carts, you can check AR technology to enhance your brand now.