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What is “post-processing” photography?

Post- processing photography is basic and popular term for the work of photographer, designer,.. And the question mentions that what is “post- processing” photography?. Normally, we shortly understand that post – processing is basic and necessary process before uploading images on the website online or publishing. This process will make your images more beautiful. Additional, it helps your image product avoid errors in the implementation process.

Besides, post-processing is a skill that requires both technical knowledge and artistic judgment. Today, we will show some tips related to post-processing article.

First, we will mention some shooting techniques that rely on post-processing is the best way to help you understand what it is. There are techniques photographers use knowing they will be post-processing the shots.

Raw shooting

Even as you are very beginner or professional photographer, Raw shooting is an importand and useful action as shooting. When a photographer shoots Raw they do so knowing that they will be doing post processing on the images taken.

Beyonds, you should know “what is Raw”. Raw is a file format that captures all images data recorded by the sensor when you take a photos. Nowadays, many cameras these days shoots Raw, including shoots and points. Also, you might still be able to take advantage of Raw file format.

When you shoot in Raw you record all image data from the sensor. This gives highest quality file. In addition, when you take a Raw shoot, you’re able to do that post-processing yourself. You can make the decision on how the image should look, and produce way better results.

As you shoot in Raw, it’s  also easier to avoid or correct posterization in your images. Furthermore, it will help record greater level of brightness. Additional brightness let you make more adjustment including exposure, brightness, contrast, fill light, recovery,…to your image without the significant reduction of quality.

Shooting Raw will help you easily adjust while balance. Moreover, by shooting Raw you take control, and are able to manage these problems to create the best results.

When shooting Raw a photographer has to do this on the computer. This cooking of Raw image using software on a computer is one form of post-processing.

High Dynamic Range (HDR)

Another type of photography that is done, knowing use that the image will be post-processed, is something called high dynamic range (HDR). HDR is designed to help your image look better. Dynamic range is basically just the different between the lightest light and darkess light you can capture in the photo.


Besides, depend on how photographers are processed, HDR photos can be anything from stunningly accurate reproduction of what your eyes see to mind blowingly surreal works of art.

The photographer takes a range of bracketed photos, photos of the same subject taken with varying shutter speed andaperture combinations. This will help produce a set of images with varying luminosity and depth of field.



Exposure is one of the crucial elements for post-processing. This adjusts the brightness. If the image is too dark, add light in and if the image is too bright, reduce light. Note that often times adjusting brightness will affect the contrast of the image as well. This can be fixed by adjusting the Contrast Slider in Lightroom. It makes the brightest parts of the image brighter and the darkest parts darker and improves the overall look of the adjusted image.

Clean out the dust spots

This is something that is prominent if you are photographing against a light background, or when converting to black and white. If your sensor is dirty or has minute dust specks, they appear in your photographs. You can use the clone tool or even the patch tool in Photoshop and clean out these dust spots in the image.

Here are some useful share we will show. Hopefully you have a better idea now what post-processing is for photography to make your photos better. Hopefully you also realize that post-processing is a very important part of modern photography. Do you have other techniques for post-processing photography?. Let’s share your experiences in the comment below. We feel very happy and glorious as receive positive feedback.

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