
When should you sell your homes in year ?

Almost of people always wonder that when should they sell their homes or when they shouldn’t or what is the best time of year to sell a house?. Some think that the spring is best time to sell but other choose the summer,..because the spring and the summer seem to be peak seasons for both buyers and sellers.  it’s too hard to decide which time of year to list your home. Because, the best time to list your home depends on your situation and location. The low and peak seasons can change both in timing and overall demand for houses on the market depending on where you live. If you’re not sure of what it’s like in your area, let’s check with a real estate agent or here are the article that sharing advantage or disadvantage of selling home during each season, we will help you have best choice to decide the best time of year to sell a home in your region.


Spring is considered as the beginning of the busiest home-selling and home-buying season in most areas. Why we choose the spring to sell our home?. It’s simple because the spring is called family’s season, a beautiful moment that the flowers are out in bloom, the warmer weather with more sunlight and the buyers are energized to buy a home. So, what’s the advantage and disadvantage of selling home in spring?


  • Warmer weather and longer days mean more home buyers go out finding out homes.
  • Plants begin to blossom, enhancing curb appeal and allowing important features to stand out
  • Family’s season also with more buyers come more options for potential new owners. You have a better chance of finding a loving couple looking to start a family during the on-season.
  • You can get ahead of summer competition and beat the rush


  • It might not be the best season to sell if because it is unpredictable (rainy, snowy or muddy,..)
  • Buyers become pickier with more options available


Like the spring, summer is also a peak season for buyers and sellers especially in June. There are a variety of other reasons that summer is the best time of year to sell a home. Also, what are they?


  • The days are long and the buyers are out in full force.
  • Better valuations from an appraiser during the peak season
  • Buyers have a sense of urgency to get their school-aged kids settled


  • Weather in Summer is very hot and not conducive to house hunting
  • Competition in areas where summer is prime selling season gets higher with buyers demanding more concessions and features
  • It’s vacation time, and fewer buyers may be looking for homes in your area
  • You may experience higher costs of showing because you’ll kick up the air conditioning and maintain your yard constantly


If the spring and summer is considered as two peak season to sell house in year, the autumn is the second-best time of the year to sell a home. How do you think of selling this fall. We analyze advantage and disadvantage to give you insights, this will help you have a best decision.


  • Less inventory. If you decide to list your home this autumn, it may stand out amidst the condensed inventory available.
  • The seasonal atmosphere makes your home feel warm and comfortable.
  • Most families try to move before the school year begins, so buyers who are still looking in the fall tend to be highly motivated.


  • Time is precious. The fall is the busiest time of year. Almost of people is busy to earn money instead of selling or buying house. Therefore, busy work and school schedules and holiday plans can make it hard to schedule showings
  • Low inventory of buyers. In other words, there are simply fewer buyers than there are in spring or summer
  • Curb appeal diminishes quickly as trees lose their leaves


Almost of people think that the winter is the bad choice to sell home and it is low season for real estate marketing. However, it’s difficult to confirm all things. Also, we try to research the advantage and disadvantage of selling a house in winter.


  • Fewer properties on the market means less competition. There are less homes on the market therefore you have a captive audience of buyers all looking at the same properties.
  • Due to the fewer number of houses on the market, buyers may be willing to negotiate higher on price than they otherwise would. Their motivation to get into a particular area may drive their purchase price up.
  • Although Spring is typically seen as the best time to sell, winter offers a different, yet appealing way to present your home. Think warm fires, cosy blankets and throws and soft lighting. There is nothing to say your home cannot feel just as warm and inviting in winter as it would it in the warmer months.
  • With a quieter selling time you may find you have greater time and attention focused on your property from your agent as compared to selling in peak season. With fewer properties in their portfolio, the more time your agent has to spend on yours.


  • Fewer homes are on the market in the winter, also you will have many chance to choose best home and not any competition.
  • It’s hard to move. The weather in winter is one of main reason to affect directly to your decision especially during a snowstorm.
  • People are focused on the holidays and hibernating for winter
  • The days are shorter and colder. The lack of daylight can easily put a squeeze on your showing schedule in the winter.

Whether you are interested in buying or selling a home, the Fotosolution team is here to help you accomplish your goals year-round. Here are some sharing for you. We hope that this article will help you choose the best time of year to sell home. Besides, if you take care the quality of your home photos, Fotosolution with professional team will support you to edit and create the best house photos. It’s the intelligent way to create the good impression for buyer. More details: to get free trial.


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